Franz Lindenmayr / Mensch und Höhle

Lochsteine und Durchkriechbräuche
in weiteren Ländern der Erde


An der Ostseite Istriens liegt Labin, eine kleine Stadt mit einem alten Stadtkern, der besuchenswert ist. An einigen Häusern sieht man in Höhe des ersten Stocks Lochsteinreihen aus der Hauswand ragen. Wozu hat man das gemacht? Dienen sie zum Halten von Stangen vielleicht, an denen vielleicht Fahnen oder Tücher manchmal befestigt werden? Ich weiß es nicht.

Am Ostrand von Zminj, ziemlich im zentralen Teil Istriens, liegt gleich neben der Straße ein kleinen Hain. In ihm stehen etwa 100 ziemlich gleich aussehende etwa 1 m hohe Lochsteine. Früher war das Areal wohl noch zur Straße hin von einer Mauer umgeben. Wozu diese Lochsteine? Sie sind in mehreren parallelen Reihen angeordnet, aber wozu? War hier vielleicht mal ein Tiermarkt? Massiv sind die Pfosten ja und man könnte sie zum Anbinden von Tieren vielleicht verwendet haben.



aus: Daniel Geoff, Landschaften auf Zypern, 2. Auflage, London 1991

Nach einer alten zyprischen Legende konnte der Ehemann einer untreuen Frau nicht mehr durch eine solche Lücke schlüpfen - wegen der Hörner, die sie ihm aufgesetzt hatte. Auf Zypern soll es 50 Lochsteine geben.
















Alte Mühlsteine

- heute Teil des


  Ein Shivastein
Ein Zaunlochstein  
  Noch so ein



"Das Wort "dwar" bedeutet in Sanskrit wörtlich "Tür, Eingang" und im übertragenen Sinne einen Bergpaß oder Felsöffnungen, die verwendet werden, um in sie hineinzukriechen. Die meisten dwars werden von Pilgern benützt und gelten als Prüfstein oder Teststrecke, um herauszufinden, wie tugendsam jemand ist bzw. wieviel Sünden er auf sich geladen hat. Die Durchquerung kann auch als eine Wiedergeburt gesehen werden. Jeder Lebenswandel, der mit den Regeln der Gesellschaft übereinstimmt, sichert, daß man ohne Schwierigkeiten durch die Passage kommt, egal wie korpulent man nun ist." (Gebauer S. 68)

Matchru Selu Donram (A natural sacred hole)
im Distrikt Balphakram in den West Garo Hills oder den South Garo Hills, Meghalaya
"A spear-shaped hole (where Matchru put his fighting spear after war) reports Marak. J.L.R., the mythical monkey Matchru became the friend of the legendary brothers Dikki and Bandi. Matchru used to put his fighting spear on this place.It is said that in earlier days there was one long stone piece stuck in this hole" (H.D. Gebauer, Resources...Garo Hills, S. 88f)


"taqat al-Hurr", eine kleine Öffnung, im Quellheiligtum von Abu Hurr in Uyun (die Öffnung soll nur die guten und aufrichtigen Menschen hindurchlassen. Diebe würden z.B. steckenbleiben)

- Doppelsäulen in der Nähe der Georgskirche bei Azra ("...nur gute Menschen mit reinem Herzen durch sich durch sie hindurchzwängen)



Im Norden Chiles hat Alex Ossandon aus Lochsteinen eine Kultstätte errichtet."Alles natürlichen Ursprungs. 120 Tagesfahrten in die Wüste innerhalb von sechs Jahren im Norden von Chile waren notwendig, sie zu finden."

Foto Ossandon

Der Text von Herrn Ossandon zu diesem Steinkreis:

                LAND OF HORAN

The Land of Horan is located in the Pampa of Acha, approximately 30 kilometers south of the city of Arica, which is located in the northernmost tip of Chile. It consists of 3 primary sites which are located only a few kilometers from each other and are united in a way that forms a semi-circle of about 6 kms. in length. The area is relatively protected since the region is full of impassable boulders and inhospitable places.

This story began on a sunny day in the year 1997, when I traveled to that place in the company of a medium who was working with me at that time on investigations regarding hypnosis.While there, we discovered that this region was appropriate for the type of work we were doing, so the medium erected several small, stone monoliths that would later become the base for future activities.

Returning later alone to the sector, I discovered there, on a small hill just in front of those monoliths, a type of yellowish stone with a very unusual texture that exists in this location alone; this stone can not be found in any other place. What’s more, many smaller stones of the same texture but separated into very thin sheets, were scattered everywhere over that hill, partly covering it and giving the impression that something had exploded above, scattering all these thin sheets of stone everywhere around along with the larger stones.

