Franz Lindenmayr / Men and Cave
a caver's dictionary Spanish - German - Englisch
a caver's dictionary Slowenian - German - English
a caver's dictionary Polish - German - English
a caver's dictionary Thai - German - English
There has been a Dictionary for Cavers in four languages (GERMAN - ENGLISH - FRENCH - ITALIAN) published here on the INTERNET - not in one part, but in 12, each month another two letters.
An excerpt:
back, behind | hinter, zurück | indietro | arrière |
bail, to | entleeren | vuotare | désamorcer |
balcony | Absatz (m), Balkon (m) | ripiano | palier, balcon, m |
bang, explosive | Sprengstoff (m) | esplosivo m | explosif |
bank | Bank (f) | banquette | |
bar, to | versperren, blockieren | bloccare | encombrer, obstruer |
bar, to, to block, to impede | hindern | impedire | barrer |
base level | Erosionsbasis | niveau (m) d'érosion | |
basin | Becken (n) | vasche | bassin,m |
bat | Fledermaus (f) | pipistrello | chauve-souris (f) |
become tighter, to, to become narrow | verschmälern, sich, enger werden | restringere, ridotte | rétrécir, resserrer, se |
bed | Schicht (Gesteins-) (f) | banc (m), couche (f) | |
bed, layer | Gesteinsschicht (f), Schicht (f) | strato | couche, strate |
bedding plane | Schichtfläche (f) | superficie di strato | série (f) sedimentaire |
bedding-plane, bedding | Schichtfuge (f) | giunto di stratificazione (strato), interstratao | joint de stratification,m, pente |
bedrock | Muttergestein (n) | roche-mère f | |
beginning, start | Beginn (m), Anfang (m) | inizio | amorce, f, début |
belay | Sicherung (f) | assurance (f) | |
belay, fastening, fortification, rigging | Befestigung (f), | armo, attacco (della corda) | attachement, amarrage,m |
belay, to | aufhängen | agganciare | attacher |
bellhole | Glockenhöhle ?? | trou en cloche | |
belt | Gürtel (m) | cinghia | ceinture (f) |
bend or kink in slope | Hangknick (m) | piega, fessura di ..... | rupture f de pente f |
bend, curve, meander | Windung (f), Krümmung (f), Biegung (f), Kurve (f) | courbe, virage, méandre | |
bend, to, to break off | abknicken | piegare (zigzagare) | plier, pencher |
bifurcation, forking, branching, ramification | Gabelung (f), Verästelung (f), Abzweigung (f), Verzweigung (f) | diramazione | ramification, f, embrachement, m, bifuraction |
bivouac | Biwak (n) | bivacco | bivouac, m |
blast, to | sprengen | far altare | faire péter |
blind | blind | cieco | aveugle |
blind valley, karst valley | Kesseltal (n) | valle cieca | vallee aveugle,f |
block and tackle | Flaschenzug (m) | carrucola f | palan m |
block and tackle with retrograde stop | Flaschenzug (m) mit Rücklaufsperre (f) | poulie-frein f | |
block, to | verschließen | chiudere, sbarrare | obstruer |
blow hole | Blasloch (n), Windröhre (f) | tubo di vento | trou souffleur, soufflard |
blowing hole, cave | Windloch (n) | tubo di vento | trou souffleur,m |
bluff, cliff, steep bank | Steilwand (f), Steilufer (n), Klippe (f) | tacco | ressaut m |
bobbin descender | Abseilgerät (n), Abseiler (m), Petzl (m) | discensore | frein, descendeur,m |
boiler suit, oversuit, overalls, coveralls | Schlaz (m) | tuta | combinaison f |
bolt bag | Spitsack (m) | sacco d'armo | sac à dos |
bolt, anchor, drill, | Dübel (m), Spit (m) | spit | spit m |
bolting kit, bolt kit | Spitsetzer (m) | perforatore | tamponnoir m |
boots | Stiefel (m) | stivali | botte,f |
boss | Tropfsteinkegel (m) | concrezione cuneiforme | bouchon de calcite |
boss | Sinterzapfen (dick) (m) | pilastre | pilastre robuste |
bottom ..of | Grunde (am .. von) (m) | fondiario, fondo | bas (en .. de) |
bottom time, diving time | Tauchzeit (f) | temps de plongée | |
