Franz Lindenmayr / Mensch und Höhle
Das Wortfeld / The word field
"cave" - variations and composed expressions
Only one quotation per publication, with a few exceptions / Es wurde immer nur eine Erwähnung aus einer Publikation aufgenommen, aber es gibt Ausnahmen.
"Language never fits geography." Derekt Walcott
"The words which make up human language are inadequate for those who venture into the depth of the Earth." Jules Verne, Journey to the Centre of the Earth
The most used forms (3 times and more) are marked with XXX / Die meistverwendeten Formen werden ab 3 Zitaten mit XXX gekennzeichnet
abrasion cave | "The study, on the other hand, includes Whatipu's fossil abrasion caves separated by the coastal sand movement from the sea." Crossley, Pseudokarst caves in New Zealand 22 |
abrasive boulder cave | "Most classifications have been applied to relatively small regions. In Sweden, Sjöberg (1989b) found four types of talus ("boulder") caves: glacial boulder caves, abrasive boulder caves; one boulder cave formed by frost wedging; and neotectonic boulder caves." Halliday, Talus Caves |
adventure cave |
adventure cave tour | "One consequence of the development of adventure cave tours has been to blur the use of the terms show cave and tourist cave." Crane, Cave 186 |
adventure caving |
aeolian cave |
"A subtype of the erosional cave is the wind or aeolian cave, carved
by wind-born sediments." |
alcove cave | "Longtok Khun 2...This is an alcove cave situated at an altitude of 1400 m asl, high up in a large rock pinnacle accessible only by climbing the exposed rock face." Hapka, Coffin Caves 30 |
amateur caver | "Are the days gone when the amateur caver can still contribute substantially to the advancement of cave science?" Caving International Interview with Derek Ford, CIM 3-1979, p 17 |
anchialine cave | "Anchialine caves are caves, usually coastal, containing a mixture of freshwater and saline water (usually sea water)." |
angular network cave | "Angular network caves form from intersecting fissures of carbonate rock that have had fractures widened by chemical erosion." |
animal cave | "Animal caves (Cryptae Brutales) are dens of lions, wolves, bears, snakes and dragons, among others." Kempe, Kircher 61 |
anti-caving | "I was very nervous at the time, actually, that the producer would make a film that was very anti-caving." CIM Interview (Mike Boon) with Sid Perou 7 |
anti-solo caving concept | "The anti-solo caving concempt has been carried to its logical conclusion in at least one instance where the managers concluded that if two are safer and better than one, then three, four or five must be increasingly better than two." Wilson, Solo Cave Myth 21 |
arch cave |
avalanche cave | "Talus Caves...Alternative names in the literature include avalanche caves, block-field caves, boulder caves, purgatory caves, rockpile caves, rockslide caves, scee caves, and slope failure caves." Halliday, Talus Caves |
average caver | "While this extensive preamble has explained how difficult cave microbiology can be and the technical solutions possible, it does not preclude the average caver from being involved in cave microbiology however, it does hopefully explain why running out and collecting "goo" in plastic bags is not going to advance the field." Barton, Introduction 50 |
basalt cave |
bat cave |
bear cave | "Sapiens...They studied every stream, every walnut tree, every bear cave, and every flint-stone deposit in their vicinity." Harari, Sapiens 14 |
bedding cave |
bedding plane cave |
bedding type cave | "Swietorkrzyskie Mountains.... They represent concavities developed in the lower parts of rock walls or low, bedding type caves under the rock blankets formed in these less resistant parts of rocks (e.g. along the bedding planes)." Urban, Kasza, Genetic types of the caves 43 |
bedrock cave | "Glacier caves are sometimes misidentified as "ice caves", though this latter term is properly reserved for bedrock caves that contain year-round ice formations." |
blackbody cavit< | "An ideal blackbody cavity situated at the equator would result in an equilibrium temperature of ∼296 K." |
blister cave |
block breakdown cave |
block cave | "Overall he has specified "fissure type" and "crevice type" caves, "selective weathering" crevice caves on bedding planes (up to 100 m long), mass movement "crevasse" and "block caves", and "combined type" caves." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
block-field cave | "Talus Caves...Alternative names in the literature include avalanche caves, block-field caves, boulder caves, purgatory caves, rockpile caves, rockslide caves, scee caves, and slope failure caves." Halliday, Talus Caves |
blowing cave |
boating cave | "Another boating cave, called Two Source Cave (Shuan Yuan Dong) is on show in the same island, and there are many other caves in the area, both at lake level and higher up in the crags." Jennings, Karst in China 16 |
bona fide caver | "I think that the attitude of the Parks here is wrong. One should never discourage bona fide cavers." Caving International Interview with Derek Ford, CIM 3-1979, p 18 |
bone cave |
borderline cave |
bottom cave | "World largest horizontal bottom caves are Mammoth (USA, length 627.6 km), Jewel (USA, 257.5 km) and Optymistychna (Ukraine, 236,0)." Asanidze, Speleology of Georgia 31 |
boulder cave |
boulder exfoliation cave | "Exfoliation caves are formed along the fissures, by falling-out of block along the fissures, among boulders formed by exfoliation disintetration along the bedding or cubical jointing "in situ" (boulder exfoliation cave), wide and narrow simple exfoliation underground spaces (woolsack cave), weathered exfoliation caves and small deltoid caves of A-tents type." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
boulder fragment cave | "Specific types included: (1) woolsack" and "mattress" caves in tors and other features resulting from spheroidal weathering of granite (the names derive from the general shape of the boulders forming the caves); (2) "gorge bottom caves" (called "purgatory caves" in some parts of the United States); and (3) "erosion boulder caves" or "boulder fragment caves" (gorge bottom caves in which a labyrinthine conduit has been eroded between boulders)." Halliday, Talus Caves |
branchwork cave |
breakaway cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
breakdown cave | "The caves were formed under the influence of mass movements as fissure caves, developed along bedding plains, atectonic boulder caves, breakdown caves and plastic lava sheets movement originated caves." Crossley, Pseudokarst caves in New Zealand 22 |
breathing cave | "a cave in which an air current changes the direction of its flows at frequent intervals" Folsom, Exploring American Caves 276 |
bubble cave | "Spherical cavities (geode-like and simple bubble caves)." Bella, Volcanic pneumatogenic caves 17 |
Buddhist cave | Dragon Palace Cave...has...the largest Buddhist cave, and the lowest radiation in China." |
burial cave |
cambering caves | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
canga cave | "In Brazil, “canga caves” have been identified beneath limonitecemented, haematite-rich surface debris." Halliday, Pseudokarst |
carbon-dioxide cave | "In fact, it's not - there are lots of carbon dioxide caves in the world." Caving International Magazine Inverview with Julia James 14-1982, p 8 |
cathedral cave |
cave |
cave's air temperature | "The cave's air temperature is 7-10°C and the relaive humidity ranges from 90 to 98%." Jenc, Na Spicaku Cave176 |
cave's belly | "The trees shrink in size with each turn of the path, from towering beeches to bonsai pines near the cave's belly, clinging on the the arctic temperatures." MacFarane, Underland 220 |
cave's bottom |
cave's ceiling | "Primary skylights usually circle-shaped, located in the center of cave's ceiling." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 312 |
cave's content |
cave's diversity | "Due to the cave's diversity, easy to moderate access and wide open halls, it provides interesting photographic scenery." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 12 |
cave's ecosystem | "A robust and diverse ecosystem thrives the cave. Abundant chemoautotrophic microbial colonies are ubiquitous and apparently act as the primary producers to the cave's ecosystem." Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Cueva de Villa Luz 13 |
cave’s electricity supply | "This means the cave’s electricity supply comes from cables configured so they have dual independent circuits." |
cave's environment | It is particularly important that any decorative lighting and the light fixtures used in passageways are aesthetically sympathetic to that cave’s environment." |
cave's extentivness | "He hoped to increase the Crystal Cave's value with an expedition that showed the cave's extentiveness." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 105 |
cave's exterior | "In this painting we see Turner's 'grand vision of the landscape of the cave's experior, of Staffa's cliffs, of its sea and sky'." Crane, Cave 115 |
cave's fault | "In the cave's vault there are holes through which the sky can be observed." Ciszewski, Easter Island 32 |
cave's food delivery service | "Woodrats are an important part of the cave's food delivery service, they go above ground to eat fruit, nuts, seeds, leaves, and fungi and bring some of this food back in the cave." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 49 |
cave's food web | "Microbial communities, such as the microbial veils that oxidize reduced forms of sulfur create a base of the cave's food web." Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Cueva de Villa Luz 18 |
cave's furnishings | "Roggeven...Her described the observation on the cave's furnishings." Ciszewski, Easter Island 26 |
cave's geology |
cave's healing power | "By January 1843, fifteen to twenty patients lived in the cave, waiting for the cave's healing powers to cure them." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 91 |
cave's hydrology | "In addition to the cave's fascinating hydrology and atmosphere, Villa Luz has a diverse and robust biological community that appears to be largely dependent on the mineral-rich waters." Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Cueva de Villa Luz 13 |
cave's interior | "The cave's interior contains the largest set of epigraphic relics ever found in the Czech Republic, numbering around 4.000 inscriptions and illustrations made using various techniues." Jenc, Na Spicaku Cave 176 |
cave's length |
cave's location | "By omitting the first bit of survey, there was no exact evidence of the cave's location relative to the surface." Coons, Engle, In Morrisons's Footsteps, p 31 |
cave's magnificence | "Yet, far from being the heroine of the photo, she is in fact only there in the distance to enhance the cave's magnificence and to give the scale." Crochet, Guiraud, Symphonie 150 |
cave's main attraction | "The cave's main attraction is a large salt vein, composed maily of salt crystals, and the salt crystal boulders covering the floor." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 15 |
cave's microbes | "The biggest impact people can have to microbial ecosystems in caves is not washing caving gear and seeding one cave with another cave's microbes." Barton, Introduction 51 |
cave's morphogenesis | "The full report of this expedition subsequently appeared which repeated these figures and reported on the cave's morphogenesis and secondary mineralization." Wood, Mills, Icod de los Vinos 453 |
cave's name |
cave's natural heritage | "Because the removal of these old systems can result in considerable damage to the cave walls, many of them are left in place and become symbolic features reflecting the cave’s cultural heritage." |
cave's outlet | "There are two options for visiting the Colonel cave - one is by walking in from the cave's eastern outlet, all the way to the cave's upper shaft and back out again." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 22 |
cave's reponse | "Paradiese Ice Cave...But at least our studies have revealed something of the cave's response to cycles of snowfall und produced a base for future studies there." Halliday, Glaciospeleology 33 |
cave's roof | "However, in these cases, these later flows are in part forming the cave's roof with the primary roof missing." Kempe, Galapagos 149 |
cave's seclusion | "Similarly, the poet constructed the cave not merely as a place of refuge form worldly turmoil, but also as a space where personal development and eventually societal change become possible, due to the cave's partial seclusion and independence from established institutions, and due to its being the location of the primitve, subliminal, and subconscious." Sommer, The Romantic Cave? 201 |
cave's shaft | "The second cave's shaft is a little deeper." Ciszewski, Easter Island 32 |
cave's sink | "They set up another camp, Palm Beach, beside a resurgence while they explored Beachcomber Cave and cut a track over to the mountain to the cave's probable sink on the eastern side." Eavis, Willis, Dodd, Cathay-Pacific Airways MULU 80, p 19 |
cave's spaciousness | "Tall stalagmites, both slender and bulky, prevail and many pillars reach the roof, without disrupting too much the cave's spaciousness, which is its greatest virtue.." Jennings, Karst in China 14 |
cave's temperature | "Comparison of the 2-D model with an analytical energy balance model indicates that cave temperatures can be closely approximated as a blackbody; the cave's temperature would be nearly constant and isothermal at ∼290 K." |
cave's vision | "In both cases, the evocation of the cave's vision required a gift." Sommer, The Romantic Cave? 189 |
cave's volume |
cave's "workshops" | "Alfred Metraux quotes the information written by Felipe Gonzalez (1970) about caves inhabited by the locals and caves-"workshops" wihich were producing bone or obsidian ware." Ciszewski, Easter Island 25 |
cave access |
cave accident | "Hubert Kessler is the person who suffered the first registered cave accident in year 1921." Hegedüs, cave rescue in Hungary 54 |
cave action | "Warning: This book contains cave action beyond crawling." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 180 |
cave adaptation |
cave-adapted |
cave adventure book | "Chevalier's Subterranean Climbers is the best cave adventure book ever written." Watson, Red (1980): Speleologia The Zephyrus Press Experience p 33 |
cave-aged | ""Cave" Wilson".....In the war-time year of 1862, many of his friends assembled around the coffin, just as he had planned, to open and enjoy the cave-aged refreshment." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 197 |
cave air |
cave air flow | "The pattern of such erosion will reflect the meteorology of the cave air flow with the strongest fluxes being driven by chimney effect winds." Smart, Glacier caves and glaciers 803 |
cave alternative name | "Perhaps most remarkable is the concentration of cave-adapted fish, which prompt two of the cave's alternative names, Cueva de la Sardina and Cueva de las Sardinas." Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Cueva de Villa Luz 15 |
cave altitutude | "In this case speleogenesis is mainly controlled by normal dissolution and erosion processes, and cave altitudes do not necessarily reflect sea levels." Angeli et al., Pleistozene Sea Level Changes 29 |
cave animal |
cave archeologist | "British cave archeologist Edmund J. Mason explains his own attraction to searching out new territory underground in hias book Caves and Caving in Britain." Crane, Cave 66 |
cave archeology |
cave area |
cave art |
cave art chronology | "In contrast to the Franco-Cantabrian cave art chronology, the Australian cultural sequence has not given rise to controversy." Shrewsburg, Cave Art |
cave art landscape | "Shape is the most important element and component of the cave art landscape." Xun Liu, An Artistic Analysis of Guilin Karst Caves 38 |
cave arthropod |
cave artist | "Als John Canady explains, 'Where the natural rock is either convex or concave in form suggesting an animal's body or a portion of it, the cave artist frequently capitalized on this form as a beginning and adapted his drawing to its contours." Crane, Cave 109 |
cave art site |
cave art specialist | "This was in fact the introduction of scientific dating of any form of rock art, whereas it took another ten years for direct dating techniques to be adopted by French cave art specialists." Shrewsburg, Cave Art |
cave aspect | "In northwestern Australia cave aspect is considered by Bednarik (1977) to be important in selection of sites." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 116 |
cave atmosphere |
cave attribute | "Cloggs Cave in Buchan, Victoria, illustrates very well the skill of the Aborigines in appreciating cave attributes." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 116 |
cave authority |
"But as cave authority and eminent geologist, I am the very model of a modern speleologist..." Modern Speleologist, in: Cornwell-Smith, These words 110 |
"cave-aware" | "The nature and magnitude of the impacts will depend on the cave itself as well as on a range of factors concerning the visitor, such as the type of visit (for example is it a show cave trip, a recreational caving trip of for scientific work), the route through the cave, how careful of "cave-aware" the visitor is, how long they spend in the cave and the nature of clothing and other items they take into the cave." Brush, Sustainable use 2 |
"cave"-awareness | "The impacts will depend on many factors including the nature of the cave, the frequency and purpose of visitation, the "cave"-awareness of individual visitors and the management arrangements for the cave." Brush, Sustainable use 1 |
cave axis | "Lateral tubular labyrinths are located in the range of 150 metres both above and below the main cave axis." Audra, Quinif, Rochetter, Tennengebirge 154 |
cave bacteria | "Do, as some investigators think, some cave bacteria act in a nitrogen-fixing capacity?" Folsom, Exploring American Caves 205 |
cave base | "A cave base with pathways, bridges, and illuminated areas using stalactites and stalagmites for natural decoration.." |
cave-based | "Very few of these sources have said anything much about earthquake magnitude estimates derive from cave-based investigations relying on such a 'reasonaly strong' or 'moderately strong' quakes." Spate, Did the earth move |
cave bat |
cave bear |
cave bear bones | "Esper who found them together with cave bear bones in Gailenreuth in 1771." Shaw, cave science 226 |
cave-bearing |
cave bear skull | "Then later, we saw several cave bear skulls imbedded in the flowstone." England, Zoolithenhohle 8 |
cave beast | "The main character sees the worst possible result of wandering away from your tour at Mammoth Cave when he gets lost und meets a scary cave beast." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 185 |
cave beauties | "Then, more cautionsly, he followed the line of broken stalactites he had left at intervals on the ground to mark his trail - with the small end pointing toward the entrance - a practice frowned on my modern speleologists, who wish to conserve cave beauties that have been centuries in the making." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 124 |
cave beetle |
cave biologist |
cave biology |
cave biota |
cave bone |
cave bone deposit | "Marsupials must go back even farther than the limit to which non-cave finds at present take them, namely the Oligocenne-Eocene boundary, so Australian speleologists have reason to be on the alert for cave bone depositis of ancient aspect." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 123 |
cave book |
cave bottom |
cave branch |
cave branching | "Cave branching and flooring happened from simple to complex." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 307 |
cave breakdown | "The main cave fill..includes much breccia from cave breakdown....there are also many beds of gravel, sandy clay and flowstone, several of them rich in bone, including skulls and other bones of Peking Man, tools and hearth ash." Jennings, Karst in China 8 |
cave breathing | "In case you wandered why..cave breathing..The movement of air in and out of a cave entrance. May occur on a daily cycle. The associated air currents within the cave. NZSS Tome Times, No. 164, December 2004 |
cave breccia | "Bai Lian Cave near Liuzhou contains well exposed palaeokarstic sediments including cave breccias, while the masive Jingieng Cave is formed at least partly in a breccia that includes pieces of broken spelelthem." Kiernan, Living with limestone 4 |
cave breeze | "Most of the time, the fog is a more transient thing, a mist rising and blowing by, in a vague pattern related to your breathing and the cave breeze." Williams, Cave Photography 35 |
cave 'bug' | "The idea of defending cave 'bugs' must have seemed unattractive." Elliott, Damming up the Caves, p 39 |
cave burial |
cave burial site | "The observation of monoxylous (one log) coffins in two caves along with several secondary cave burial sites in the Indian state of Nagaland, 1000 km distant from those located in Myanmar and Thailand, is very remarkable and opens up new avenues of research." Hapka, Coffin Caves 25 |
cave by-product | "A cave by-product - bats - did seem for a while to have military usefulness during World War II." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 191 |
cave calcite | "It used to be thought that the brown colouration of cave calcite was due to iron, but this has been shown to be incorrect: the colour is mainly organic." Ellis, Wombeyan 73 |
cave camera |
cave carabid | "Nevertheless, the relict cave carabid Trechus tereceiranus Machado could be found in Balcoes and Caldeira lave tubes." Borges, Azores 148 |