I discovered then that some of the these stones, that were square in shape, had the capacity to be formed into monoliths of considerable height when piled on top of each by making use of the thin sheets of stone of the same material. Larger monolithic structures are quiet difficult to create from regular stones because of their shape, obviously they are little apt for it. In fact these yellow stones allow one to build the structures up higher and with aesthetic forms.

In time, a total of three monoliths were formed in that place, called Arlavan, with an average height of 2.20 meters. It is completely unusual for an unsecured structure of this height to remain intact without falling during long periods of time. These monoliths, however, have endured over several longer periods of time of about 6 months and then finally for a duration of over one year I returned to this place and until now they have withstood the strong winds that sweep all around this area, the earthquakes that are so famous in Chile and they have also avoided vandals who could have toppled them.

For heads, these figures were given large stones with orifices, resembling eyes that seem to look around. Finally the perimeter surrounding the three monoliths was enclosed with a stone circle making it a site with the three monoliths representing three superior beings.

Since this site was relatively near the highway, the necessity arose to create a second location further away and more difficult to access. Looking further on, I ventured with the car into unknown places, until it became inhospitable for the vehicle because of stones and other obstacles. Finally, I found a second location with suitable characteristics constituted by two small hills between which the vehicle could remain unseen from a distance. This place was therefore protected and had, from the highway, a large impassable front. In retrospect, I had the sensation that I was being guided to that place by mysterious forces, as I had been to the first place.

Crossing the area, I realized that there were other stones which seemed to possess orifices of diverse size and shape. They were located especially in the impassable areas constituted by great salt flats of unusual forms but not in the flat sandy areas. Little by little, I went taking these stones to the hill from the second place called Merevian, where they were put together until I perceived (again guided by enigmatic forces), that a second site had to be constructed. For that objective, I took yellow stones from the first place to the Merevian hill in order to construct the bases of new monoliths in the new place.

Here a new factor appeared: I began by erecting only the initial figures, but later on, after consulting different people who acted as mediums in the state of hypnosis, it was indicated, to me in the course of time, how these figures had to be placed. In this way I was directed to the final location of the figures. The exact measures for their location were also given, as it is seen in the photos.

Again something extremely strange happened: one medium related, according to the assertions by her angel guides, that the largest of those rare stones with the orifices were, in fact, stone "reincarnations" of cosmic beings who had coming from another dimension in a spaceship. They had crashed their ships into that place and where they died, they transformed themselves into those stones. According to another of these angelic declarations, they would have been beings who did not fulfill their mission and therefore were forced to wait as stones to achieve their evolution. These cosmic beings make trips of investigation to the Earth with some frequency, as is indicated by their presence in those places where the tracks or marks that remain are represented by the yellow stones of Arlavan.

Then I would have to have been guided unconsciously to find, and to constitute a ritual site with those stones through which those beings, who until now had been suspended, would obtain the possibility of communicating with their own original dimension in order to continue their own evolution. This was made possible by channeling energy through the site whose physical base had been indicated by they themselves. As repayment, they grant me the ability to use that same channel to communicate with my own beings which the site represented for me in the first place.

Merevian has wisdom. It is a virtuous place and a place of health. It is balanced, and from its sides emits astral fire. Its power center is natural and is beneath the Earth. In the process of being erected, while expanding the amount of monoliths, the communicational fluidity of this place was strongly increased. Beams of light stream through the orifices of stones and from the great column of light that crosses that place in the desert to expand it and make contact with areas of the surrounding snow-white mountains of Putre. The stones with orifices as heads act as prisms to distribute small rays towards those places. The great stone located at the base of the formation has greatly increased the capacity of communication possible at this site.

Merevian has 11 monoliths, 8 facing ahead and 3 facing back as is seen in the photos. The 8 forward facing monoliths represent positive energy while the 3 backwards facing monoliths represent the negative.  Both polarities must be represented, as is the case with the existence of human beings; life passes between both. In respect to the last negative figure, one medium has indicated that its orifice had to be closed since positive energy escaped that way. In the middle, between both groups of figures, is an excavated place where bonfires are lit during specific ceremonies to celebrate the solstices and equinoxes.

The first figure of this ritual site has the greatest stone of Horan, found a distance of 2 kms away and taken off to Merevian. It must be mentioned that the search of these types of stones constituted a long search throughout in the Land of Horan. Each encounter with a stone with orifices was the culmination of an arduous effort, although I did not feel it that way. Especially when big stones were found, it was for me a moment of great emotion and achievement. It is precise to add that the majority of these stones were collected after 120 trips to the desert during approximately 3 to 5 years of arduous search.