bottom, depth | Grund (m), Tiefe (f) | fondo | fond, le |
bottomless | bodenlos | sfondato | sans fond |
boulder | Versturzbrocken (m) , -block (m) | bloc calcaires | |
boulder | Felsblock (m) | crollo | éboulis |
boulder choke | Endversturz | éboulis final (m), trémie (f) | |
boulder choke, collapse, | Versturz (m) | frana, crollo, china detritica f | éboulement, tremie, effondrement,m, chaos, éboulis (m) |
boulder pile | Versturzhaufen (m) | macigno | éboulis coincés,m, chaos |
bouldery | canies de pierres roulier ?? | ||
bowline | Bulinknoten (m) | noeud du Bulin, noeud (m) de chaise | |
boxwork | Netzleiste (f) | boxwork | |
brace oneself in, to | einspreizen (sich) | oppositione | opposition l', oppo |
branch off, to | abzweigen | dipartire | recouper |
branch off, to, to diverge, to fork, to split up | gabeln (sich) | bifurcare | bifurquer |
branch, side branch | Zweig (m), Seitenteil (m) | ramo | branche, f |
break through, to | durchbohren, durchbrechen | traforate | percer |
break(ing) | Bruch (m) | frattura | rupture (f) |
breakdown | Versturz (m) | frana, crollo, china detritica f | éboulement, tremie, effondrement,m, chaos |
breakdown basin | Einbruchsbecken (n) | bassin (m) d'effondremnt (m) | |
breakdown chamber | Verbruchhalle (f), Versturzhalle (f) | ambiente di crollo | salle d'éffondrement |
breakthrough | Durchbruch (m) | apertura f | percement m |
breccia | Brekzie (f), Breccie | breccia | breccite |
bridge, to, spread, to | spreizen | spacciata, opposizione | progesser en opposition |
bring back | zurückbringen | riportare, portare indietro | ramener |
broken | gebrochen | brisé (la colonne s'est ..) | |
bubble out, to, to discharge, to emit, to gush into, to flow into, to run into | herausquellen, heraussprudeln, einmünden | sboccare, sgorgare | rejoindre |
bulb, light bulb | Birne (f) | lampadina | ampoule |
bushes, shrubs of calcite ?? | Gesträuch | cespugli di calcite | baques, manchon ?? |
buttress | Felsvorsprung (m) | spuntone | contrefort, contreboutant |
bypass, alternative route, detour , parallel route | Umgehung (f), Parallelgang (m) | diramazione laterale, bypass | court-circuit, contourement |
bypass, dry passage over a syphon | Siphonübergehungsgang | bypass | shunt (m) |
bypass, to, detour around a long or difficult passage | Umgehen einer langen oder schwierigen Passage | aggirare | shunter |
This dictionary has been based on three smaller dictionaries, which I published in DER SCHLAZ, the magazine of the Munich Caving Club:
Lindenmayr, Franz, Kleines Höhlenwörterbuch Deutsch-Französisch, DER SCHLAZ, Heft 63, Februar 1991, S. 46ff.
Lindenmayr, Franz, Gerhard Niklasch, Kleines Höhlenwörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch, DER SCHLAZ, Heft 65, November 1991, S. 55ff.
Lindenmayr, Franz, Pretti, Cinzia, Höhlenwörterbuch Italienisch/Deutsch, DER SCHLAZ, Heft 68, Oktober 1992, S. 60
Many have helped me with this work. I want to thank them all: Eddy Vaes, Simone Conrad, Gerhard Niklasch, Cinzia Pretti, Alan England, Josef W. Saunders, Michele Varin, Norma Lindenmayr.....
In the meantime this project is finished for me. It won't ever be complete, because you could always alter, add or cancel something.
There are some other people working on this subject. I want to mention the initiative of Attila Kósa "Caver's Living Dictionary - Das aktuelle Wörterbuch der Höhlenforscher" (address: Köver Lajos u. 46, 1149 Budapest, Hungary).
In the INTERNET you can find a few links with similar subjects: (Max Meth's Glossary..)
If you are interested in my work, please let me know and send me an email!
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