cave carbonate | "Due to its supposed miraculous properties, soft limestone from this cave (St. Paul's in Rabat, Malta) continued to enjoy popularity as a cure for fevers long after cave carbonate ceased to be widely used medicinally in the mid-a8th century (Shaw 1992)." Kiernan, Religious Sites |
cave care | "It was obvious that all concerned with the cave care for it greatly, and are very protective of it - which is excellent." Henderson, Maori Leap Cave |
cave carnival | "In a number of areas Grottoes hold anual conventions - one is called a Cave Carnival." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 157 |
cave cartographer | "Ghosh explains tht 'People open the book accoding to their taste and training, their memories and desires. for a geologist the compilation opens at one page, for a biologist another, and still another for an archaeologist, a cave cartographer and so on." Crane, Cave 36 |
cave catalogue | "In 1896 W.S.Blatchley, the Director of this Survey, published his 91-page Indiana Caves and their Fauna, a forerunner of the many regional cave catalogues issued by the state surveys of the present day." Shaw, cave science 243 |
cave ceiling |
cave-centered | "The protection for caves includes the cave-centered special protection which is supported by the special fund, the protection for a geological relics point in protection zone which is supported by less fund and half protection for some geological heritage..." Wenqiang, Shi, Yuanhai Zhang, Karst caves in Hainan Province, China 306 |
cave centipede | "Top predators are the large huntsman spiders of the genus Heteropoda and the long-legged cave centipedes." Steiner, in: Laumanns, Ninh Binh 102 |
cave chamber |
cave-champion | "It is remarkable that out of more than than 1,000 m deep 60 karst caves of the world 6 caves are found in Georgia, they are: world # 1 "cave-champion" - Kruber cave (2,197 m deep), Sarma cave (1,830 m), Tovliana-Mezheni cave (1,753 m) Pantiukhin cave (1,508), Iliukhin cave (1,275 m) and Dzou shaft in Gagra and Bzipi massifs." Asanidze, Speleology of Georgia 29 |
cave channel |
cave characteristics | "Lack of information is quantified as zero and the other figures (1 to 5) are objective statements that describe the cave characteristics within the factor." Constancica, Ranking Azorean Caves 71 |
cave check point |
cave chemistry | "The chairman of my department was far-sighted and encouraged me to take up cave chemistry as part of my University research programme." Caving International Magazine Inverview with Julia James 14-1982, p 8 |
cave church |
cave classification | "However, if the cave classifications are done in an objective manner, based on good information on cave values, then it could be considered to have achieved its objectives." Brush, Sustainable use 11 |
cave classification scheme | "Over the years, the cave classification scheme evolved and broader cave and karst management policies were developed in consultation with state-level expert und community advisory bodies, including the Karst Management Advisory Council and the National Park Advisory Council". Brush, Sustainable use 3 |
cave classification system | "By its very nature, the cave classification system results in more impact on some caves, but less on others." Brush, Sustainable use 11 |
cave clastic sediment | "The physical dating of cave clastic sediments has advanced in fits and starts." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 16 |
cave climate |
cave cloud | "It was trimmed out on the sides by spray polyurethane foam, as were other parts of the cave, to resemble small cave clouds and flowstone." Loftin, The Creation of Underground Worlds 347 |
cave club | "At Lost River Cave in Bowling Green, Kentucky; at Bangor Cave in Alabama; at Longhorn Caverns in Burnet, Texas; and at Wonderland Cave in Bella Vista, Arkansas, the customers danced to the music of name orchestras, but all these cave clubs had closed by the 1950s." Brison, Music In And About Caves |
cave collection | "Microliths are rare in cave collections, though a few have been found in Jubilee Cave, 300m north of Victoria Cave." Waltham, NW-England 188 |
cave committee | "Whilst we appreciate the significance of names like Darwin on the cave committees, and men like McKenny Hughes, Arthur Lyell, Adam Sedgwick and R.H. Tiddeman joining together to excavate, a rock shelter at Cave Ha on Buckhaw Brow, their insight into the problems of Pleistocene geology war far greater than into those converning archeology." Waltham, NW-England 183 |
cave committee chairman | "This is what the then Cave Committee chairman Anton Globočnik wrote in his Chronicle at the time: »Electrical wiring has become a reality." |
cave community |
cave complex |
cave concept | "The significance of the Guilin cave art, the cave shapes, colours, and artistic cave concepts distinguish Guilin caves from other attractions in China." Xun Liu, An Artistic Analysis of Guilin Karst Caves 36 |
cave condition | "Cave conditions within a planet's crust may be different from those on the planetary surfaces that geologists have studied so far." Boston, Extraterrestrial Caves 736 |
cave confection | "Create Your Own Cave Confections" |
cave connection | "The cave connection to health goes back a long time." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 96 |
cave conservation |
cave conservation practice | "Such interest has helped many speleologists both recognize and understand the importance of microbial species in caves, which has led to improvements in cave conservation practices to better conserve these unseen ecosystems." Barton, Introduction 43 |
cave continuation | "This is what we had all been hoping for - a dry cave continuation of unknown length, and of course somewhere where the cumbersome diving gear could be dumped while exploring." Lewis, Nullabor Plain 9 |
cave coral |
cave country | "High-tech methods are used in cave-country to find voids that could influence where to build heavy structures." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 108 |
cave crawler | "In the Black Hills she studied the extensive and rugged passages of Wind Cave in as great detail as she could - given the handicap of her voluminous divided skirt, which she stubbornly clung to in preference to the overalls which cave crawlers here, as in Missouri, recommended." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 118 |
cave-crawling |
cave crayfish |
cave crawdad | "But how many novels have you read about cave crawdads?" O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 36 |
cave crawl | "Artificial Cave.....This is essentially a pipe-structure designed to simulate a cave crawl." |
cave creature |
cave cricket |
cave critter | "It's time to bring cave critters out of the dark." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 31 |
cave-crawler | "The active exploring teams, all experienced cave-crawlers and rock climbers, came from vocational backgrounds as diverse as the American scene can provide - stenographer, scenario writer, sheetmetal contractor, draftsman, a man who taught dancing, a woman who trained dogs, engineer, real estate broker, college student, farmer, bacteriologist." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 177 |
cave crustacea | "Pitnam did not believe that the blindness and tactile acuteness of cave crustacea were the result of adaptation of surface species." Shaw, cave science 228 |
cave cult | "A similar tension existed for the Romantic poet, who in reality not always achieved the meditative state the cave was supposed to inspire in his poetry, as when disturbed by tourists who indulged in the cave cult." Sommer, The Romantic Cave? 200 |
cave curtain | "Below the Temple Cave is the Dark Cave, the largest of the Batu Caves, a 2-km network of caverns containing elaborate formations such as cave curtains, flow stones, cave pearls and scallops; it, too, is open to the public." Crane, Cave 156 |
cave custodian | "Prior to 1980, divers had been denied access to the system following difficulty with the cave custodian; only after ten years was the matter resolved resulting in a totally new team of divers having to re-explore the limited work of the previous generation." Murland, Cave Diving in Northern Debyshire, UK, p 33 |
cave dark zone | "George Crothers, P. Willey and Patty Jo Watson remind us, 'no ancient people ever actually inhabited cave dark zones', though they did use them 'as storage locales, depositories for the dead of places to contact the spirit world." Crane, Cave 149 |
cave database | "Cave databases listed caves that were clearly small fragments of a larger relict drainage system as distinct, separate caves." Crane, Cave 38 |
cave decoration |
cave-dependence | "Guano-dependence is a separate issue to cave-dependance, however there are species tht are restricted to guano deposits and caves." Ellis, Wombeyan 125 |
cave-dependent | "Troglobites and stygobites are collectively described as cave-dependent fauna." Ellis, Wombeyan 121 |
cave deposit |
cave depth | "While traces of prehistoric journeys into cave depths can only tell us partial stories, the distinctive experience of 'being-in-a-cave' suggests that Stone Age cave visitors had something in common with today's explorers." Crane, Cave 69 |
cave description |
cave destruction | "The construction of houses and roads also caused several cave destructions, a lava tube near Gruta das Agulhas (Terceira9; one lava tube in S. Miguel (Braga)." Borges, Conservation status 19 |
cave-detection | "This categorization helps geologists imagine possible cave types that could form under radically different extraterrestrial conditions, and to develop cave-detection protocols for future planetary missions." Boston, Extraterrestrial Caves736 |
cave development |
cave diameter |
cave digger | "Bolshie Divy..So far as there was no opportunity to built a fire inside the room where there was no natural draft, cave diggers were forced to construct the chimney channel." Gunko. Artificial caves in chalk 462 |
cave digging |
cave dimension |
cave discovery |
cave display | "Coloured lights are the norm for general cave display mostly unshielded fluorescent tubes scattered about the cave floor." Kiernan, Living with limestone 12 |
cave distribution | "Objectives of the cave surveying is to know the lava tube cave distribution, each direction relative to the eruption point (crater) by measuring the lava tube cave position and length in the KVG area and to know the structure of each lava tube cave by measuring the height, width, slope anlge and oberserving the inner structure of wall, ceiling and floor." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 301 |
cave dive |
cave dive attempt | "Attempts made in the Mendip Hills to traverse from one cave to another through the underground rivers led to the development of cave diving; the first cave dive attempt in Britain took place at Swildon's Hole in 1934." WIKIPEDIA Caves of the Mendip Hills |
cave diver |
cave diving |
cave diving accident |
cave diving discovery | "The limestones of Northern Derbyshire lie at the southern end of the Pennines, and although overshadowed by the Yorkshire Dales to the north and to some extent by the Mendip Hills and Wales to the south, the area has some fine caves and a great potential for cave diving discoveries." Murland, Cave Diving in Northern Debyshire, UK, p 33 |
cave-diving education | "Since the 1980s, cave-diving education has greatly reduced diver fatalities, and it is now rare for an agency trained diver to perish in an underwater cave." |
cave-diving equipment | "In the 1990s, cave-diving equipment configurations became more standardized, due mostly to the adaptation and popularization of the "Hogarthian rig", developed by several North Florida cave divers, particularly William Hogarth Main, which promotes equipment choices that "keep it simple and streamlined". |
cave-diving expedition |
cave diving experience | "The British caver, Steve Thomas, composed a collection of synthesizer pieces all revolving around the cave diving experience ("More people have been to the Moon", 1997" Brison, Music in and about Caves |
cavediving exploration |
cave-diving organization | "The cave-diving organizations responded to the problem by creating training programs and certifying instructors, in addition to other measures to try to prevent these fatalities." |
cave diving record |
cave diving skills | "Cave-diving skills are key to the Ario expeditions, for the further reaches of the system are flooded." MacFarlane, Underland 196 |
cave diving team |
cave-diving technique | "Two regions have had particular influence on cave-diving techniques and equipment due to their very different cave-diving environments." |
cave-diving venue |
cave documention | "Further cave documentation in southern Vietnam was conducted by the Speleoclub Berlin in 2013 and in 2014." Laumanns, Vietnam 306 |
cave dog | "No robots, no cave dogs - just you, your gear, and your fellow cavers." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 101 |
cave dragon | "The good lady at the restaurant acts the part of the old-fashioned cave dragon, and he had to appease her by handing over four sous as a preliminary to exploration." Balch, Glacières 10 |
cave drainage | "The term "pseudokarst" would then apply to a morphology where underground cave drainage is missing, as for instance in the cases of volcanic cavities, deflation pans, dune morphology, etc., which are not generated by underground drainage." Martini, Silicate Karst 1392 |
cave drawing |
cave drip | "Two caves have been chosen as study sites due to ease of access to acitve cave drips and the presence of broken fossil stalagmites." Ellis, Wombeyan 77 |
cave dripline | "Water was collected from cave driplines in the Laura caves in Cape York Peninsula during the wet season." Jennings, Man and other animals 105 |
cave dripwater | "This illustrates the large storage capacity of the bedrock, and the importance of matrix flow paths in the maintenance of cave dripwater discharge and, in turn, the precipitation of calcite, during dry spells." Ellis, Wombeyan 80 |
cave dweller |
cave dwelling |
cave dwelling society | "Political hierarchy would have been another invisible dimension in cave dwelling society." |
cave earwigs | "Deer Cave...The alternative route is up over guano-covered, very exposed ledges crawling with cave earwigs, followed by a scramble through pinnacles down to the beach." Brook, Waltham, Mulu part 1, 3 |
cave earth |
cave ecology |
cave ecosystem |
cave element | "Meso-morphology expresses the geometry of the main elements of a cave, that is, of passages (elongated segments in which the width or height is larger compared with adjacent passages) and chambers (cave elements in which the width or height is larger compared with adjacent passages)." Klimchouk, Caves 419 |
cave employee | "Cave employee by day, pro-wrestling fan by night, Johnny Merideth saw a man he thought looked like wrestler Jim Cornette at the visitor center bookstore around 2010." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 206 |
cave enlargement |
cave ensemble | "A detailed 68 page annex to the UNESCO application describing the karst and cave ensemble was also produced by VIGMR." Laumanns, Ninh Binh Province 10 |
cave enthusiast | "However, our experience suggests that the majority of tourists around the world who join show cave tours are casual or incidental tourists, usually family or social groups, rather than cave enthusiasts." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 2 |
cave entrance |
cave entrance location | "Which is why cave entrance locations need to be kept in-house for those that appreciate caves, understand how irreparable any human damage can be and know how to cave carefully." NZSS Tome Times, No. 184, December 2004 |
cave environment |
cave episode | "By far the most famous cave episode in American literature is found in Mark Twain's The Adventure of Tom Sawyer." Crane, Cave 140 |
cave equilibrium temperature | "Together these properties allow us to acquire a realistic cave equilibrium temperature and provide a basis for comparing the model results to the Diviner data." |
cave equipment |
cave erosion | "A variation on this theme suggested that the main cave erosion was by the invasion of surface streams." Waltham, North-West England 80 |
cave event | "It was agreed that if the weather deteriorated, an accident occurred or people not associated with the event were in the cave the cave event would be cancelled." Carden, The Race |
cave evolution |
cave excavation |
cave exit |
cave expediton |
cave experience |
cave expert |
cave exploit | "They were about to explore Peg Leg Pot, a cave discovered by a well-known northern caver, Dick Hilton, a member of the NPC noted for his caving exploits, which he achieved with an artificial leg, having left the original in Italy." Eyre, Cave Explorers 46 |
cave exploitation | "Most extensive of all the cave exploitation is for water." Waltham, China Caves '85 p 35 |
cave exploration |
cave exploration experience | "The caves of Belize contain not only an invaluable prehistorical record, but a unique beauty beyond anything Barb and I had seen in the 19 years of cave exploration experience we had between us. " Rushin-Bell, Living caves 14 |
cave explorer |
cave exploring |
cave exploring society | "Conferences devoted entirely to the history of cave studies include one at Vienna in 1979 to mark the formation of the earliest cave exploring society one hundred years before." Shaw, cave science 4 |
cave fancier | "Says Mr. Chapman , who actually is an ardent cave fancier, Nickajack is "a large and long cave, whose most distant passages can be reached only by a half-mile boat trip upstream along an underground river that is sometimes 20 feet deep." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 167 |
cave fauna (fauna of the cave) |
cave fear | "The tale takes advantage of three common cave fears - being caught in total darkness, getting lost, and coming across dangerous animals that lurk in the dark." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 185 |
cave feature |
cave fiction | "In 1895 and 1898 Haig added a notable scientific account followed by a not-so-notable bit of cave fiction (Middleton, 1997)." Halliday, Vulcanospeleology 173 |
cave field | "Values of areal coverage and cave porosity (fractions of the total area and volume of the rock within a cave field, occupied by passages) vary for individual caves from 17.5 to 48.4% (average 29.5%) and from 2 to 12% (average 4,5%) respectively, being roughly an order of magnitude greater than these characteristics for typical unconfined caves." Klimchouk, Ukrainian Gypsum Caves and Karst |
cave figuration | "Grotte aux Points..where, in 1993, E. Deschamps, J.-M Chauvet and Ch Hilaire identified cave figurations, a few tracings suggesting animal silhouettes, large signs and, above all, concentrations of ochre dots associated with wall shapes." Galant, Another look 89 |
cave fill |
cave filling | "They are witness of a great semiological inventiveness in the art of cave mapping: how to link together map and profiles, how to distinguish dry galleries and underground rivers, how to draw the cave fillings." Gauchon, Miremont-Rouffignac Cave 47 |
cave film-maker | "Sid Perou ist certainly the best known cave film-maker in the U.K. and is now gathering international acclaim for his caving films." CIM Interview with Sid Perou 7 |
cave find |
cave fish |
cave fish population | "It was apparently prompted by an interpretation that the cave's unique fish population was a special gift from the Zoque gods, who inhabit the underground." Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Cueva de Villa Luz 18 |
cave fix | "I've heard of some cavers who will go down and smell their coveralls between caving trips, to get their cave fix from what earthy-smell of the dirt in their coveralls. That smell is a mixture of organic products being produced when microbial species, known as Actinomycetes, decompose organic material." Barton, Introduction 51 |
cave floor |
cave flora |
"The characteristics of cave flora are altogether different to those
of the specialised fauna." Shaw, cave science 228 |
cave fly | "For example, a cave fly in a limited area of the southeastern part of this country builds a "spider" web to catch mosquitoes, which are merely visitors to the cave." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 49 |
cave food | "To grow these environmental microorganisms requires a certain amount of guesswork based on the environment from which they were isolated. It is like trying to decide which cave food to pack for someone else.." Barton, Introduction 44 |
cave forlorn | "Although this sabbatical wake was, in my view, far from the gay thing it should have been, revels have been held in more than one "Stygian cave forlorn". Folsom, Exploring American Caves 198 |
cave form | " offered an opportunity of relating cave forms and structures with the previously observed volcanic processes." Wood, Caves on the Hawaiian Volcanoes 5 |
cave formation |
cave formation mechanism |
cave-forming |
cave fossil | "Nevertheless there can be no doubt about some of these extensions to modern animal distributions by cave fossils." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 122 |
cave-frequenting | "The carnivores amongst these cave-frequenting animals are more important in the matter under consideration for the bones of their prey, which they leave in quantities in the caves they occupy as dens or lairs." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 121 |
cave furniture | "In the past the walls and floors of caves have been damaged by the passage of visitors and my the installation of cave furniture and lights." Ellis, Wombeyan 41 |