The circuit of access had to be created by drawing out obstacles and removing stones in order to be passable. When clearing the pathway, inevitably a cloud of dust appeared. The track was visible by day but not at night, so that stones had to be placed throughout the circuit at certain distances to mark it enabling night arrivals at Merevian. This always constitutes an intense effort of concentration since even the slightest error results in losing oneself in the desert. The nocturnal arrival is an extraordinary event because it means seeing the figures illuminated by the light of a bonfire in the middle of the immensely dark and solitary night. At night a strange phenomenon occurs: in the horizon lights appear which seem to resemble stars, but they are not, as at intervals they appear and disappear.

Since the existence of these special stones is limited to the perimeters of Horan and those scabs of salt, the number is finite, in such a way that the search ultimately arrived at its end. Further on, there are no more salt flats, so that visitors see only an expanse of desert and stones without orifices.

A third place which is constituted only by three monoliths constructed in triangular form exists further on indicating a southerly direction. In the middle of these three monoliths there is a very special stone called the egg stone because of its form. It has been called the stone of wisdom since its function is to transmit this virtue, after the declaration of a medium.

Although it can sound paradoxical, life exists in the desert of Horan. Sea gulls that come from the coast located 20 Kms away nest in hollows of the salt flats and give birth there under the earth and bring their offspring food from the sea.

The existence of these nesting places was discovered only 8 years ago, and previously no one had had any idea about it. One never sees these gulls by day since they arrive at night, so it is impossible to see them. They are known only by their “caw”, a very beautiful and almost mystical sound that gives proof of its existence. In this area there are also foxes that cross the desert which are dedicated to hunting these gulls. This fact is evidenced by ravaged feathers and wings that appear with some regularity. A fox once approached me at such a close distance that it was possible to admire his long and beautiful gray coat waving in the desert wind. Different types of insects and butterflies have even appeared there.

Whenever one is crossing one of those extremely solitary places that instill fear, a certain uneasiness is experienced. For that reason, nobody goes to those places which are apparently devoid of everything.

Nevertheless as I went away constructing Merevian and undertaking the arduous work of transferring these great stones from nearby areas under a burning sun I began to acquire another sensation: the ritual site is filled with life. The monoliths, which were constructed, give the place the sensation of "home" where in some ways one can live. There are toilettes nearby, and it is possible to shower there. A parked car provides a rest site and a shady place to eat in such a way that it is possible to feel what it must feel like to live there, having a garden of rocks around and in the distance an impressive horizon crowned by the snow-white mountain peaks of the Putre and Tacora Volcano, that raise their summits against the infinite blue of the sky. At night, it is possible to observe, always at the same point on the horizon, up to 3 lights that ignite and extinguish at certain intervals, without any logical reason.

This strange "living place", located in a site of intense solitude where there is absolutely no one around, drops its influence on the person who comes there, without the slightest sign of civilization or human being at all. This environmental purity has the capacity to decontaminate the person who remains there, particularly if he or she spends the day working in that place.  Being separated from the often negative influence of society, one receives the opportunity to enter an area of intrinsic purity which allows a connection with the essence of the place, represented by the surrounding area of the Land of Horan.

Some stones that exist in another area of Horan are malevolent, according to the declarations of one medium. Their corresponding beings, in fact evil beings, are punished in that form, are not going to evolve, are full of wrath and diseases and are very dangerous. One person who arrived at this place took one of these stones to his house and placed it in his bedroom. The following month he had a diabetic coma and almost died.

Asking a medium about this stone, he answered that it was extremely dangerous, and it had to be brought far away. Strangely the affected person recovered totally from the diabetes, as if he had never had it, which was considered a miracle by the doctors since that disease is terminal.

The power of Merevian increases at dusk, near 8:00 PM particularly if the sky is overcast. Nevertheless this ritual site undergoes a process of wearing down, mainly the first site, Arlavan. There are supernatural things, entities that arrive with the wind as well as people who might arrive and minimize the energies that affect the place.

Below this ritual site a kind of fire exists that appears at the surface and is so immense that a giant triangle is formed and rises above the three sites. This triangle of energy gives rise to a channel that communicates with the superior beings.