cave future | "Given the obvious commitment of both the cave's operators and staff, and their enthusiasm, I am sure the cave future's is bright." Henderson, Maori Leap Cave |
cave gallery | "It is advised to enjoy the lon and deep cave gallery, the light and shadow, and the flickering and mysterious colours which make the Guilin Caves a natural artwork." Xun Liu, An Artistic Analysis of Guilin Karst Caves 41 |
cave gate | "A cave gate is a manmade barricade typically placed at, or just inside, the entrance to a cave in an effort to impede or mitigate human access to a cave's interior." |
cave gazetteer | "The lengthy geographical list of bone caves forms one of the mearliest significant cave gazetteers, but it does contain some careless factual errors." Shaw, cave science 244 |
cave gear |
cave genesis |
cave geology | "In recounting the legend of Pool the robber Hobbes appears to offer an implicit rejection of the approbation of cave geology by mythology and folklore." Crane, Cave 95 |
cave geometry | "Spherical weathering in massive rocks, such as granite or some conglomerates can form simiar cave geometries." Plan, Oberender, Nicht-Karsthöhlen 61 |
cave geomicrobiology |
cave geomorphology |
cave glyph | "The cave glyphs depict three anthropomorphic (human-like) figures and two rattlesnakes. The largest drawing is a rattlesnake that spans 11 feet on the cave wall." 19.05.2024 |
cave god | "Hijau Lubang...Once more the cave god smiled, however, and provided a road along a wide ledge for 45 meters acoross the walls of the pit." Brook, Waltham, Mulu part 1, S. 5 |
cave group |
cave guest | "Cave guests...frequents caves, and may require caves for a portion of its life cycle, but must return to the surface (or a parahypogean zone) for at least some portion of its life." |
cave guide |
cave guidebook | "John Hutton's A Tour to the Caves, in the environs of Ingleborough and Settle, in the West-Riding of Yorkshire, published in 1780, is one of the earliest cave guidebooks." Crane, Cave 160 |
cave habitat |
cave harvestman | "By this time it was generally recognised that B. grahami was not in danger, it being the most common cave harvestman in the area." Elliott, Damming up the Caves, p 39 |
cave hater | "Some may even be troglophobes (“cave haters”), which cannot survive in caves for any extended period." |
cave hill | "AA Cave (Lindenmayr) 02 The direction to the cave entrance is left (without orientation) of the cave hill and very easy to find because it is in an unspecified spatial relation "close to" what had been on 13th January 2015 an unspecified "the normal way" to Krem Liat Hati." Gebauer, Daniel (2015): Resources on the Speleology of Meghalaya State, India Part 6: |
cave historian | "Accounts of early cave rescues are uncommon but, although possibly exaggerated, reman of great interest to cave historians. In the 1870s, as told in the Cornhill Magazine of January 1866, a surgeon working in Bengal broke his journey to Venice, en route to England, with a visit to Adelsberg Cave.." Howes, Qoute of the Month - In the Rekka Höhle |
cave history |
cave house |
"Two of the six figurines illustrate dwellings carved out of
underground cavities. the village of Cliff-Dwellers in Colorado and cave
houses in the Sierra del Guadix, in Almeria (Spain). Garberi, Forti, USI
IMPROPRI (?) 105 |
cave hunter |
cave hunting |
cave hydrology |
cave hyena | "The naming of the wholly mammoth, wholly rhinoceros, cave lion and cave hyena followed quickly, making the Hartz and Franconia (cave bear, cave lion, cave hyena) the "hot spots" of early mammalian paleontology." Kempe, Buckland 6 |
cave ice |
cave ice loss | "Estimated local ice loss looks similar to global cave ice loss, but it would be important to calculate the specific ice loss rate comparing local and global cases." Giudice et al, The Grotta del Gelo (Etna): a volcanic cold trap ice cave 27 |
cave illumination |
cave illustration |
cave image |
cave imaginery |
cave-in |
cave inception | "The TBV-TBR cave system has witnessed a ong and complex history since cave inception and contains important evidence of the geological and palaeenviromental evolution of the area during this period." Auler, Toca da Boa Vista 839 |
cave infrastructure | "Yes, improvements can definitely be made both in cave infrastructure and interpretation, and hopefully they'll come over time." Henderson, Maori Leap Cave |
cave inhabitant |
cave inhabiting | "Cave-inhabiting animals are often categorized as troglobites (cave-limited species), troglophiles (species that can live their entire lives in caves, but also occur in other environments), trogloxenes (species that use caves, but cannot complete their life cycle fully in caves) and accidentals (animals not in one of the previous categories)." |
cave inscription |
cave insect | "Cave insects such as Oligaphorura (formerly Archaphorura) schoetti are troglophiles, reaching 1.7 millimetres (0.067 in) in length." |
cave-in shaft | "The terminal part of the cave seems to communicate with the outside by means of a cave-in shaft about 40 m deep." Zorzin, Melotti, China Caves '94 21 |
cave interest | "Despite the cave interests of several 19th century arvhaoeloogical and natural history societies, none of them developed into a club concerned with the broad aspects of cave study and exploration." Shaw, cave science 246 |
cave interior |
cave interpretation |
cave inventory | "Gebauer provided a cave inventory based on literature research including 310 entries for caves and "cave-like objects" in Sri Lanka." Armstrong, Sri Lankan Gneiss and Granite Caves 280 |
cave inventory project | "The Corps itself sponsored a cave inventory and evaluation project by a multi-disciplinary team of speleologists in the spring of 1977." Elliott, Damming up the Caves p 38 |
cave-within-a-cave | "Cherokee Cave...The Lemps soon lost interest in their cave-within-a-cave, and when Prohibition came, they sold their brewery to a shoe manufacturer." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 57 |
cave invertebrate |
cave investigation
investigation of caves |
cave isolation | "Thus cave species could be considered as very restricted in distribution due to their low dispersal abilities and cave isolation." Borges, Pereira, Indicators of Conservation Value, p 109 |
cave labyrinth | "The cueva del Viento was surveyed then to a length of 10 km. Its morphology is extremely complex, being made up of two cave labyrinths, one lying above the other, but features of the main genetic stages are recognizable and its genetic history deducible." Wood, Mills, Icod de los Vinos 453 |
cave ladder | Norwest had removed old cave ladders in Te Tahi the previous week and a five metre drop in the floor level had to be accessed via an abseil." Carden, The Race |
cave lair | "The man-cub Mowgli is adopted and brought up by the Wolf family in their cave lair in Rudyard Kiplings' The Jungle Book." Crane, Cave 123 |
cave lake |
cave lamplighters | "Before electric lights were set up inside Postojna Cave, illumination had been provided by cave guides by means of oil lamps and by cave lamplighters who lit up and put out candles on the wall as they went along." |
cave landmark |
cave landscape mark | "The cave landscape marks of Hainan Province enjoy abundant varieties with distinguishing features, including national-level and provincial-leven ones." Wenqiang, Shi, Yuanhai Zhang, Karst caves in Hainan Province, China 304 |
cave lead | "That night we decide to move operations west, to the other cave lead." Miller, Belize 22 |
cave legend | "Fa Hien Lena...cave legends: According to "" there are fabulous tunnels leading directly to far away, famous places." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 62 |
cave length |
cave level |
cave life |
cave lighting |
cave lighting configuration | "Shockingly this was particularly the case in Central Europe, where I found the lack of sympathetic cave lighting configurations a most worrying issue." |
cave lighting system | "Whilst recent cave lighting systems have frequently used the most modern technologies, regrettably their aesthetic and safety standards are invariably poor." |
cave-like |
cave limited | "Cave-inhabiting animals are often categorized as troglobites (cave-limited species), troglophiles (species that can live their entire lives in caves, but also occur in other environments), trogloxenes (species that use caves, but cannot complete their life cycle fully in caves) and accidentals (animals not in one of the previous categories)." |
cave line | "On 8 January 2005, Shaw died at a depth of 270 m, connected to dreyer's headless body by the taut cave line in which he had become entangled." Crane, Cave 87 |
cave line plot | "In addition to the identification of unique cave ecosystems, one of the most important tools of our research is a cave line plot/survey and map. Such maps allow researchers to determine how far below the surface the microbial acticity is found.." Barton, Introduction 50 |
cave lion |
cave list |
cave literature |
cave loam | "The reports by the Renaissance and Baroque scholars regarding the finds of fossil bones in the cave loam constituted the early stages of scientific research in the Moravian Karst." Oliva, The Moravian Karst 20 |
cave locality | "At Wombeyan, the caves are developed in marble rather than limestone so what we see both at the surface and in the caves can be different from what is seen at other cave localities." Ellis, Wombeyan 55 |
cave location |
cave location map | "The institute has taken the lead in cave exploration in order to prepare the UNESCO dossier. The institute registered 64 caves in the area and procuced a detailed cave location map." Laumanns, Ninh Binh province 10 |
cave looter | "Barb, Pilly and I entered the cave while Joe, Peter, Harriot and the police continued on the trail to check the camp of the cave looters." Rushing-Bell, Living Caves 14 |
cave lover |
cave man, cave-man |
cave management |
cave management issue | "Over the years I have become increasingly involved in cave management issues." Brush, Sustainable use 1 |
cave management policy | "Over the years, the cave classification scheme evolved and broader cave and karst management policies were developed in consultation with state-level expert und community advisory bodies, including the Karst Management Advisory Council and the National Park Advisory Council". Brush, Sustainable use 3 |
cave management specialist | "Mike Wiles, the cave management specialist at Jewel Cave, shared his story." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 15 |
cave manager |
cave man image | "The popular notion that modern-day humans descend from the 'cave-man' imagines such sites as precursors to houses and other buildings." Crane, Cave 69 |
cave mammals | "Since these active and numerous cave mammals are surrounded with mystery, it should be no surprise that exceedingly little is known about the bacteria in cave earth." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 205 |
cave map |
cave mapping |
cave-mapping party | "A student from Rutgers University heads the cave-mapping party." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 152 |
cave mapping survey | "Localized areas of the cave were selected for more detailed investigations and the location of these areas established by reference to the data points of the cave mapping survey." Harries, Nagaland 13 |
cave mapping team | "Caves were selected for investigation based on reports from the cave mapping teams or based on the most promising prospects described by the local guides." Harries, Nagaland 13 |
cave-master |
cave material |
cave meander | "Although in many ways similar to meanders of surface streams, the cave meanders could not have been formed in the same way because surface meanders are formed by the shoaling of alluvium, and in the caves there is usually very little or no alluvium." Tratman, NW-Clare 66 |
cave meeting | "During a national cave meeting in 2008, the idea of joining again the efforts was shared by cavers from Apulia and Campania." Del Vecchio, Alburni 47 |
cave memorabilia | "Or maybe woodrats are like some human Mammoth Cave enthusiasts - curious critters that collect cave memorabilia." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 51 |
cave metaphor |
cave microbe |
cave microbial community | "Consequently, the genetic diversity of cave and karst microbial communities may be particularly important to characterize and understand microbial species and ecotype concepts because of the global distribution of caves having similar hysico-chemical constraints from cave zone to cave zone, and frm cave to cave in different regions." Engel, Microbes 23 |
cave microbiology |
cave microbiota | "Within the past decade there has been an increasing interest in cave microbiota." Barton, Introduction 43 |
cave microflora | "Cave microflora - the microscopic bacteria and funghi that live and often thrive in limestone caves- comprise a considerable proportion of the overall cavebiota, but they often overworked as signifikant karst life-forms." Ellis, Wombeyan 133 |
cave micro-organism |
cave mile | "Even back in Hovey's day, a "cave mile" was famous for being an infinitely elastic unit of length." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 131 |
cave mineral |
cave-mining | "In Texas cave-mining took a different form." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 183 |
cave mining operation |
cave modelling | "The research of three-dimensional cave modelling is in relatively early stage." Laczi, Cave Archeologiy in Hungary 154 |
cave monastery |
cave morphology |
cave mouth
mouth of cave |
cave movie | "When we went into it we were all without experience of cave-movie making and we really had gone about the business backwards." "Are the days gone when the amateur caver can still contribute substantially to the advancement of cave science?" Caving International Interview with Derek Ford, CIM 3-1979, p 18 |
cave mud | "Organizing our thoughts and ideas that we developed for the exhibit were clear in our mind's eye, but the task of conveying our design in the form of construction documents such that contractors could bid on and built what we designed was as clear as cave mud." Agnew, Jeckering, The Cavern 284 |
cave mushroom |
cave music | "Without doubt this is the best known piece of cave music in the world and it contributed to the increased popularity of the island and the cave." Mills, Fingals Cave 171 |
cave musical work | "One of the first cave musical works and certainly the best known worldwide was the "Fingal's Cave Overture", a masterpiece of early Romantic music composed by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy following his visit in 1829 to this celebrated cave in the Hebrides of Scotland." Brison, Music in and about Caves |
cave musician |
cave mycological flora |
"Census and mapping of the cave mycological flora were carried out in
situ for all the species, taking several
samples from time to time to be studied and further analysed in the
laboratory." Vasquez, Mico-Speleologic finds |
cave mystery | "What lies beyond the point where the solid lines on the maps end? Here is a cave mystery, preliminary to all others which keeps the explorers busy." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 200 |
cave mythology | "The subject of caves as repositories of gold, silver, and other valuables is a further worldwide aspect of cave mythology." Tolan-Smith, Folklore and Mythology |
cave name |
cave network |
cave nitrate | "From the 1900s-1940s, many cave deposits were considered to have a microbiological origin, even if researchers could not prove it until more recently, including cave nitrate (saltpeter or saltpetre) deposits, carbonate moonmilk, and other speleothems." Engel, Microbes 23 |
cave occupation | "Thus climate factors can induce cave occupation at a particular season or during particular weather spells over much of Australia." Jennings, Man and other animals 102 |
cave occupation density | "Cave occupation densities range from 0.6 square metres to 6 or even 8 square meters / person." Kopper, Troglodytism, zitiert in: Gebauer, Sri Lanka 219 |
cave occupation site | "In this way a variety of animals from the surrounding country can be represented in a cave deposit in much the same way as they can in a human cave occupation site." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 121 |
caves of ocean |
"Full many a gem of purest ray serene, The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, and wasst its sweetness on the desert air.." Thomas Gray, Elegy written in a country churchyard |
cave of black despair |
"He did not wring his hands, as do Those witless men who dare To try to rear the changeling Hope In the cave of black Despair: He only looked upon the sun..." Oscar Wilde, From: The Ballad Of Reading Gaol |
cave of the day | "The fourth day had me walking 9 km off the main highway along local dirt roads to get to my cave of the day." Lloyd, Mob Mentality 33 |
cave onyx | "a highly polished piece of calcite or argonite, stained in bands with other minerals, which is sold commercially" Folsom, Exploring American Caves 277 |
cave opening |
cave operator |
cave organisation | "The 1989 volume of Speleological Abstracts published by the International Union of Speleology lists 246 periodicals issued by cave organisations, some of which produce more than one." Shaw, History of Cave Science 251 |
cave organisation leader | "The fact that the list is so short might indicate that solo caving is insignificant, if it were not for the fact that practically the entire list of solo cavers are people who are respected for their accomplishments in caving and include a number of well-known cave organisation leaders." Wilson, Solo Cave Myth 20 |
cave organism | "Some visitors also damage cave features, intentionally or otherwise, and may deliberately disturb or harm cave organisms, such as bats." Brush, Sustainable use 2 |
cave origin / origin of caves |
cave overhang | "At the cave entrance, conditions most resemble the surface, but the cave overhang provides protection from the sun and weather." Ellis, Wombeyan 121 |
cave owner |
cave owner exhaustion | "Locally-directed publicity aimed at those that are already caving or involved in activities tht will probably expose them to caves at some point." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 128 |
cave owner relation | "What happened after the exploration, which required excellent cave owner relations so that the caves could finish their projects?" Ganter, Caves in Magazines 128 |
cave owner committee | "We have a cave owners committee which is supposed to do this sort of work, but no one is willing to take on the job, so the job is vacant." Tom Rea on, 26 |
cave pack |
cave painting |
cave palace | "In Japan, many legends are associated with lava tube caves on sacred Mt Fuji. Shotoku Taishi, a 6th-century prince, is said to have descended the crater into a vast cavern where he spoke to a fire-breathing dragon who transformed into the Buddha of All-Illuminating Wisdom, dwelling in the cave palace to save all sentient beings." Kiernan, Religious Sites |
cave paleotemperature | "In 1976 the first report on remnants of the precipitating water in stalagmites (their fluid inclusions) appeared, "flu inc" studies have continued ever since but remain tantalising in their promise of precise cave paleotemperatures that never quite convince me." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 16 |
cave parking area | "Crystal Cave..The cave parking area is at an elevation of 4,860 feet, about 9 miles from Giant Forest in Sequoia National Park." Sloane, Visiting American Caves 202 |
cave party | "Each member of a cave party shares responsibility for being able to remember the route out of the cave." |
cave passage |
cave passage nomenclature |
"Thus each exploring expedition should include at least one cave
musician, Who'd ensure no further repedition in confusing rhythmic dances." Rhumba Alley (A Lesson in Cave Passage Nomenclature), in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 100 |
cave pathway | "Newdegate Cave....The use of cameras and flashlights are permitted from cave pathways." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 5 |
cave pattern |
cave pearl |
cave pecularity | "Piano Porceria Cave, Etna...This cave peculiarity is the presence of dense roots hanging from the vault and soil rich in debris and sand." Vasquez, Mico-Speleologic finds |
cave people | "We don't know what they used gypsum for, but making paint und plaster are ancient uses for gypsum, so the Mammoth Cave people may have been doing that." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 73 |
cave periodical | "A recent abstracts journal of world-wide scope lists 176 as publishing cave periodicals but it has a bias towards the British literature, giving 37 for Great Britain alone, and it would be realistic to predict the total number of publishing cave groups in the world being between 300 and 400." Shaw, History of Cave Science 251 |
cave permit |
cave personnel | "In addition, it appears that cave personnel should be rotated with surface occupations in some instance in order to reduce exposures." Gamble, Alpha-Radiation 254 |
cave phenomen | "They did not usually contain any new explanations of cave phenomena but, by recording a mass of information in a way in which it could be used, they did form an important step in the progressive knowledge of the region concerned." Shaw, cave science 245 |
cave petroglyph site | "The main cave petroglyph sites occur in four karst areas across southern Australia. near Pearth, the Nullabor Plain, Mount Gambier and Buchan." Crane, Cave 113 |
cave photo |
cave photograph |
cave photographer |
cave photographic technique | "Flashbulbs, being waterproof, also enabled Luke Devenish to make the first stumbling attempts at photography in sumps at Wookey Hole, England in 1955, by which time cave photography techniques were well known." Howes, Cave Photography |
cave photography |
cave photography meeting | "We bumped into Rainer and Conny near the office and were instantly transported to the real world of a cave photography meeting as if we had never been away." Howes, in: Crochet, Guiraud, Arnaud, 6 th International Meeting of Cave Photographers 38 |
cave photography training | "Peyrejal...There, I gave a cave photography training to the two assistants who helped me with my photos." Goto, in: Crochet, Guiraud, Arnaud, 6 th International Meeting of Cave Photographers 34 |
cave photo lens | "Some photographers believe the Nikon 24mm very wide angle lens is the ideal cave photo lens." Brucker, cave photography 282 |
cave photo technique | "During the 8th International Congress of Speleology Mammoth Cave Camp last year the Callot brothers from France showed us a cave photo technique that makes spectacular pictures (in their hands)." Brucker, cave photography 283 |
cave photo trip | "Some photographic subjects for the scripts were not covered by these photographers'photos; therefore museum staff members went on cave photo trips to fill the voids." Loftin, The Creation of Underground Worlds 348 |
cave picture |
cave piece | "Later in the 19th century two cave pieces for classical guitar were written: one by a Czech composer, Johann Mertz, entitled "Fingals Höhle", and the other by a French composer, Napoléon Coste, "La Source du Lyson (sic)", dedicated to the famous resurgence cave in the Doubs department." Brison, Music in and about Caves |
cave plan |
cave poem | "The myriad ways caves have been used, literally and metaphorically, in literature over more than a millenium are succinctly captured in three 'cave poems': Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan', W. H. Auden's 'In Praise of Limestone' and Robert Penn Warren's 'Speleology'." Crane, Cave 127 |
cave pollution | ""Too much" attention from hiking people and excessive cave pollution is also a great problem." Laczi, Cave Archeologiy in Hungary 153 |
cave pool | "Until, therefore, a more systematic and thorough search of silt from cave pools, wells and springs in the North of England has been made, it is not reasonable to state categorically that the interstitial crustacea of the South are not present in the North." Waltham, North-West England 163 |
cave popcorn | "Cave popcorn was made from real popped popcorn and perlite glued together in clumps and sealed with plaster and resin." Loftin, The Creation of Underground Worlds 347 |
cave population | "Under these conditions, surface populations becave extinct while cave populations persisted and adapted to the cave environment." Ellis, Wombeyan 121 |
cave porosity | "Values of areal coverage and cave porosity (fractions of the total area and volume of the rock within a cave field, occupied by passages) vary for individual caves from 17.5 to 48.4% (average 29.5%) and from 2 to 12% (average 4,5%) respectively, being roughly an order of magnitude greater than these characteristics for typical unconfined caves." Klimchouk, Ukrainian Gypsum Caves and Karst |
cave portion | "Pinnacles National Monument...Though the trails are lighted in the cave portions, flashlights are advisable." Sloane, Visiting American Caves 208 |
cave position | "Objectives of the cave surveying is to know the lava tube cave distribution, each direction relative to the eruption point (crater) by measuring the lava tube cave position and length in the KVG area and to know the structure of each lava tube cave by measuring the height, width, slope anlge and oberserving the inner structure of wall, ceiling and floor." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 301 |
cave potential |
cave premises | "Where facilities for meals exist on the cave premises, this is indicated by the words snack bar, lunch room or restaurant." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 282 |
cave preserve | "We used his cabin and his cave preserve as a base of operations for working these and other caves in Pocahontas and Greenbrier Counties." Doug Medville, CIM-Interview 29 |
cave problem | "Where are the most cave problems?" Ganter, Caves in Magazines 128 |
cave 'profiteer' attempt | "If we can be satisfied your magazine will not be another 'cave profiteer' attempt to exploit naive cavers and (more importantly) gthe caves themselves, there will not be a deluge of FOC circulars urging cavers to boycott your efforts?" Thompson, Caving International Service oc Disservice to Caves and Caving? p 2 |
cave profile | "The development of a cave profile and morphological features such as meanders and notches is sometimes constrained by less soluble layers (dolomite, shales, anhydrite) interbedded within the salt." Frumkin, Sedom Salt Karst |
cave project | "It is a complex system and it is one of the largest and most physically and intellectually rewarding cave projects." Doug Medville, CIM-Interview 30 |
cave prospect | "Tibet...The most exciting cave prospects in Tibet probably lie in the far west of the region, around Rutog and Shiquanhe, but the area has not yet been visited by western cavers." Campion, Harrison, China Caves Project 10 |
cave prospecting |
cave protection | "The first legislations of Hungarian cave protection came from the beginning of the 20th century, in 1935 the law only involved the protection of the caves with "scientific value"." Laczi, Cave Archeologiy in Hungary 150 |
cave protection equipment | "During this period I was particularly fortunate and grateful to be able to work with and shared ideas with István Szenthe, as to how best to configure cave protection equipment and then later to similarly design and implement suitable lighting equipment systems for a variety of caves with Pál Berczik, the best and most experienced expert in this field." |
cave publication | "Their specialist cave publications not only increased the amount of speleological material published but it made it more readily available to the people who had an immediate interest in it." Shaw, cave science 246 |
cave punishment | "Those cameras are mechanically rugged and stand up to dust and cave punishment." Brucker, cave photography 282 |
cave racer |
cave radiation level | "To date investigation of cave radiation levels has been very limited." Gamble, Alpha-radiation 255 |
cave raft |
cave rat |
cave rave | "The cave rave seized also the scientifically less informed population." Sommer, The Romantic Cave? 197 |
cave record |
cave refuge | "Englert distinguished also the caves-refuges whe the fugitives were hiding during intertribal war." Ciszewski, Easter Island 31 |
cave region |
cave register | "Another means of selective, local publicity is contacting people that have signed in to cave registers, like the NSS visitation project." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 128 |
cave register number | "Cavers are encouraged to use the cave register numbers when documenting any caves." Price, Malaysian Cave Bibliography 5 |
cave registry | "Of the 310 entries in his cave registry, Gebauer (2010) identified 33 as rock shelters and 57 as caves." Armstrong, caves and karst Sri Lanka 28 |
cave registry list | "The TA-numbers referred to origin from the VIGMA report and the VIGMR cave registry list." Laumanns, Ninh Binh Province 14 |
cave registry system | "UPM Cave...However, the cave registry system usey by tne Austrians for the Ma'aqala area - based on the network of geographical degrees - has not been followed in later studies." Laumanns, Saudi Arabia 175 |
cave-related |
cave relationship | "The results are then transcribed to a composite map of the area and cave so that possible surface/cave relationships may become evident and require more extensive exploration." Brändli, The Hölloch 15 |
cave remnant |
cave report |
cave research |
cave research community | "Deaniyagala (1963) introduced the caves of Sri Lanka in the international cave research community, noted that over one hundred caves required investigation and preservation and asked for international assistance." Armstrong, caves and karst Sri Lanka 27 |
cave researcher |
cave residence | "Robinson Crusoe...Indeed he feels so secure after discovering his second cave residence, his vaulted 'Retreat', that he 'fancy'd (him)self now like one of the ancient Giants, which are said to live in Caves and Holes in the Rocks, where one could come at them." Crane, Cave 134 |
cave rescue |
cave rescue accident | "Later in 1932 a cave rescue accident was the reason to establish the first Rescue Society of Counties and Cities." Hegedüs, cave rescue in Hungary 54 |
cave rescue attempt | "By this time the alarm had been raised above ground, and what was at the time one of the largest cave-rescue attempts in history began." McFarlane, Underland 42 |
cave rescue class |
cave rescue equipment | "More than 50 presentations concerning cave-rescue equipment, problems, methodology, first aid, rescue training, accident origin statistics and cave rescue organisations were given." Hegedüs, cave rescue in Hungary 56 |
cave rescue operation | "The first recognized cave rescue operation in Hungary was in 1927." Hegedüs, cave rescue in Hungary 54 |
cave rescue organisation |
cave rescue team |
cave rescue warden | "Remain at the phone until you are contacted by a Cave Rescue Warden" Stratford, South Wales 7 |
cave rescuer | "The Romanian cave rescuers and he HCRS were alerted at 2 p.m.." Hegedüs, cave rescue in Hungary 56 |
cave resource |
cave resource destruction | "However, one of the major problems we face is cave resource destruction, and the protection of caves is extremely urgent." Wenqiang, Shi, Yuanhai Zhang, Karst caves in Hainan Province, China 303 |
cave-rich | "Hence, Earth is cave-rich, but not the only body in the solar system to have caves, as both the Moon and Mars ae known to have lava tube caves." Boston, Extraterrestrial Caves 735 |
cave rim | "On the walls and around floor holes along breezy sections in th upper and middle levels appear hundreds of cave rims, ear-like or shell-like projections that are believed to be created by interaction of corrosive with eveporative air bodies causing minerals to be translocated from inward-facing to outward-facing surfaces." Davis, Uniqueness of Lechuguilla 427 |
cave river |
cave rock |
cave rocky relief | "Speleogens, also called cave rocky relief, are smallscale solution sculptures that develop on the walls, ceilings and floors of caves." Ellis, Wombeyan 67 |
cave roof
(roof of the cave) |
cave room |
cave ruin | "Large horizontal systems, which date back to the Miocene, were studied through the example of the caves Hornhöhle and Eisriesenwelt, which respectively represent Ruinenhohlen ("cave ruins") and Riesenhohlen ("giant caves")." Audra, Quinif, Rochetter, Tennengebirge 154 |
cave safety lighting protocol | "Normal cave safety lighting protocols and practices in Hungarian caves ensure safety lighting is not limited to individual sections of a cave, but operate throughout the whole cave system." |
cave salamander |
cave sample | "As the original observations by Leeuwenhoek changed our understanding of the world around us, the recognition of microorganisms in geologic cave samples has altered our perception of cave ecosystems." Barton, Introduction 48 |
cave scallops | "These features are analogous to limestone cave scallops but are formed by moving air rather than water." Smart, Glacier Caves and Glacier 799 |
cavescape | "The 'implied tourist' of most show caves operations has little knowledge of the various cave sciences; is hoping to see (and photograph) adequately lit, richly decorated 'cavescapes'; and wants to experience, as safely as possible, the otherworldliness of the darf zone a natural cave." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 2 |
cave scene |
cave scenery | "Cherokee Cave...To make the barren room look more realistic, he had artificial cave scenery installed." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 57 |
cave scenic spot |
"Dragon Palace Cave Scenic Spot is located in south suburb of Anshun,
116 km, south suburb of Guiyang, the capital city of Guizhou
Province." |
cave scholarship | "William Buckland, who wrote the first great classic of British speleology, would have had no sense of himself as a member of a community of cave explorers or scientists, nor would he have thought of his research first and foremost in relation to a tradition of cave scholarship." Crane, Cave 28 |
cave science |
cave science historian |
cave scientist |
cave section |
cave sector | "These authors recognized variation in passage orientation depending on the cave sector with passages along either NNE directions, which is not in general coincident with the main trend of the cave passages." Auler, Toca da Boa Vista 829 |
cave sediment |
cave segment |
cave setting | "In some shallow cave settings, including in lava tubes, plant roots ("rootsiscles") can also penetrate cave passages or aquifers, which can have richt (micro)biota." Engel, Microbes 24 |
cave shaft |
cave shape | "The significance of the Guilin cave art, the cave shapes, colours, and artistic cave concepts distinguish Guilin caves from other attractions in China." Xun Liu, An Artistic Analysis of Guilin Karst Caves 36 |
cave-shaped | "These cavities are cave-shaped and have a crystal lining up to 100 mm thick." Ellis, Wombeyan 64 |
cave shelter |
cave shrimp |
cave shrine |
cave signature | "Nevertheless, the topographical maps show an abundance of cave signatures, even with cave names displayed, with many of thoses caves not visited yet." Laumanns, Ninh Binh Province 10 |
cave silt | "Even the brown pigment of cave silt is attributable to the bacterial oxidation of ferrous ions to geothite." Ellis, Wombeyan 133 |
cave site |
cave site vandal | "This was one cave site vandals had not yet looted." Rushin-Bell, Living Caves 13 |
cave situation |
cave size | "Wollondilly Cave...Due to the caves size and vertical range, the drips being studied provide good spacial distribution and exhibit a range of flow regimes." Ellis, Wombeyan 77 |
cave-sized |
cave snail | "Similarly the study of a cave snail only a tenth of an inch long has produced information that may be of future import." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 80 |
cave society |
cave soil |
cave space |
cave species |
cave-specific | "Very little cave-specific study was undertaken prior to the work of Édouard-Alfred Martel (1859–1938), the 'father of modern speleology', who through his extensive and well-publicised cave explorations introduced in France the concept of speleology as a distinct area of study." |
cave spider |
cave spirit | "However, some cave spirits were not as easily expelled from their territory." Sommer, The Romantic Cave 183 |
cave sportsmen | "Cave sportsmen are as useful in cave science as, for example, Alpine sportsme are for glaciology." Knebel, cited in: Shaw, History of Cave Science p250f. |
cave spring | "A cave-spring at an unidentified location somewhere in the vicinity of Keerimalai yields 1600 litres of fresh water minute and interpreted to indicate a "big underground system of caves..with galleries formed above the sea-level...but now lie beneath the sea." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 219 |
cave story |
cave stage | "Dave Bergman, the adventure race's safety officer commented that by the time the race got to the cave stage it will only the first five teams that will still be seriously racing." Carden, The Race |
cave station | "Another cave station with two entrances lay in the banks of the Delaware River near Montague." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 186 |
cave stream |
cave structure |
cave student | "A stagnation of cave air does not exist, and no cave student would pretend to say it existed." Balch,Glacières 304 |
cave studies | "Prior to the mid-nineteenth century the scientific value of caves was considered only in its contribution to other branches of science, and cave studies were considered part of the larger disciplines of geography, geology or archaeology." |
cave study |
cave supervision | "The AGH has within it several committees which are responsible for rescue, caver training, and cave supervision." Brändli, The Hölloch 16 |
cave surface |
cave survey |
cave survey tool | "This was performed with digital cave survey tools, using a Disto X2 and Pocket Topo Software on a handheld computer." Hapka, Coffin Caves 30 |
cave surveying |
cave surveyor | "Cave surveyors often locate the boundary between inside and outside at the 'drip line', beyond which rain does not fall to the ground." Crane, Cave 19 |
cave swiftlet | "The junction was guarded by a two metre long snake, alive and thriving on passing cave swiftlets." Brook, D., Waltham, A.C. (1979): The Underworld of Mulu, part 2, Caving International Magazine 2, p 6 |
cave symbol | "Fengshan County....The February-March expedition was based in Tian'e County, north of Fengshan but, towards the end of the stay, the leader noticed characteristic cave symbols drawn on a Chines map, in an area about 25km south of Fengshan town." Campion, Harrison, China Cavesa Project 6 |
cave system |
cave system development | "Modeling of cave system development in depth has not yet been successful because it has not reproduced the cascading effects." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 15 |
cave talk | "In cave talk, the word formation often refers to a decoration such as a stalactite, but in names such as "St. Louis Formation" it refers to a specific section of bedrock." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 9 |
cave temperature |
cave temple |
cave terrains | "It's often been said (and even more often ignored) that cave terrains don't belong on outdoors maps." |
cave theme | "The excavations in the 15th and 16th centuries of ancient Roman sites in Italy, such as the Domus Aurea (Golden House) or Nero in Rome, led to a revival of interest in using cave themes in architectural artwork." Shrewsbury, Cave Art |
cave thermal regime | "In most cases, the cave thermal regime will be more stable than at the surface because of insulationby surrounding material." Boston, Extraterrestrial Caves 736 |
cave tick |
cave topography | "In the time period 1994-96, systematic explorations were carried out in branches of Grava II dei Gatti, and the overall cave topography increased three times." Del Vecchio, Alburni 44 |
cave tour |
cave tour group | "In 1999, a big woman had trouble keeping up with er cave tour group, so Alan Sizemore, the guide whose job it was to bring up the rear, slowly walked her out separetely." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 206 |
cave tourism |
cave tourism development | "As with other Australian cave tourism developments there was an early tension in Buchan between visitors who collected souvenirs from the caves and those who recognised the importance of conservation and the need for careful managemen of the environment." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 4 |
cave tourist | "Curiously he also offers advice on appropriate dress, giving us a good idea of what cave tourists would have looked like as they wandered through the subterranean passages 150 years ago." Crane, Cave 162 |
cave tour route | "As of June 2015, I counted about fifty rocks that had fallen on cave tour routes." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 11 |
cave tour ticket | "While working in ticket sales in the spring of 1994, I saw a woman who looked like Karen Grassle, the a cave tour ticket." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 204 |
cave trace | "It shows the cave trace (curve) integrated within the USGS DEM model of elevation." Vaqueiro-Rodriguez, Las Potras de Montehermoso 2 |
cave train |
cave treasure-hoard | "News of another cave treasure-hoard went out across the country a few years ago on the AP and INS wires from Hot Springs, New Mexico." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 194 |
cave treat |
Create your own cave treats following these simple recipes. |
cave trend | "The strike of the beds bends to more eastward trend near the Main Entrance and the cave trend tends accordingly." Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Cueva de Villa Luz 14 |
cave trip |
cave troll |
cave tube |
cave tubing |
cave tunnel |
"The Ho Ba Ham Caves in the western side of Dau Be Island have at
least three cave tunnels that provide access to three beautiful
lakes." Waltham, Hamilton-Smith, Ha Long Bay 956 |
cave type |
cave unit | "Beginning in the year 2000, the Saudi Geological Survey formed a Cave Unit and began the exploration and mapping of limestone caves in Harrats Kishb, Ithnayn and Buqum-Nawasif." Laumanns, Saudi Arabia 175 |
cave use
use of caves |
cave-using | "However, not all human remains found in caves are the result of formal burial and the victims of rockfalls can probably be classified along with the remains of bears that died in hibernation, while some human fragments should probably be treated as the remains of another cave-using carnivore's meal." Tolan-Smith, Human occupation of caves |
cave utilization |
cave value |
cave vandal | "Kents Cavern...So although Mr Hedges was possibly the first of the cave vandals, he unconsciously provided a valuable source of reference to those who came after him." Oldham, Discovering Caves 21 |
cave vandalism |
"Some may go on to join exploration societies and become experienced
cavers, but regrettably others indulge in acts of cave vandalism."