The Land of Horan constitutes a ritual place directed by means of the constructed figures whose capacity for balance can give to us a "discipline of balance" because when we were erecting them this fact can connect us with the universal balance that constitutes the base of the harmony that reigns in the Universe." (übermittelt Juli 2006 und mit seiner Zustimmung hier veröffentlicht)




Lochsteinattrappe im Verfallsstadium in Matanzas


Ein ehemaliger Mühlstein, jetzt als Dekorationsobjekt verwendet, in einem Vorort von Matanzas am Rio Yumuri






Ecuador / Galapagosinseln / Floreana




Hongkong / China

In Hongkong werden in Antiquitätenläden kunstvoll geschmückte Lochsteine zum Kauf angeboten.

August 2006









Klaus Feßmann schreibt in seinem Buch über Klangsteine: "Eine weitere Form des Klingsteins ist eine Scheibe mit einem Loch in der Mitte - Symbol des Firmaments mit der Erde in der Mitte. Auch darin sind Yin und Yang - die Grundlage des asiatischen Denkens - figürlich dargestellt."


  In einem Geschäft in Coromandel, North Island
  Im Skulpturenpark von .... auf der Coromandel Peninsula, North Island
  Im Museum von Taupo: ein Lochstein, den die Maoris einmal als
Ankerstein verwendet haben - also mal eine ganz profane Nutzung

Australien / Tasmanien

Grindstone Bay / Tasmanien / Australien 2006

Naracoorte Caves, Südaustralien


Lochstein in der Mitte eines Labyrinths
in Chiang Mai / Thailand
  Tham Wat Silaat
Photographie Claude Mouret / Spelunca n°55

"Eingang... der engste Teil der Höhle. Die Figur, die den Eingang schmückt, ist vom hinduistischen Glauben beeinflußt. Es ist ein Fruchtbarkeitssymbol." Spelunca n°55, page 8

Tham Mangkon Thong bei Kanchanaburi, Zentralthailand



Die Tham Sang (Elephant Cave) liegt in der Provinz Luang Phrabang in der Nähe des Dorfes Ban Peo. Der Eingang zur Höhle ist ein sehr enger Schluf von 20 bis 25 m Durchmesser. Dahinter schließt sich eine bislang auf 45 m Länger erkundete Höhle an. Um diesen engen Eingangsteil kreist eine alte Geschichte: Ein König sei aus Kambodschaf nach Laos gekommen gewesen auf einem großen Elefanten. In de Nähe des Dorfes sei der Elefant gestorben und wurde im Laufe der Zeit von einem Berg überwuchert. Der Eingangsschluf sei einfach das Arschloch des Elefanten.


Im Nationalmuseum in Maskat wird ein großer Ankerstein gezeigt mit 2 passenden Löchern für Zusatzteile
Lochstein in einem Museumshaus in Al-Hamra


Unzählige Steinampel gibt es in japanischen Gärten - Lochsteine

In Yamaguchi


Lochstein im Kloster Tatev - vermittelt Zugang zu Vorratsbehältern im Boden


 In der Al-Aksa-Moschee soll es zwei nahestehende Säulen geben und den Brauch, durch diese zu schlüpfen. Schon 1910 berichtet Andree-Eyse, daß es Bemühungen gegeben hatte, das zu unterbinden, indem man sie mit einem Gitter umgeben hatte. Einen ähnlichen Brauch soll es auch in Kairo in der Moschee Amr-ibn-el As gegeben haben.  


"..einzelne Gravuren sind so weit oben in den Fels eingraviert, dass vom Boden aus schlecht zu sehen sind. Andere sind gar in einem engen Felsspalt angebracht, um sie gut zu sehen, müsse man hineinkriechen..schreiben die Autoren." Wetzel, Die Schule der Jäger und Sammler 14


Dreybrodt, Joerg, Laumanns, Michael (editors) The unknown north of Laos (Karst and caves of the provinces Luang Phrabang and Luang Nam Tha) Berliner höhlenkundliche Berichte Band 16, Berlin 2005
Feßmann, Prof. Klaus Klangsteine - Begegnung mit dem ewigen Gedächtnis der Erde, München 2008
Gebauer, Herbert Daniel Resources on the speleology of Jammu & Kashmir State, India, Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte Band 18, Berlin 2005
Gebauer, Herbert Daniel Resources on the speleology of Meghalaya State, India, Part 2: Garo Hills, Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte Band 35, Berlin 2009
Korn, Friedrich Ethymologisch-symbolisch-mythisches Real-Wörterbuch, Stuttgart
Schimmel, Annemarie Das Gelübde im türkischen Volksglauben, in: Die Welt des Islam, N.S. VI 1959 / 61, S. 71-90
Wetzel, Jakob Die Schule der Jäger und Sammler, SZ Nr. 213, 15.09.2023, S. 14


Lochsteine und Durchkriechbräuche


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