Webb, Recreational Caving![]() |
cave vandalism website | "Examples of this vandalism can be seen on the Cave Vandalism website at" Webb, Recreational Caving |
cave variety | "Small as it is, Israel has a surprising abundance of cave varieties - from limestone caves, salt caves (in Mt. Sodom), marl piping caves and basalt caves (Jubas) to historical mad-made living and hideout caves, mostly common in the Lashish area (central south-east)." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 3 |
cave ventilation | "Throughout the monitoring period, and in all cases, cave ventilation was slight and inwards." Gamble, Alpha-radiation 257 |
cave visit |
cave visitation | "An unforunate fact of cave visitation or traffic, is that unintentional damage occurs." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 126 |
cave visitor |
cave wall |
cave war |
cave water |
cave wilderness | "Each significant cave needs to be inventoried for its unique list of wilderness values, uses of the land above the cave and impacts of those uses, definition of appropriate wilderness bounderies, and an established methodology to manage the cave wilderness." Lera, Wilderness1651 |
cave wilderness boundary | "Cave wilderness boundaries should be defined in a more linearly manner than surface wilderness boundaries, as caves are best measured linearly rather than areally." Lera, Wilderness 1653 |
"cave" word | "The Romanian strunga, Albanian strunge, Ukrainian strunka, Hungarian esztrenga words can be traced back to the "cave" word." Laczi, Cave Archeologiy in Hungary |
cave work |
cave worker | "Boslshie Divy...During the creations of the complex cave workers leveled the base of the outcrop and part of the rock facing the river." Gunko. Artificial caves in chalk 461 |
cave World Heritage Site | "There are several cave World Heritage Sites but not all would qualify as true wilderness." Lera, Wilderness 1653 |
cave zone |
cavebiota | "Cave microflora - the microscopic bacteria and funghi that live and often thrive in limestone caves- comprise a considerable proportion of the overall cavebiota, but they often overworked as signifikant karst life-forms." Ellis, Wombeyan 133 |
cavelike |
cavemen |
caver |
caver's attraction | "The caver's attraction for the darkness of the caves is indeed quite peculiar." Crochet, Guiraud, Symponie 19 |
caver's delight |
"And the Hunters is good on a Saturday night, But a thing that will most take a caver's delight Is a night in the Cerberus Cottage.." Cerberus Cottage Sond, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 210 |
caver's dream |
caver's expectation | "The larger, deeper, more unfathomable the space, the more it fulfils the caver's expectations." Crochet, Guiraud, Symphonie 19 |
caver's grapevine | "But information is slowly circulating via the caver's grapevine - too slowly given the importance of the information." Degrave, The European Caving Scene 13-1981, 27 |
caver's hat |
"I want to be a caver and wear a caver's hat, I'd crawl about in potholes and squeeze myself out flat..." I Want to be a Caver, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 135 |
caver's heart |
"In all true caver's hearts will live, We offer to each club here named, A friendly helping hand..." The DSG Lament, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 132 |
caver's light | "This is the real thrill of caving - to know you are looking at something no one else has ever seen, many thousand years of evolution captured in the flash of a caver's light, a moment in time that is yours alone.." Eyre, Cave Explorers 262 |
caver's life |
"So if you fancy caving, first you must remember, A caver's life is wild and free, And what we're the kind of lads that are looking for excitement..." The Only Club For Me" in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 87 |
caver's person | "And somewhere about a caver's person is sure to be a canteen for water." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 249 |
caver's seat harness | "The rope passed through a friction device attached to a caver's seat harness and friction reduced the speed of the descent." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
caver's tale | "Lübke (1953) created a cavers' tale about "fissure caverns" at one "Field of a Hundred Fissures near Mihintale in Ceylon" of which the "majority are completely unexplored" and hence known to be almost 800 m deep or "nearly three thousand feet (914 m) deep and up to 20 m wide or "seventy feet across"." Gebauer,Sri Lanka 19 |
caver's special skills | "In this context, foreign expeditions in China are almost systematically subjects of TV documentaries, and cavers' special skills are listened to." Bottazzi, China 87 |
caver account |
caver acquaitance | "I have had the thrill of meeting a respected caver acquaintance after a long separation and having them, without the slightest preamble, start in: "So you went downstream for a couple of hundred feet, yon downclimbed the pit and the passage sumped.. was there air?" Ganter, Caves in Magazines 121 |
caver artist | "Notable among these caver artists, whose work is intended to appeal to a caving subculture rather than to have resonance with a broader artistic culture, are Robin Gray and Rhoian Hicks." Crane, Cave 122 |
caver body | "One common headache in wet caves is the fog produced by warm caver bodies." Williams, Cave Photography 35 |
caver-built | "In addition, most caver-built slave units use infrared wavelengths." Howes, Cave Photography |
cavercentrism |
caver-designed | "The answer lay with caver-designed slave units, which have become widely used since the late 1970s." Howes, Cave Photography |
caver education | "Caver education is difficult if the cavers don't want to be educated." Tom Rea on, 26 |
caver group | "Providing assistance to touring caver groups and also assisting exhausted cavers." Brändli, The Hölloch 18 |
caver guide | Cayo Cesario Cedillo is the most experienced caver guide in the area. |
caver impact | "These techniques are designed to reduce caver impacts by encouraging cavers to think carefully about every caving trip." Webb, Recreational Caving |
cavermade | "One arena ignored thus far is that of modern, specialist cavermade films which concentrate on exploration, usually for television consumption." Howes, Films in Caves |
cavernous | "Gangatilaka Vihara...The dagoba was built during the 1960s on the site of the former Portuguese fort, and has the usual distinction of being the only one in the world that is entirely hollow. You can go inside the cavernously echoing interior, whose walls are ringed by a strip of 75 muralsl depicting various scenes from the Buddha's life; windows above the murals offer fine views of the Kalu Ganga and out to sea." Thomas, Sri Lanka 133 |
caver parlance | "Perhaps most importantly, a hole or fissure in rock so small to admit a human body is not a cave; in caver parlance it does not 'go', but for scientists it may turn out to be a 'protocave' if hydrological or geological processes widen the cave to allow human entry." Crane, Cave 10 |
caver pressure | "Let those that sell out wild caves for personal profit know what you think of them. Caver pressure is extremely effective." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 128 |
caver training | "The AGH has within it several committees which are responsible for rescue, caver training, and cave supervision." Brändli, The Hölloch 16 |
cavern |
cavern breakdown |
cavern breakdown is the process of cave enlargement which
depends upon the mechanical failure and eventual collapse of sections of
the cavern walls and ceiling |
cavern chamber | "Young Lindbergh had volunteered to swim under water for an unknown distance in th hope of finding out whether cavern chambers lay beyond what seemed to be a possible entrance." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 228 |
cavern diving | "A distinction is made by recreational diver training agencies between cave-diving and cavern-diving, where cavern diving is deemed to be diving in those parts of a cave where the exit to open water can be seen by natural light." |
cavern enlargement |
cavern exhibit | "This is an expanded and updaten version of the museum's original cavern exhibit." Agnew, Jeckering, The Cavern 282 |
cavern floor | "breakdown- heaps of rock on a cavern floor caused by collapse of part, at least, of the walls or ceiling" Folsom, Exploring American Caves 276 |
cavern genesis | "Guadalupe Mountains...Their morphology and deposits defy explanation by most modern theories of cavern genesis." Davis, Cave Development 43 |
cavernicole | "These are generally considered t be eurythermal, as opposed to carnicoles, which are rather more stenothermal." Waltham, North-West England 162 |
cavernicolous |
cavern-like | "The exposition was designed as an artificial grotto and should create a cavern-like atmosphere." Mattes, Giving us an identity 78 |
cavern mouth | "A few birds found that the dark - but not totally dark - cavern mouths were congenial to them." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 46 |
cavern morphogenesis | "Understanding of the role of inter-formational groundwater flow in cavern morphogenesis has been greatly enhanced by studies in the giant gypsum maze caves of the Ukraine and Moldavia." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 15 |
cavernous |
cavern passage | "Some of these occur in patterns reflecting braided cavern passages within the flows." Halliday, Pseudokarst |
cavern report | "Such was the story behind the discovery of Skyline Caverns near Front Royal in Virginia. Officials of this commercial cavern report. ....Mr. Walter Amos.." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 222 |
cavern solution | "In recent years, however, several researchers have suggested that unconventional cavern solution involving replacement of carbonate by sulphate has been important in the origin of guadalupe caves." Davis, Cave Development 43 |
cavern system | "Big Room Cave in southern Tennessee is only a remnant of what was once the upper level in a cavern system." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 44 |
cavern wall |
cavers room |
"Soon bods within the cavers room Were troubled by a sudden boom And mid the noise and fearsome blast.." Alfi, Reflections 24 |
cavers' voice | "And will any collective cavers' voice have any influence on the course of events?" Thompson, On an International Cave Conservation and Access Lobby 3 |
cavers wife |
"Then up then spoke the cavers wife and she did wear a buckle, And in one corner of her c**t she had a boulder ruckle.." The Cavers Wife, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 68 |
caver salvation | "Frank Reid has presented an argument for publicity because of what might be calles 'caver salvation'" Ganter, Caves in Magazines 127 |
cave salamander | "Big tadpoles circle in its pools, the larvae of a large, edible, undescribed species of cave salamander." Willis, China Caves Project '94, p 21 |
cavescape | "There are seldom any human figures in his cavescapes." Watson, Jean Truel 44 |
cave shelter |
caves list | "With a depth of around 500 m, the cave is at the top of the U.S. deep caves list." Downey, Lechuguilla 21 |
cave structures | "Frijoles Canyon. On this trail are cave structures, petroglyphs, and rock carvings." Slone, Visiting American Caves 213 |
cave telefone system | "A team took on the by no means simple problems of laying and servicing a long cave telephone system." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 177 |
cave tour | "Furong Dong...The cave tour shows three different chambers, which are mostly 30 to 50 m wide and about the same height." |
cave tourism destination | "If China is going to become a world class cave tourism destination that attracts foreign tourists and creates wealth for the region it will need to address the conflict between mass tourism on the one hand and nature-focused on the other, which has already altered the ways caves are developed and managed for tourism in Australia." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 10 |
cave visitor | "In part this my be because, as Doorne has shown, cave visitors from north Asia have a higher tolerance of crowding compared to Australian visitors." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 10 |
cave wall |
cavewards | "drip ledge..To catch the water of slanting rain fall, the drip ledge (in German: Traufkante) is set back for a short distance "cavewards" from the drip line (Tropflinie)." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 200 |
cave watch |
![]() |
cave water |
cave wildlife | "Though cave wildlife may not always be immediately visible, it is typically nonetheless present in most caves." |
'cavey' | "It is extremely sharp, adds little distortion, and makes caves look 'cavey'." Brucker, cave photography 282 |
caving |
caving accident |
caving activity |
caving administrator | "De Joly, an acitve caver and caving administrator for over 60 years, was particularly interested in the Causses de Languedoc, wher in 1935 he discovered the Aven d'Orgnac in the Ardèche region." Crane, Cave 74 |
caving adventure | "Fortunately one of their friends knew about their earlier caving adventures and he called the Cave Rescue Service." Hegedüs, cave rescue in Hungary 55 |
caving authority | "This is now a world-famous organisation and a foremost caving authority, with volumes of research and extensive cave exploration accomplished." Eyre, Cave Explorers 96 |
caving area |
caving aspiration | "This will be a combined effort from artists, led by Caroline Jacquin-Pentillon and Carolina Brook, to create a large canvas of our caving aspirations." Brook 3rd circular for exhibition Speleoart 1997 36 |
caving attire |
"The safety display includes a life-like manikin dressed in proper
caving attire, rapelling from the ceiling." Agnew, Jeckering, The
Cavern 286 |
caving bag | "After about twelve hour<s of crawling, climbing, squeezing and pulling the heavy caving bags, we were in Allende Halle - a very big chamber." Kleszynski, Lamprechtsofen 34 |
caving background | "Members don't have to be expert caves, but they do need some caving background." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 105 |
caving behaviour | "Ethical Caving Behavious" are now becoming a topic widely discussed in caving circles." Carter, Ethical Caving 258 |
caving bloke |
caving bod |
caving body | "There is a definite need to establish some form of national caving body with its own journal, where information on the caves of Malaysia can be recorded and kept." Price, Malaysian Cave Bibliography 4 |
caving book |
caving boots |
caving brace |
"In sets of taper roller races - To Gordon's khaki caving braces Attached by levers to a shaft.." Alfi, Reflections 35 |
caving bulletin | "In the next two decades, tens of new caving journals appeared each year so that, in the early 1960s, over 500 caving bulletins were printed in five continents." Forti, Journals on Caves |
caving camp | "Other articles on the cave appeared the same year and described regional caving camps which included the Cueva del Viento in their itineraries." Wood, Mills, Icod de los Vinos 453 |
caving career |
caving circle |
caving clique |
"Some caving clubs want, Apart from their Subs, Some species of qualification, But there's one caving clique.." The Family Club, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 59 |
caving clothes |
caving clothing | "In the early 21st century the most usual caving clothing in temperate areas is thermal underclothing in one or two layers with a specialized oversuit over the top." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
caving club |
caving code | "However, caving is not just a set of rules to be followed, though adhering to the caving code will help." Oldham, Scotland ix |
caving community |
caving companion |
caving complex | "This caving complex can be entered at a number of points, the hardest of which is a vertical descent from a tower which allows training in rope and ladder skills." Howes, Purpose-built caving system 6 |
caving comrades |
"No more water down my sleeve. Fond farewells to caving comrades How they'll miss me, how I'll grieve." The Drawback, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 44 |
caving conditions |
caving contest |
"Caving contests - climbs and crawls, rallies and relays - have been
moved out of caves for this reason, and special patches for vertical
conquests have become objects of opprobrium." Hoemann, Viewpoint 16 |
caving corporation | "We stop in Belmopan, the capital, to pick up a friend of mine, Dr. John Wyeth, of England, and the mulit-national caving corporation rolls on to southern Belize." Miller, Belize 19 |
caving council |
caving council requirement | "Any caving council requirements to display permits should be amended." Jeffrey, The Criminal Underground 37 |
caving course | "The YHA has announced two caving courses, based at Edale." Howes, Caving courses 6 |
caving courtesy | "We have published some handout brochures about caving courtesy and about cave conservation that emphasize the owners' rights and desires." Tom Rea on, 26 |
caving coverall | "Without a word to anyone, a young man passes a rope around a tree, crawls into his caving coveralls, which have special leather patches in the crotch and over one shoulder, and suddenly disappears over the bluff, a straight drop-off of sixty or eigthy feet, and a wonderful place to practice the mountaineering techniques that are useful underground." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 150 |
caving crew |
caving crowd |
"It really would be super to join a caving crowd, And flit about the countryside and be all strong and proud.." I want to be a caver, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 135 |
caving day | "And Mason recalls wearing 'an old turned-down trilby' (narrow-brimmed type of hat./ WIKIPEDIA) in his early caving days." Crane, Cave 73 |
caving department | "From 1997 to 2010 he was the director of the Aggtelek conservation, in two karstic national parks and in the caving department of the Ministry of Environment." |
caving destination | Sotano de las Golondrinas....The cave is a popular vertical caving destination. WIKIPEDIA |
caving ditty |
"Just so some ruddy twit can write some crafty caving ditty, The Mendip Musicians are a curse." The Mendip Musicians, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 118 |
caving dress | "The Bulgarian's mode of caving dress consisted only of thigh-length waders worn over ordinary clothes." Eyre, Cave Explorers 208 |
caving enthusiast | "Is is an opportunity for all caving enthusiasts to exchange information about their work, their discoveries and their expectations." Crochet, 6th International Meering of Cave Photographers 2022 5 |
caving equipment |
caving ethics |
caving etiquette |
"For we aim to raise the standard of caving etiquette, Before the last toast, on one lights a cigarette.." Upper Pitts, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 121 |
caving expediton |
caving experience |
caving exploration |
caving fatality |
caving film |
caving folk-lore | "The spelaeodes have already been accepted into the dark world of caving folk-lore.." Although they have been with us for many years.." Alfie, Refletions |
caving fraternity |
caving friend | "At the end of the 2006 expedition to Lichuan County, six of the expedition's cavers travelled eastwards to Wannian County in the neighbouring Jiangxi Province to meet some old caving friends from Nanning, and to explore the Shennong Gong cave system." Campion, Harrison, China Caves Project 9 |
caving function | "If this also fails the offending individuals or clubs could be blacklisted from caving functions, such as conferences, and newsletter exchanges discontinued." Thompson, Speleo-Piracy p 3 |
caving game |
"And if you cave in South Wales, you'll find it's just the same. They simply have no idea how to play the caving game. And while they have caverns that stretch oh so far.." Fine Cavers, Cornwell-Smith, They words 190 |
caving garb | "Grotto members assisted the museum on member's preview nights of the new cavern exhibit by providing tours and answering questions while dressed in their caving garb." Agnew, Jeckering, The Cavern 287 |
caving gear |
caving group |
caving habit |
"The lack of new caves or extensions to older systems in these areas
of high visitation has led to significant changes in caving habits,
including the development of speed caving and "speleo olympics."
Webb, Recreational Caving |
caving harness | "Specialized caving harnesses designed to be sat in for long periods with increased abrasion resistance and minimal water absorption were developed." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
caving heaven |
"When the A.S.S. went to the West, In search of a caving heaven. They got bogged down from toes to chest.." Glorious Devon, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 229 |
caving helmet |
"Modern caving helmets are lightweight, comfortable, and capable of
absorbing a considerable shock." Eavis, Exploring Caves![]() |
caving history |
caving hut |
caving information | "For up-to-date caving informtion there is The British Caver (established 1936), published twice a year and obtainalbe from Tony Oldham, 17 Freemantle Road, Eastville, Bristol, at 75p post free." Oldham, Discovering Caves 51 |
caving interest | "Before, it remained a topic of local caving interests, for example, in Australia, in the western United States, on Tenerife, Siciliy, and Iceland." Kempe, Volcanic Rock Caves 865 |
caving instructor | "Martin, a qualified caving instructor who works with young people in outdoor sports, was assisted by volunteers from The Prince's Trust during the construction, which was funded by a L 14.000 lottery award plus a donation of L 100.000 worth of pipes from Telford-based Johnston Pipes." Howes, Purpose-built caving system 6 |
caving journal |
caving junk |
"There was, to start with, quite a chunk Of lines of all this caving junk. But now, no matter how you try.." Alfie, Reflections 91 |
caving kit | "Life jackets were added to personal caving kit and other useful equipment included an extending sectional metal ladder to more more easily up and down some of the sea cliffs and to reach the upper levels of McKinnon's Cave where normal climbing methods had been ruled out due to excessive amounts of seabirg guano on the ledges." Mills, Fingals Cave 175 |
caving lad |
caving ladder |
caving lamp |
caving life | "And bullshit my caving life away, cor blimey!" I Don't Want To Go A-caving, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 44 |
caving light | "For most of the 20th century, carbide lamps burning acetylene gas were the standard caving light and they are still used for expediton caving." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
caving literature |
caving logbook | "The Mendip Cave Registry and Archive's collection of scanned caving logbooks from clubs and individuals has been growing steadily since 2008, when Tony Jarratt's complete and extensive log was the first to be made publicely available online." Howes, Stanton's logbooks online 11 |
caving magazine |
caving maid |
"A young caving maid was extremely afraid, as her first trip she boldly assailed.." When her carbide lamp totally failed, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 44 |
caving market | "At the moment I#m working on climbing films, partly because I feel the caving market wants a rest and partly because it's a new venture and gives me a new interest." CIM Interview (Mike Boon) with Sid Perou 15 |
caving mate | "It was during this wild weekend that I met Wingnut's cronies: Reg Howard, who was later to prove a long-serving caving mate;..." Eyre, Cave Explorers 122 |
caving methods |
caving news |
caving object | "AA CAve (Lindenmayr) 03..An unidentified caving object where one of two expedition cavers was able to notice the first of two distinct but unspecified cave entrances." Gebauer, Lumshnong 17 |
caving opportunity |
caving organization |
caving party |
caving permit |
"They both knew that they would have to
play by their wits, For the stakes were very high - caving permits." Hard cavers, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 204 |
caving poetry |
"This is the tale of Alfie C. Who wrote odd caving poetry And in fantastic situations.." Alfie, Reflections 87 |
caving population | "In the past three decades caving has made real progress. Clubs, organisations and associactions have mushroomed, alongside a great upsurge in the caving population." Thompson, Viewpoint 12-1981, p 3 |
caving potential |
caving practice | "However, although we were not getting much strenous caving practice thus far we were gradually getting used to the ridiculously hot and sticky conditions and felt it was high time we struck out into the mountains." Brook, D., Waltham, A.C. (1979): The Underworld of Mulu, part 2, Caving International Magazine 2, p 3 |
caving pro |
"It's possible the last year we are here. So to all you caving pro's, You'd best be on your toes..." The NCA Song, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 211 |
caving problem | "Against the slap-happy, carefree attitude of the eternal amateur of the forties, the modern caver is more serious and enquiring, demanding definite answers to caving problems." Eyre, Cave Explorers 263 |
caving progress | "Each topic is assigned by an index (from I to V), based on weighted factors for biological components, geological features, accessibibility, singularity and beauty, safety, caving progress, threats, integrity, ana available information." Constancica, Ranking Azorean Caves 70 |
caving project |
caving pub |
"Has there been a caving pub in all the land That's seen us in sobriety No there ain't a caving club in all the land.." My Old Club, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 144 |
caving publication |
caving publicity | "Here are some examples of what a typical cave owner thinks about caving publicity: More of those cavers will be comin around now.." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 125 |
caving region |
caving research | "This article describes the history of the main phases of caving research and exploration in the Alburni Massif, aimed at highlighting the importance of this karst area, and to show the many potentialities it has for further developments." Del Vecchio, Alburni 41 |
caving rights | "The caving rights over Pant Mawr moor are vested in the S.W.C.C. and persons wishing to visit the cave should apply for written permission to the Hon. Secretary." Stratford, South Wales 68 |
caving rope |
caving rubber wellingtons | "During the 1980s specialized caving rubber wellingtons or walking boots became popular, often worn with neoprene bootees." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
caving saga | "A look at the 'spelaeodes' and other caving sagas", Alfie, Reflections |
caving scene |
caving season | "This committee is responsible for the conservation and protection of the cave throughout the winter caving season." Brändli, The Hölloch 17 |
caving secretary |
"At weegie trips, I made such a neme that the caving secretary I
became, I published lists of caves severe..." Ruler of the M.N.R.C., in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 107 |
caving section | "I continued to cave, but with the caving section of the alpine club in Grenoble." CI interview with Fernand Petzl 56 |
caving situation | "Develop a list of typical caving situations where the advantages or disadvantages of solo caving are clearly demonstrated." Wilson, Solo Cave Myth 21 |
caving smell |
"In the City of Wells, any caving smells Are just what the Tourists shun. They only go dow Wookey.." Mad Bats and the ASS, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 235 |
caving society |
caving song |
caving story |
"Line in almost any metre Except the one obligatory To end his cunning caving story." Alfie, Reflections 90 |
caving stud book |
"So take a good look, At the caving stud book, And see what page your name is kept on.." The Family Club, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 60 |
caving subculture | "Notable among these caver artists, whose work is intended to appeal to a caving subculture rather than to have resonance with a broader artistic culture, are Robin Gray and Rhian Hicks." Crane, Cave 122 |
caving suit | "Abyss of Trebiciano....On the walls are nineteenth-century aquatints of the region, and orange caving suits hung on pegs." McFarlane, Underland 201 |
caving summer | "Have a good caving summer." Thompson, Editorial 3-1979, p 2 |
caving supply |
caving system | "Opened on 27 November 1997, it is claimed that this is the first purpose-built indoor caving system in operation in the UK." Howes, Purpose-built caving system 6 |
caving team |
caving technique |
caving thriller | "The heroine of Nevada Barr's caving thriller Blind Descent (2009) experiences the 'shock of light deprivation' deep in Lechuguilla Cave." Crane, Cave 21 |
caving topic | "The extremely high number of caving journals, together with their average very low circulation, irregularity in publication or frequent sudden death, causes extreme difficulty in searching for articles on a given caving topic." Forti, Journals on Caves |
caving tour |
caving training | "Since 2005, with our Guizhou partners, we have offered yearly caving training." Bottazzi, China 87 |
caving trip |
caving trend |
"There's many an evening sat talking with friends, And many a critic of new caving trends, And many a story is added to bend..." Thers's much more than potholes to caving, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 85 |
caving type |
caving use | "The 20th century also saw the introduction of electric lights which have gradually replaced carbide lights for most caving uses." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
caving vehicle | "Only two years ago the highway was finally sealed, burying forever all potholes, corrugations and bull dust along the old road - and putting to an end a long era of beaten-up or rattled-to-death caving vehicles." Lewis, Nullabor Plain 3 |
caving wall | "Warehouse in Gloucester...In addition, even though it has only been open since November 1994, it is expanding and this gives the chance for a novel idea: the construction of a caving wall. Reported to be the first such wall in Europe..." Howes, The shape of things to come? |
caving website | "The BCA’s New to Caving website is aimed at those wanting to start out with caving for the very first time". |
caving weekend | "The funding of research from my base here in Canada has been admirable, and it's the kind of situation in which a student can do very good work with the expenditure of money that he would spend anyway on his caving weekend." Caving International Interview with Derek Ford, CIM 3-1979, p 17 |
caving world |
cavish | "However, this is hardly surprising since 181 (58%) of Gebauers entries were "unconfirmed cavish objects" and because shelters are so common that most will not be reported." Armstrong, caves and karst Sri Lanka 28 |
cavity |
cavity volume | "The passages generally display square cross sections or show ceilings arched over a flat floor of impervious rock that forms the riverbed, sometimes making up the bulk of the cavity volume." Martini, Silicate Karst 1387 |
cemetery cave | "One cemetery cave near Ahu Akahana was also examined." Ciszewski, Easter Island 44 |
central cave | "These central caves are not the only virtual caves." Kempe, Kircher 61 |
chamber cave | "Several caves in the city were truncated by construction works, including an 800 m long river cave and a 200 x 140 x 90 m isolated chamber cave (largest cave chamber in Israel)." Frumkin, Jerusalem 60 |
chasm cave | "A group of fabulous chasm caves in gravitationally or tectonically dislocated gneiss or granite." Gebauer,Sri Lanka 19 |
chimney cave | "They have some remarkable volcanic chimney caves and lava tube caves." Borges, Azores 149 |
chauvet cave | "Was the late Neil Armstrong, whose footprint remains intact on the windless moon, happier than the nameless hunter-gatherer who 30,000 years ago left her handprint on a wall in Chauvet Cave?" Harari, Sapiens 421 |
cliff cave | "Cliff caves are those where the entrance is at the base or in the side of a cliff." Balch,Glacières 120 |
cliff-foot cave |
closed joint cave |
coastal cave |
coastal cave passage | "No coastal cave passages have yet been reported along the north or west coastlines." Beddows, Yucatan Phreas, Mexico 1677 |
coastal sea cave | "Coastal sea caves , considered to have partly pseudokarst origin, are the subject of a separate study." Crossley, Pseudokarst caves in New Zealand 22 |
coast cave | "Ongoing explorations has found The Pit Cenote to be the deepest known site in the Caribbean coast caves at a depth of 119 m." Beddows, Yucatan Phreas, Mexico 1678 |
coffin cave | "These two coffin caves were thus the most westernly known, and their discovery expanded the known areas of occurrence of this funerary practice." Hapka, Coffin Caves 28 |
collapsed pit crater cave | "..vertical circular or elliptic shafts along the active rift zone in the crossing place with structural or stratigraphic discontinuity. They occur mostly in areas of large shield volcanoes." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
collector cave | "Kijingvong Long Khun...Relic collector cave on two levels with vertical rift-controlled relic drain." Arbenz, Caves of Salomi 37 |
combined type cave | "Overall he has specified "fissure type" and "crevice type" caves, "selective weathering" crevice caves on bedding planes (up to 100 m long), mass movement "crevasse" and "block caves", and "combined type" caves." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
commercial cave |
concrete cave | "We never could convince him or the city building inspectors that a sprinkler system was unnecessary in a concrete cave." Agnew, Jeckering, The Cavern 284 |
conduit cave | "world-famous pits of the Venezuelan rain forest....From some of these, subhorizontal conduit caves extend as much as 2500 m, with cross sections from rectangular to oval." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
conglomerate cave | "Long Men Dong...This is the longest known, mapped and explored conglomerate cave in China." |
consequence cave |
consequent crevice cave | "...formed by gravity block movement anthropogenically induced by rock instability." Bella, Gaal, Non-solutional Caves 240 |
continental cave | "For most of its length the passage is an average of 20 feet high and 30 feet wide, presenting a tremendous spectacle, equalled only in some of the continental caves." Oldham, Discovering Caves 8 |
corrasion cave |
crack cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
crevasse cave |
crevice boulder cave | "Gaal destinguishes deflection crevice caves (formed in initial or opening phase by deflection of marinal blocks), inclination crevice caves (formed by backward inclination of blocks in relation to their rotation), decrease crevice caves (horizontal or subhorizontal caves formed by decreasing of blocks in the initial phase, mostly combindes crevice-boulder caves are formed). Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
crevice cave |
crevice type cave |
crystal cave | "In the abandoned and flooded Gyöngyösoroszi mine, four crystal caves were found at a depth of several hundred meters." Eszterhasy, Szentes, Matra Mountains 31 |
dead cave | "a cave into which seepage water on longer penetrates and in which speleothems have ceased to grow" Folsom, Exploring American Caves 277 |
decreas crevice cave | "Gaal destinguishes deflection crevice caves (formed in initial or opening phase by deflection of marinal blocks), inclination crevice caves (formed by backward inclination of blocks in relation to their rotation), decrease crevice caves (horizontal or subhorizontal caves formed by decreasing of blocks in the initial phase, mostly combindes crevice-boulder caves are formed). Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
deep-caving | "But the organisation was handled magnificently by P. Rias and F. Guillaume (a woman and also so deep-caving doctor)." Degrave, The European Caving Scene 12-1981, p 14 |
deflation cave |
deflection crevice cave | "Gaal destinguishes deflection crevice caves (formed in initial or opening phase by deflection of marinal blocks), inclination crevice caves (formed by backward inclination of blocks in relation to their rotation), decrease crevice caves (horizontal or subhorizontal caves formed by decreasing of blocks in the initial phase, mostly combindes crevice-boulder caves are formed). Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
deposition cave | "Another special feature are two caves that were formed by calcareous tufa deposits and are referred to as deposition caves." Oberneder, The distribution of non-karst caves 45 |
dilaltancy cave | "This group includes true tectonic caves, whose openings were formed by tectonic tensions forces, and dilatancy/gravity caves usually formed alonng cliffs and steep slopes due to the combines effect of unloading and gravitational mass movement." Klimchouk, Caves 419 |
dissolution cave |
"Thus, it appears that there is a continuum between piping and dissolution caves in carbonate rocks, including rocks with a mere carbonate matrix." Halliday, Pseudokarst |
downstream cave | "Hauzhu caves..This downstream cave is very large where fossil passage remnants have been modified by extensive collapse." Institute of Karst Geology, China Caves '85 p 22 |
drainage cavern | "Remnants of fossil drainage cavern in the ice were easily observed there." Halliday, Glaciospeleology 31 |
dripstone cave |
dry cave | "One or two sea caves and four other dry caves in Da Nang province with an emphasis on swiftlet nest-harvesting were described by Nguyen Quang & Voisin (1997), Laumanns, South Vietnam part 1, p 40 |
dry caver | "Sumps created an obstacle that was for dry cavers unsolvable problem." Hutnan, Grotta del Bue Marino - Sardinia 97 |
Earth cave | "Classifications of extraterrestrail caves are based on knowledge of Earth caves and the fundamental physical processes responsible for their formation." Boston, Extraterrestrial Caves 736 |
ecotourism cave | "The initial identification of the Chom Ong Cave as ecotourism destination opened the way for the development as ecotourism cave." Dreybrodt, Chom Ong Cave 283 |
embryo cave | "At this time the embryo cave would have lain deeper in the marble than at present, where the ceiling is only some eight meters below the surface." Ellis, Wombeyan 41 |
entrance cavern | "Presently we can see into the great entrance cavern or hall." Baird, Rawhiti Cave |
eolian cave |
"This group involves smaller caves originated by wind corrasion and
deflation mainly in soft und loose rocks located mainly in arid and
semiarid regions." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 240 |
erosion cave |
erosional cave |
erosion boulder cave | "Specific types included: (1) "woolsack" and "mattress" caves in tors and other features resulting from spheroidal weathering of granite (the names derive from the general shape of the boulders forming the caves); (2) "gorge bottom caves" (called "purgatory caves" in some parts of the United States); and (3) "erosion boulder caves" or "boulder fragment caves" (gorge bottom caves in which a labyrinthine conduit has been eroded between boulders)." Halliday, Talus Caves |
exfoliation cave |
expansion cave |
expedition caver | "Krem Umpieh...The origin, history and meaning of the recorded Khasi cave name "Krem Umpieh" has never been identified by expert expediton cavers and remains till today safely secured in the realm of the thick fog or, if you prefer, the abode of clouds." Gebauer, Lumshnong 146 |
expedition caving | "For most of the 20th century, carbide lamps burning acetylene gas were the standard caving light and they are still used for expediton caving." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
exploration caving | "Rope strengths have increased and thicknesses decreased: SRT began on 11 mm and 12 mm diameter ropes but by 2000 most expedition caving was being done on 8 mm to 9 mm rope." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
facsimile cave |
"To protect the paintings from further damage caused by years of
heavy visitor traffic...both caves have been closed to the public with
facsimile caves built nearby - Lascaux II and Altamira II - affording
visitors a vivid impression of both the prehistoric artwork and the
original grottoes themselvers." Crane, Cave 108![]() |
fairy cave | "Beautifully formed stalactites hang like crystal pendants from every crag, and lustrous petrifications, operating like reflectors, remind ne of the fairy caves in a splendid pantomine." Clarke, A Mystery Cave in New Zealand |
falling-out cave | "..small caves formed afteer gravity falling-out of block released blocks. Disintegration and releasing can be supported by termomechanical weathering." Bella, Gaal, Non-solutional Caves 239 |
family cave |
fault cave | "...along the disjunctive fault and fissures formed by extension tectonic movement." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
favourite cave | "Along with visits to my favourite caves in Rockcastle und Pulanski Counties, we also made several trips into Mammoth and Flint Ridge with Dr. Art Palmer and Dr. Tom Poulson, who were hired by the museum as consultants and script writer." Agnew, Jeckering, The Cavern 283 |
feeder cave | "The other is the rising of much Spring Creek, in a series of springs about 11 kilometres south of where the large feeder caves are located." Doug Medville, CIM-Interview 22 |
fellow caver | "These include the requirements for recognized leader qualifications and for protectionof landowners, fellow cavers, and committees from possible legal action by providing public liability insurance." Webb, Recreational Caving |
final cave | "Thus, these passages, if they are not filled by lava surges, generally form low mazes near the ceiling of the final cave." Kempe, Galapagos 150 |
fissure cave |
first-time caver | "However, the majority of caver visits around the world are still for the pure joy of going caving and showing visitors or first-time cavers the fun, beauty, and tranquility of the cave environment and terrible vandalism, both deliberate and accidental, has been inflicted on many caves." Webb, Recreational Caving |
flank margin cave |
flashlight caver | "Angel's Paradise...That area is suffering tremendously from the traffic of 'responsible' cavers it sees, not from ill-informed 'flashlight cavers' trashing it out." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 127 |
flooded cave | Cave-diving is underwater diving in water-filled caves. It may be done as an extreme sport, a way of exploring flooded caves for scientific investigation, or for the search for and recovery of divers or, as in the 2018 Thai cave rescue, other cave users. |
flow cave | "Thus Seven Stars Cave started epiphreatically just below a high plain level, was deepened as a vadose flow cave and then replaced by a lower cave in accord with the present plain, but with flow in the reverse sense." Jennings, Karst in China 13 |
flow lobe cave |
fluvial channel erosion cave | "...occur at the contact of rocks of different permeability and hardness or along fractures, the water course become engrosses in the floor." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
fluvial erosion cave |
fold cave | "..rare occurring cavees on the flexion of folds (Kiernan 1982)." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
foot cave |
foot cliff shelter cave | "Salt weathing caves....They are as foot-cliffs shelter caves or caves formed along lithologically or tectonically weakened parts of rocks." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 240 |
fracture cave | "Fracture caves are formed when layers of more soluble minerals, such as gypsum, dissolve out from between layers of less soluble rock." |
fresh water/marine mixing zone cavity | "A third distinct class of solution caves that we know recognis is that of fresh water/marine mixing zone cavities." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 15 |
frost weathering cave |
gas blister cave |
gas bubble cavity |
general acces cave | In the Kosciuszko KAMP, the zoning system first proposed by Worboys has been simplified to a 5-level-system: reference cave (ie, for approved scientific studies); limited access cave (open to speleological groups meeting specified requirements and holding a permit)..., adventure cave (open to the public on guided tours), general access cave (robust caves that are considered to be safe for inexperienced visitors)...Brush, Sustainable use 3 |
giant cave |
glacial boulder cave |
glacial ice cave | "In addition to the limestone cave, a separate exhibit about the Ice Age in Cincinnati has a glacial ice cave." Agnew, Jeckering, The Cavern 286 |
glacier cave |
glacier cave exploration | "Glacier cave exploration requieres some cave due to the extremely cold water, rapid daily flooding, and the inherent weakness of glacier ice under tensions." Smart, Glacier caves and glaciers 804 |
glacier cave stream | "Glacier cave streams may have considerable difficulty transporting coarse sediments which can become trapped at narrowings and dips in conduits." Smart, Glacier caves and glacier 800 |
glacier crevasse cave | "..formed by extension strain on the elevation of bedrock or by compression in depression." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
glacier ice cave | "During a rather protracted stay a Saas-Fee in Switzerland, I visited the glacier ice cave of the Fee Glacier on the 15th and 16th of August, 1897, both cool and rainy days." Balch,Glacières 69 |
glacier snout cave | This large system and most other large glacier snout
caves were largely formed by modification of small subglacial and
intraglacial conduits by sublimation and evaporation. Fountain and Wilder (1998) have provided an excellent overview of this process." Halliday, Pseudokarst |
glacière cave | "The entrances of glacière caves also vary greatly in their dimensions." Balch,Glacières 121 |
glowworm cave |
glyph cave | "Exploration of Mud Glyph Cave in Tennessee (in the 1980s) and other glyph caves in the southern Appalachians revealed the dark zone to be the scene of prehistoric ceremonial acitivity and suggested that ceremonial decoration of cave walls in the southeastern United States was practiced for several thousand years, from the Late Archaic through the early historic periods." Crane, Cave 111 |
gneiss cave |
gorge bottom cave | "Specific types included: (1) woolsack" and "mattress" caves in tors and other features resulting from spheroidal weathering of granite (the names derive from the general shape of the boulders forming the caves); (2) "gorge bottom caves" (called "purgatory caves" in some parts of the United States); and (3) "erosion boulder caves" or "boulder fragment caves" (gorge bottom caves in which a labyrinthine conduit has been eroded between boulders)." Halliday, Talus Caves |
granite cave |
gravity cave | "This group includes true tectonic caves, whose openings were formed by tectonic tensions forces, and dilatancy/gravity caves usually formed alonng cliffs and steep slopes due to the combines effect of unloading and gravitational mass movement." Klimchouk, Caves 419 |
gravity sliding cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
group caving | "It has never been proven scientifically or objectively anywhere by anyone that solo caving is unsafe or contributes to higher accident rates than does group caving." Wilson, Solo Cave Myth 21 |
group of caves | "The main cave at Kilcorney prsents features not generally found in the other group of caves as it gives tne only known point of access to a cave system associated with a turlough or disappearing lake." Tratham, NW-Clare 15 |
guest caver |
gull cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
gypsum cave |
half-cave | "Gangodedeniya Galge..A huge fallen boulder forms a spacious "Halbhöhle" oder "half-cave" (rock shelter) near a small spring of water and, deducting from the tracks, play ground of numerous animals." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 69 |
head of the cave | "The passages nearest the head of the cave have only been surveyed to grade 2 and their positions and total length are estimated, but the two entry points are fixed." Tratmann, NW-Clare 196 |
hero caver | "Sumps and bumps and boulder falls, A hero caver shouting ******! Slime and grime and muddy crawls.." The Cavers Excuse, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 209 |
hideout cave | "Small as it is, Israel has a surprising abundance of cave varieties - from limestone caves, salt caves (in Mt. Sodom), marl piping caves and basalt caves (Jubas) to historical mad-made living and hideout caves, mostly common in the Lashish area (central south-east)." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 3 |
high-level cave | A four-day underground camp was also set up in Ban Dong where a high-level cave was accessed by abseil but found to close down after 50m." Campion, Harrison, China Caves Project 7 |
high mountain ice cave | "In Frankenstein, the monster finds refuge in a high mountain ice cave, and in The Last Man, the story focuses on the famed Sibyl's Cave, located in Naples, which contained the "Sidylline Leaves", used to predict the future." Stewart, Caves in Fiction 423 |
hillside cave | "Xingping Area....The best known feature in the valley is the hillside cave of Lo Ten." Waltham, China Caves '85 p 34 |
home cave | "Ney Cave....The bats streaked off toward their home cave, and so did Campbell." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 136 |
host caver | "Each day the host cavers provided transport, rigging, hauling and guided each team to fine places." Kevin Downey in: Crochet, Guiraud, Arnaud, 6 th International Meeting of Cave Photographers |
host cavity | "This is a means of dating the true time of genesis of the host cavity." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 16 |
hydration raised cave | "..upward raised subcrustal cavities between hydrated gypsum upper anhydrite or subjacent beds." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Cave 239 |
hydrogen-sulphide cave | "This is another interesting research area, but as far as I know we don't have any hydrogen-sulphide caves in this part of the world" Caving International Magazine Inverview with Julia James 14-1982, p 8 |
ice cave |
in-and-out cave |
in-cave classification scheme | An in-cave classification scheme is used in several large caves that have areas with particular sensitivities, such as high risk areas, bat roosting sites, or high geological, biological or archeological values." Brush, Sustainable use 4 |
inclination crevice cave | "Gaal destinguishes deflection crevice caves (formed in initial or opening phase by deflection of marinal blocks), inclination crevice caves (formed by backward inclination of blocks in relation to their rotation), decrease crevice caves (horizontal or subhorizontal caves formed by decreasing of blocks in the initial phase, mostly combindes crevice-boulder caves are formed). Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
individual cave | "Values of areal coverage and cave porosity (fractions of the total area and volume of the rock within a cave field, occupied by passages) vary for individual caves from 17.5 to 48.4% (average 29.5%) and from 2 to 12% (average 4,5%) respectively, being roughly an order of magnitude greater than these characteristics for typical unconfined caves." Klimchouk, Ukrainian Gypsum Caves and Karst |
inflation cave | "Inflation caves are characterized by roofs built of one or several sheets, sometimes more than ten continuous sheets of lava." Kempe, Volcanic Rock Caves 867 |
inflow cave | Types of active caves include inflow caves ("into which a stream sinks"), outflow caves ("from which a stream emerges"), and through caves ("traversed by a stream") |
inland cave | "The first Czech expedition to Sardinia in 1987 examined the inland caves of mountains Monte Alba and Supramonte, also coastal springs of the west coast." Hutnan, Grotta del Bue Marino - Sardinia 98 |
inlet cave |
in-valley boulder cave | "Outside arid regions, in-valley boulder caves (so-calles "purgatory caves" in California and the northeastern United States) are commonly featured by mechanical erosion of underground streams." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
jazz cave music | "Jazz cave music seldom appears but in1956 Raymond Scott composed "Blue Grotto in Capri", and in the 1980s Kristian Blak wrote two long works, "Concerto Grotto" and "Antifonale", for two caves in the Faroe Islands." Brison, Music in and about Caves |
joint cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
jungle cave | "Who else had set out to explore remote jungle caves to ascertain whether, as claimed by von Däniken, these extensive passages were made by spacemen from another culture on another planet using lasers and thermal lances?" Frankland, Los Tayos 11 |
karst cave |
labyrinth cave | "His reports described the Cueva del Viento as an extensive labyrinth cave which, according to SEVG survey possessed a total length of 6.211km (though he noted that at least two passages remained unexplored." Wood, Mills, Icod de los Vinos 453 |
lady caver |
laterite cave |
"This, however, is so minor a part of the
process that, in this entry, loess features are considered part of
badlands pseudokarst. Grimes has differentiated between laterite karst (in
which silicate minerals are removed in solution from within a deep
weathering profile) and laterite caves in western Australia which appear
to have been caused by piping." Halliday, Pseudokarst |
lava blister cave | "..lava bubbles of diameter about 1 m, rarely to 5 m originated by accumulation and pneumatic expansion of gas in lava." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
lava cave |
lava cave class | "Apart from the standard notion that lave cave are simple, uninteresting and featureless circular "tubes", many different processes serve to create a scor of various lava cave classes, with more being discovered from year to year." Kempe, Lava Caves 49 |
lava cave entrance |
"Lava cave entrances are normally sudsided holes on the relavively
fla basaltic floor, and many are covered by bushes, thick tropical
vegetation." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 301 |
lava cave exploration | "In spite of the tremendous progress made in lave cave exploration, we still are far from understanding all the features and processes that interact in form caves in volcanic rocks, specifically the large and extensive pyroduct systems." Kempe, Lava Caves 55 |
lava cave research | "The beginning of lave cave research on Hawai'i in the 1970s and the consecutive acknowledgement of the enormous Haawai'an cave potential spurred activity there and worldwide, leading to the foundation of the Hawai'i Speleological Survey in 1989 during the International Congress of Speleology in Budapest, Hungar." Kempe, Volcanic Rock Caves 865 |
lava cave symposia | "At the International Congresses of Speleology have cave symposia are also held; the papers of the latest one in Kerrville, Texas, August 2009 are available..." Kempe, Volcanic Rock Caves 865 |
lava cave system | "For many years, Krongno local residents have frequented the caves to capture bats for food and their droppings for fertilizer. But they could not have realized the scientific values and the practical significance of the lave cave system." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 300 |
lava flow cave | "The aims of the study....Systematic and taxonomic study at a specific and intraspecific level of the hypogeal mycological flora of the Etna lava flow caves." Vasquez, Mico-Speleologic finds |
lava mould cave |
"Lava Mould Caves (Tree Mould Caves) Occasionally, logjams entrapped
in flowing lava have formed complexes of tree moulds, with some individual
trees more than 2 m in diameter und 20 m long." Halliday, Volcanic
Caves ![]() |
lava overflow cave | "Also lateral narrow subcrustal simple or branched tubes (lava overflow caves) can be formed on the side of main lava flow." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 237 |
lava ridge cave | "lava ridge caves - smaller triangle-shaped caves occur in the lateral part of lava flows in consequence of decreasing in central zone of lava surface, also in the toe part of lava flow by pressure of flowing lava." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 237 |
lava rise cave |
lava tube cave |
lava tube cave network | "In total, these caves form one of the longest and most complicated lave tube cave networks in the world: the whole area around Icod de los Vinos being underlain by an enormous, shallow, segmented cave complex." Wood, Mills, Icod de los Vinos 453 |
lava tumulus cave |
length of cave | "The short length of cave known as Mutt's Cave and Cullaun 4 were found too." Tratham, NW-Clare 20 |
limestone cave |
limestone cavern | "As a long time caver with a career in museum exhibits, the chance to design an artificial limestone cavern was a fantasy come true." Agnew, Jeckering, The Cavern 283 |
limestone dissolution cave | "But during most of our literate centuries, limestone dissolution caves have been the type located closest to centers of population, learning, and travel. Halliday, Vulcanospeleology 172 |
limited access cave | In the Kosciuszko KAMP, the zoning system first proposed by Worboys has been simplified to a 5-level-system: reference cave (ie, for approved scientific studies); limited access cave (open to speleological groups meeting specified requirements and holding a permit)..., Brush, Sustainable use 3 |
littoral cave |
littoral cave development | "The driving force in littoral cave development is wave action." Bunnel, Littoral caves |
live cave | "a cave that is being acitively affected by water, such as a flowing stream that enlarges its passages, seepage water that enlarges cavities, or seepage water that leaves deposits" Folsom, Exploring American Caves 278 |
loess cave | "The third residence of Mao Tsedong that we had visited had the same arched shape as the loess caves and was called a cave even though this house was of free standing construction out in the open." Jennings, Karst in China 9 |
lowland carst cave | "Lowland karst caves are distinguished mainly by subhorizontal, watery, often multistory labyrinth caves and water-abundant karst river outlets including one of the largest (3,285 m) in capacity (1.5 million m) Akhali Atoni Cave System and many entries labyrinth type cavity of Tskhaltubo (Kumistavi) discovered in early 80s, researched part of which exceeded 15 km." Asanidze, Speleology of Georgia 29 |
lunar cave | "Lunar caves would provide a temperate, stable, and safe thermal environment for long term exploration and habitation of the Moon." |
main cave |
main tourist cave | "The main tourist cave is Longgong Dong (Dragon Palace Cave) where a perched lake overflows down a spectacular underground cascade to the resurgence." Waltham, China Caves '85 p 49 |
major cave |
major cave system |
marble cave | "Unique to the Wombeyan marble caves are the symmetrical domes and arches generated by the unloading of the massive marble." Ellis, Wombeyan 40 |
margin cave | "There is a compensatory influx of deeper saline water from the coastal margins. Unlike the blind flank margin cave development is island karst settings, channel networks have been explored here to distances 12 km inland from the Caribbean coast." Beddows, Yucatan Phreas, Mexico 1677 |
marine cave |
marine notch cave | "There are three types of caves in the limestone islands - remnants of old phreatic caves, old karstic foot caves, and marine notch caves." Waltham, Ha Long Bay 6 |
marl piping cave | "Small as it is, Israel has a surprising abundance of cave varieties - from limestone caves, salt caves (in Mt. Sodom), marl piping caves and basalt caves (Jubas) to historical mad-made living and hideout caves, mostly common in the Lashish area (central south-east)." TEAM ICMM Israel 2023, 3 |
mass cave tourism | "Mass cave tourism in Australia, particularly as it was practised n the nineteenth century, has caused significant and irreversible damage to the very features that visitors now wish to see." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 9 |
mass displacement cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
mass movement cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
master cave |
master caver |
"Norman Thurber, Master Caver, wrote a book, it was a hit..." Oh Me Cavers, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 117 |
maternity cave | "There ar no maternity caves at Wombeyan." Ellis, Wombeyan 124 |
maze cave |
medecinal cave | "Aggtelek National Park in Hungary offers not only recreational cave tours for tourists but also speleotherapy for children with asthma in Beke Cave, which was declared a medicinal cave in 1965." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 98 |
meditation cave | "Gurugem Phuk is a meditation cave close to the monastery of Gurugem...Western Tibet " |
micro cave | "A large, passable cave can only be formed by a large stream, but in this area all the near-surface drainage is in the form of small trickles of water in comparably small micro-caves." Waltham, North-West England 102 |
Minimal Impact Caving Code | "Concernover the impacts of recreational cavers on sites in Australia led to the developmentof a Minimal Impact Caving Code (MICC)." Webb, Recreational Caving |
monster cave | "France even held a new world depth record for 20 years in the Gouffre Jean-Bernard (Haute-Savoie) with - 1602 m, before the arrival of other "monster caves" such as the neighboring Gouffre Mirolda with - 1.733 m in 2003." Chirol, A history 7 |
moulin cave | "Still others (moulin caves) form by meltwater enlargement of crevasses." Halliday, Pseudokarst |
mountain cave |
mudflow cave | "They present sporadic caves formed by outflowing of liquid mud from under and upper dried indurate crust on slopes of mud volcanoes (Kalenda 2010):" Bella, Gall, Non-solution Caves 239 |
mud glyph cave | "Kentucky-Alabama region...They are popularly known as "mud glyph caves", but the rock art, which is thought to be fairly recent, seems to occur on moonmilk rather than mud." Shrewsburg, Cave Art |
multiprocess cave |
mummy cave | "It has been necessary to restrict, or curtail altogether, visitor access to some of the most spectacular painted caves in France and Spain such as Lascaux, Pech Merke, Niaux, and Altamira while the exploitation for tourism of mummy caves such as those of the Ibaloi at Kabayan, Phillippines, is leading to an exponential increase in the rate of decay of the mummies themselves." Tolan-Smith, Human occupation of caves |
mushroom cave |
"Some Basidiomycetes fungi that have been found in natural volcanic
caves of Mt. Etna ("Grotta Immacolatelle" R.N.I.), represent the first records of "mushroom caves” in Sicily. A. Reitano, 2001", Vasquez, Mico-Speleologic finds |
natural cave |
nature of the cave | "The impacts will depend on many factors including the nature of the cave." Brush, Sustainable use 1 |
network cave |
niche cave | "see shelter cave" Folsom, Exploring American Caves 279 |
night-discotheque cave | "Today night-discotheque caves with recorded or live dance music can be found in Bermuda at Prospero's Cave, in Cuba at the Cueva del Pirate in Varadero, and in the Dominican Republic at Meson de la Cava in Santo Domingo." Brison, Music in and about Caves |
nitre cave |
non-cave find | "Marsupials must go back even farther than the limit to which non-cave finds at present take them, namely the Oligocenne-Eocene boundary, so Australian speleologists have reason to be on the alert for cave bone depositis of ancient aspect." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 123 |
non-caver |
non-caving |
non-karst cave |
non-solution cave | "The paper gives a basic categorisation of non-solution caves according to their origin." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 237 |
non-tourist cave | "These "adventure" caves with free access such as Porte Cochère on the Margeriaz (Bauges massif), Tune cave (Devoluy) or the through-route Aven Yvon-Aven des Jurassiens in caille (Alpes-Maritime)." Gauchon, News about underground tourism 93 |
notch cave | "At the Olomouc congress there was discussion of the potential genetic significance of sulfuric acid produced by oxidation of pyrite in bedding planes but no real inkling of the explosion of understanding that was to come after 1978 with recognition of the distinct h2S class of water table notch caves that may be found in carbonate rocks: work primarily in the western USA has predominated here, including perhaps the most spectacular individual cave discovered in the past forty years." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 15 |
novice cave | "The Lincoln National Forest of New Mexico has established a system that requires two or more cavers per trip to even enter their novice caves." Wilson, Solo Cave Myth 21 |
novice caver | "I myself took a party of novice cavers down Rowten during what I thought was settled weather, and after only suffering heavy spray on the main pitch, we had an enjoyable time exploring the rest of the cave." Eyre, Jim (1981): The Cave Explorers, The Stalactite Press, Calgary 59 |
one boulder cave | "Most classifications have been applied to relatively small regions. In Sweden, Sjöberg (1989b) found four types of talus ("boulder") caves: glacial boulder caves, abrasive boulder caves; one boulder cave formed by frost wedging; and neotectonic boulder caves." Halliday, Talus Caves |
open-access cave | "It remains essentially a wild cave, with some modest infrastructure for its use as an 'adventure cave', although DOC does not currently run tours there - it is an 'open access' cave." Baird, Rawhiti Cave |
open-joint cave | "Finlayson (1986) classified those in granite as open joint caves and closed joint caves." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
obstruction cave | "Much smaller "obstruction caves" (formed by plastic bridging of the ice past rock obstructions) had been mentioned in the geological and glaciological literature of the post-war years." Halliday, Glaciospeleology 33 |
one-cave-mountain | "A few decades ago the Matra Mountains were considered as "one-cave-mountains." Eszterhasy, Szentes, Matra Mountains 41 |
open joint cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
oracle cave | "Kircher starts this chapter by citing Jacobus Gaffarellus.., who, in his work "Mundo Subterraneo", divided caves into five categories: Divine, human, animal, natural and artificial. In detail, the devine group contains caves where angels have appeared...the catacombs in Rome, oracle caves and caves of fauns, dryads and nymphs, among others." Kempe, Kircher 61 |
original cave |
outflow cave |
outlet cave | "However these sediments are not everywhere in the karstic system, they are mostly concentrated in two key points. the pro-glacial sinkhole and the outlet cave." Jaillet, French mountain caves 30 |
over-caved | "When we got there it was clear that most of them were grotty, over-caved, being converted into show caves of a combination of all of these." Willis, China Caves Project '94, p 25 |
paeleokarst cave | "Filled paleokarst caves are known in Archaen and all younger rocks." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 17 |
parc cave | "The Job Corps personnel break into and vandalize the park caves several times a year (on the average) even though they are gated and locked." Caving International Interview with Peter Lindsley, CIM 12-1981, p 13 |
particular cave | "Those who ignore basic courtesies in caving, such as keeping caves clean, and cooperating with other groups who may be acitively exploring a cave, tend to start reverbations that go far beyond a particular cave or incident." Thompson, Expedition Ethics 3 |
permafrost cave | "Permafrost caves caused by ground ice suffusion and interaction with karst terrain are known from the high latitude regions of Earth." Boston, Extraterrestrial Caves 737 |
pilot cave | "The potentially most vulnerable unbroken as well as broken stalactites were measured in a pilot cave (Milandre, Switzerland)." Spate, Did the earth move |
piping cave |
pit cave |
pit-cave system | "Additionally, spatially infinite models can simulate solar motion, which is required to properly account for the distribution of radiative energy within the pit-cave system." |
pothole cave | "Tidal locally known name has been identified for this drowned pothole cave, which is more often than not called after the village of Puttur." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 178 |
pothole type cave | "These caves run parallel to the edges of plateaux and include some of the deepest pothole type caves in quartzite." Martini, Silicate Karst 1387 |
pre-cave surface | "The original pre-cave surface drainage was by the major Aughoonla valley which debouched from the shale west of the Doolin Road Sink, and the water ran along the shale edge to join the Aille in the region of Roadford." Tratman, NW-Clare 200 |
pressure ridge cave |
primary cave |
principal cave |
priority-cave analyse | "In addition, the complementarity method (using heuristic methods) was used for priority cave analyses." Borges, Pereira, Indicators of Conservation Value, p 109 |
prisoner's cave | "The Ana-Kio type includes the prisoners' caves tht are natural, usually bigger und converted into living quarters." Ciszewski, Easter Island 35 |
project caver | "Decents of these and similar features elsewhere in Guizhou, Guangxi and Chongquinrg by Project cavers, and in some cases the exploration of their underground rivers, has enabled Professor zhu and otheer geomorphologists to determine their probable mode of formation, identify their development environment, and speculate on their likely age." Campion, Harrison, China Caves Project 10 |
project caving | "These days he mostly enjoys, and is trying to take part of, various activities related to project caving." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 4 |
protocave |
pseudocave |
pseudokarst cave |
pseudokarstic cave development |
pseudokarst cavitiy | "The largest pseudokarst cavities in the Palaeogene sandstones of the Carpathian Flysch occur in the Moravskoslezske Beskydy Mts (Vlka Knehynska Cave, 72,5 m deeo on the slope of Mt. Knehyne). |
public access cave |
purgatory cave |
quarry-cum-cave | "Water took over, and after that a nearby factory began dumping great quantities of sludge into the quarry-cum-cave thus effectively sealing off the rich treasury of clues to the story of prehistoric animal life." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 120 |
quartzite cave |
quartzite cave systems | "It may be that a large majority of the quartzite cave systems are not older than a few thousands or tens of thousands of years, which contrasts with the much longer time required to weather the rock." Martini, Silicate Rock 1389 |
quartzite-dolerite cave |
ramiform cave |
recreational cave | "It is apparent that in view of the fairly high reading obtained, the fact that many occur in high intensity recreational caves, and the fact that concentrations are likely to be higher at other times of year, further investigation should be undertaken." Gamble, Alpha-radiation 259 |
recreational caver | "An inevitable consequence of the increased numbers of recreational cavers has been significant impacts on popular caves." Webb, Recreational Caving |
recreational caving |
reef cave | "..small irregular constructional cavities in barrier reefs and atolls formed by growing of corals under sea level." Bella, Gaal, Non-solutional Caves 240 |
relic cave |
relict cave |
restricted access cave | "A permit was (and is) still required for a trip into a restricted access cave, but 'recreation' was accepted as a legitimate reason, provided that certain conditions were complied wiht, such a having a suitably experienced leader and complying with a range of codes and guidelines developed and implemented by ASF." Brush, Sustainable use 4 |
resurgence cave |
resurgence cave entrance | "For exploration active parts of the resurgence cave entrance are accessible to visitors." Laumanns, Lebanon 116 |
resurgence river cave | "One of main finds was Piel Theng Puok, which proved to be a fantastic resurgence river cave, being situated in a small gorge at the head of a 50m high tufa waterfall." Brook, Impressive river cave found 18 |
resurgent cave | "Pool Bank Cave in Whitbarrow Scar is an active resurgent cave located at the base of the limestone." Waltham, NW-England 221 |
ridge cave | "Lateral ridge caves and toe ridge caves form when the inner part of basaltlava-flows with a convex surface and solid surface crust sags because the supporting lava underneath sinks." Gadanyi, Caves under uplifted surface 119 |
rift cave |
rift cave passage | "An apparently about 1 m wide and more than 2 m high cave entrance gives access to a scramble down into a rift cave passage (Lindenmayr, F undated 2015.01.09 cave ..)." Gebauer, Lumshnong 10 |
rifting cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
rival cave | "The Cheddar Caves in Somerset claim to be the first tourist show caves in Britain, with two then rival caves operating by the mid-nineteenth century: Cox's Cave, known to have been open to visitors in 1837; and Gough's Old Cave which was operating as a show cave by 1869." Crane, Cave 161 |
river bank erosion cave | "...formed in the rock banks of river channel by lateral erosion mainly in meanders along horizontal bedding plane." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
river cave |
river meander cave | "Walls Cave, an archeological site in the Blue Mountains, is an abandoned river meander cave." Jennings, Man and other animals 97 |
rock cave |
rockfall cave | "..chaotic cavities formed by deposition of disintegrated large angular boulders from falling or sliding rock blocks at the base of cliffs on slopes, in the bottom of valleys or at the foot of coastal cliffs." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
rockpile cave | "Talus Caves...Alternative names in the literature include avalanche caves, block-field caves, boulder caves, purgatory caves, rockpile caves, rockslide caves, scee caves, and slope failure caves." Halliday, Talus Caves |
rockslide cave |
rock topple cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
sacrificial cave |
salpeter cave |
salt cave |
salt diapire fissure cave | "..occur in the raising salt stump or diapire of hydrated anhydrite (Vendeville and Jackson 1992)." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
salt ingestion cave | "Caves excavated by animals - small cavities excavated mainly as hiding-places (salt ingestion caves)." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 240 |
sandstone cave |
scree cave | "Talus Caves...Alternative names in the literature include avalanche caves, block-field caves, boulder caves, purgatory caves, rockpile caves, rockslide caves, scee caves, and slope failure caves." Halliday, Talus Caves |
sea cave |
sea-cave chambers | "Sea-cave chambers sometimes collapse leaving a "littoral sinkhole"." Bunnell, Littoral Caves |
sea-cave formation | "Rainwater may also influence sea-cave formation." Bunnell, Littoral Caves |
sea-cave survey | "A compilation of sea-cave surveys by the author showed three over 300 metres, 15 over 200 metres, and 86 over 100 metres in length." Bunnell, Littoral Caves |
sea-cave tunnels | "Small peninsulas or headlands often have caves that cut completely through them, since they are subject to attack from both sides, and collapses of sea-cave tunnels often leave free-standing "sea stacks"." Bunnell, Littoral Caves |
sea-erosion cave | "There are 272 natural volcanic caves known in the Azores, which can be classified as lave tubes caves, volcanic pits and crevices and sea-erosion caves." |
sealevel cave | "They are tidal, as sea water moves freely through the limestone, at some sites through sealevel caves which are travesable by boat, but at other sites through inaccessible fissure networks." Waltham, Ha Long Bay p 5 |
seismotectionic boulder cave | "..underground spaces between rock blocks originated by disintegration of granite massive disturbed by seismic quake." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
seizmotectonic fracture cave | "..caves along the narrow fissures created in consequence of decompression seismic quake after melting of glacier and isostatic uplift in Scandinavia." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
sepulchral cave | "The sepulchral caves of the holy commonly became sites of devotion, which in turn were marked by the construction of a place of worship of some kind, a temple, a church or a mosque." Crane, Cave 148 |
set of caves | "To obtain the minimum set of caves that combined have the highest representation of species we applied the complementarity method." Borges, Pereira, Indicators of Conservation Value, p 110 |
shaft cave | "A pit cave, shaft cave or vertical cave—or often simply called a pit (in the US) and pothole or pot (in the UK); jama in Slavic languages scientific and colloquial vocabulary (borrowed since early research in the Western Balkan Dinaric Alpine karst)—is a type of cave which contains one or more significant vertical shafts rather than being predominantly a conventional horizontal cave passage." |
shelter cave |
shelter type cave | "Frost weathering caves....generally shelter type caves originated by break-up of host rock in consequence of frost." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 240 |
shoreline cave | "In the Sydney region it has been suggested that different caves were sought at different seasons, the more exposed outer shoreline caves giving place to others along the more sheltered estuaries in wintertime." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 116 |
show cave |
show cave access | "Alois Schaffenrath, in the mid-19th century, spent much of his time working in Adelberg Cave as it was being opened up for public show cave access." Shrewsbury, Cave Art |
show cave association | "The International Show Cave Association (ISCA) defines a show cave - sometimes called a tourist cave - as a 'natural occurring void beneath the surface of the earth that has been made accessible to the public for tours'" Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 1 |
show cave entrance | "Peak Cavern...The only previous cavers' entrance to this cave was the 23 m dive of Treasury Sump since the show cave entrance is barred to all but a chosen few." Proudlove, Peak Cavern |
show cave experience | "The San Men Hai resurgence now provides an excellent show cave experience in boats or bamboo rafts, but above it lies the massive and intimidating MA Wang Dong, the related relict series." Campion, Harrison, China Caves Project 6 |
show cave guide | "Sticking to tradition I fell over in front of a Chinese video team and was rescued by a pretty show cave guide in high heels and red-coat, whor traipsed off across the boulder slope carrying Tony's (sodding) tripod and my packed-lunch." Willis, China Caves Project '94 p 24 |
show cave industry |
show cave location | "We all had to wear hard hats, a not-uncommon requirement at some show cave locations in New Zealand." Henderson, Maori Leap Cave |
show cave management | "The discussion draws on the authors field research, visiting show caves as tourists to consider the significance of developments in ecotourism and geotourism for show cave management in Australia and China." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 1 |
show cave operation |
show cave owner |
show cave path | "Manjang Cave is very long, approaching 9 km in total, though less than 1 km is covered by the show cave paths." Middleton, Overview of Volcanic Caves 66 |
show cave pathway | "Visitors are provided with a helmet und headlamp and taken through former show cave pathways no longer on the regular tour itinerary." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 3 |
show cave section |
show cave tour | "However, our experience suggests that the majority of tourists around the world who join show cave tours are casual or incidental tourists, usually family or social groups, rather than cave enthusiasts." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 2 |
show cave tourism | "Based on the number of caves open to paying visitors, the Chinese show cave industry is roughly six times the size of Australia's and if reliable figures of annual visitor numbers were available, the distinction between show cave tourism in the two countries would probably be even greater." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 6 |
show cave trip | "The nature and magnitude of the impacts will depend on the cave itself as well as on a range of factors concerning the visitor, such as the type of visit (for example is it a show cave trip, a recreational caving trip of for scientific work), the route through the cave, how careful of "cave-aware" the visitor is, how long they spend in the cave and the nature of clothing and other items they take into the cave." Brush, Sustainable use 2 |
show cave website | "Duckeck's (2015) show cave website lists 1256 show caves, including fifty eight in Australia and sixty-two in China, but he has acknowledged that his records are partial due to a relative lack of information about Chinese show caves in English." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 1 |
side cave | "Fa Hien Lena...The cave has been divided into four sections of which the left side cave is the largest and is the centre of it." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 62 |
single-entrance cave | "The caves were monitored to provide...sack, or single-entrance caves, and transit, or multiple-entrance caves." Gamble, Alpha-radiation 257 |
sinkhole cave |
sister cave | "It is unclear why both Carlsbad and Lechuguilla are so much larger than their sister caves, but Lechuguilla obviously shares with other Guadelupe caves an unusual moder of origin in which sulphuric acid caused a major part of the cavern enlargement." Davis, Uniqueness of Lechuguilla 426 |
sliding fracture cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
slope failure cave | "Talus Caves...Alternative names in the literature include avalanche caves, block-field caves, boulder caves, purgatory caves, rockpile caves, rockslide caves, scee caves, and slope failure caves." Halliday, Talus Caves |
slope movement cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
snout cave | "Helm Glacier, B.C.......Only small snout caves were found, but a pond filling the base of a huge moulin some distance up-glacier was intriguing." Halliday, Glaciospeleology 34 |
snow cave | "For a time they navigated routinely by compass in a whiteout that limited visibility to a few metres, but windchill forced them to dig an inadequate snow cave." Halliday, Glaciospeleology 32 |
solo cave hunting | "As with many things it all started innocently enough with me doing some solo cave hunting in the central highlands of Guatemala around the town of Coban." Lloyd, Mob Mentality 33 |
solo caver | "The fact that the list is so short might indicate that solo caving is insignificant, if it were not for the fact that practically the entire list of solo cavers are people who are respected for their accomplishments in caving and include a number of well-known cave organisation leaders." Wilson, Solo Cave Myth 20 |
solo caving | "The myth is that solo caving is dangerous." Wilson, Solo Cave Myth 20 |
solution cave |
solution cave development | "Several settings are recognized that generate distinct species of solution cave development." Kllimchouk, Caves 420 |
solutional cave |
solutional cave system | "Ascending water (hypogene, othen thermal) solutional cave systems are more widespred than was recognised in 1973, and are now much better differentiated." Ford, From Olomouc 1973 p 15 |
spatter cone cave | "Polygentic spatter cone caves in carbonatite volcanoes - a rare case of cave origin in spatter cones in the summit crater of Ol Doinyo Lengai in Tanzania, cavities under spatter cones originated by thermal erosion, and meteoric water and condensation corrosion of natrocarbonate lava." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
speed caving | "The lack of new caves or extensions to older systems in these areas of high visitation has led to significant changes in caving habits, including the development of speed caving and "speleo olympics." Webb, Recreational Caving |
spongework cave | "Spongework caves are formed when solution cavities are joined by mixing of chemically diverse water." |
sport caver |
sport caving |
sporting cave | "It was a memorable expedition with about ten kilometers of sporting cave discovered and with countless moments of fun, of new sensations and of amazement at the splendours and oddities of this superb continent and its fiere rain forest." Frankland, Los Tayos 16 |
sporting caver |
sportsman-caver | "The annual Bulletin contains a great deal of serious scientific information, plus some articles of particular interest to the sportsman-caver." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 158 |
stalactite cave |
storage cave | "The entrances of such sacred storage caves were sometimes walled up." Jennings, Man and other animals 105 |
stream cave |
stream-cut cave | "While piping caves are clearly tied to loess occurrences and spherical weathering caves occur exclusively in the granites of the Bohemian Massif, the occurrence of frost weathering caves, "Abrissklüfte", rockslide caves and stream-cut caves is apparently not linked to a specific geology." Oberender, The distribution of non-karst caves 47 |
streamsink cave | "Peynirlikönü Cave....Both are typical Taurus streamsink caves with series of narrow, wet shafts." Gunn, Güny, TURKEY |
subglacial cave | "This group includes the caves formed by mechanical deformation of glacier und underlying rocks, also subglacial caves formed as glacier slides over abrupt changes in the bedrock surface, and glacial boulder caves." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
subsurface cave | "In effect, the cave can maintain almost any temperature without being able to lose its heat effectively through conduction to the surface, rendering the subsurface cave effectively invisible to an orbit-based thermal detector, such as Diviner." |
suffusion cave |
suffusion tunnel cave | "..originated by suffusion and erosion generally on the contact of loose rocks and impereable background." Bella, Gall, Non-solution Caves 239 |
sulphur spring cave | "Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico: Reconnaissance Stud of an active Sulphur Spring Cave and Ecosystem, in: Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 6(11), April 1999, 13-21 |
sulphuric acid cave | "Furthermore, gypsum occurs only as restricted, isolated specimens and not as massive deposits, as would be expected from the reaction between sulphuric acid and the carbonate as reported from sulphuric acid caves in other semi-arid areas." Auler, Toca da Boa Vista 834 |
summer caving | "Winter caving offers many advantages over summer caving: the more interesting caves with strong winds often have snow-free entrances and are visible from a long distance." Degrave, The European Caving Scene 12-1981, p 14 |
supercave |
supercavern | "Does this mean that, beyond the confusing maze of this section, some undiscovered mast conduit lies near the prsent water table, perhaps along the Waltnut Canyon synclline to the south? If so, perhaps both Lechuguilla and Carlsbad, grand as they seem today, will turn out to be mere side offshouts of the TRUE supercavern of the Guadalupes!" Davis, Uniqueness of Lechuguilla 430 |
surface cave | "The 'surface caves' were in Kuruvita - Batadombalena, Kitulgala - Belilena & Belilena tunnel, Maradankadawala - Rock shelter." Hetiarachchi, Into the 'Beast' |
swallet cave |
sweat cave | "Sciacca....The 18th century engraving represents the main sweat cave." Garberi, Forti, USI IMPROPRI (?) 108 |
synsedimentary travertine cave | "..constructional caves originated by precipitation of travertine from solution." Bella, Gall, Non-solution Caves 239 |
tafoni cave | "..originated by insolation weathering along the contact plane of primary cubical jointing or granite and similar rocks." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 240 |
talus cave |
tectonic cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
temple cave |
thermal cave | "The Romans, on the other hand, were responsible for the creation of the first "thermal caves." Garberi, Forti, USI IMPROPRI (?) 107 |
through cave |
tilting cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
top caver |
toppling cave | "Because of the variet of their genetic processes and the variety of terrains in which these caves exist (and also because of limited communication), local terminologies have arisen, including breakaway caves, cambering caves, closed joint caves, crack caves, crevasse caves, crevasses, earth cracks, earthquake cracks, eruptive fissures, fissure caves, gravity-sliding caves, gulls, gull caves, joint caves, mass displacement caves, mass movement caves, open joint caves, rift caves, rifting caves, rock topple caves, sliding fracture caves, slope movement caves, tectonic caves, tilting caves, toppling caves, and windypits." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
tourist cave |
tourist cave operator | "The examples of Stone Flower Cave near Beijing, and three caves in and around Guilin in Guangxi province, southern China, illustrate Chinese approaches, which stand in marked contrast to those employed by Australian tourist cave operators." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 1 |
tourist caver | "Monitoring the bivouacs to insure that needed supplies are not exhausted by tourist cavers." Brändli, The Hölloch 18 |
tower cave | "The tower caves are mostly horizontal in character, although various vertical systems do occur." Price, Malaysian Cave Bibliography 6 |
tower karst foot cave | "The term phytokarst has also been applied to the constructional role of plants and micro-organisms growing on speleothems on vertical slopes and cave entrances (such as tower karst foot caves) in tropical karst." Viles, Phytokarst |
travertine crater cave | "..spring travertine throats inside travertine craters (Bella 2005, Halliday 2011)." Bella, Gall, Non-solution Caves 239 |
travertine cave | "In western Turkey the builders of the long-ruined city of Hieropolis must have known of "Plutonium", "Pit of the Jinns", or "Dog Cave", as a travertine cave in the world-famous terraces of Pamukkale has been variously termed." Halliday, Caves in History: The Eastern 426 |
travertine fissure ridge cave | "..rare occurring longitudinal narraow cavities along the foot of constructive travertine waterfalls." Bella, Gall, Non-solution Caves 239 |
tree mold cave |
troglodyte cave |
trunk cave | "Death's Head Hole is a fine 65 metre shaft ending only to a segment of fossil trunk cave, and nearby on the same fault Rumbling Hole is a wet shaft leading to a series of waterfalls." Waltham, Three Counties 23 |
tuff cave | "In Africa, apparently only the tuff caves of Mount Elgon were known to 18th-century Europeans, and the history of vulcanospeleology in Africa largely is that of the Cave Exploration Group of East Africa in the latter half of the 20th century." Halliday, Volcanospeleology: History 1636 |
tumuli cave | "This class of caves is much wider and longer than tumuli caves. In Jordan.." Kempe, Lava Caves 54 |
tumulus cave | "During the development of the tumulus caves, the disjunction between the solid surface crust and fluid lava is a result of the draining of the fluid lava from the extensively arched surface crust." Gadanyi, Caves under uplifted surface 125 |
tunnel cave |
type cave | "Udujpiyan Galge..Designated as the "type cave" of the Balangoda culture." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 182 |
uco - unidentified cavisi objects | "UCO" (unidentified cavisi objects) or, if you prefer, unconfirmed caving objects, are those of which the "cave" description gives no clue that would allow concluding if it is a cave, a rock shelter, or something else." Gebauer,Sri Lanka 15 |
underground cave |
underwater cave |
underwater cave exploration | "He is head of an NSS group that has mastered the technique of underwater cave exploration". Folsom, Exploring American Caves 152 |
underwater cave system | "Among these are the three longest flooded cave sytems in the world and 13 other systems more than 5 km long, firmly establishing this region as the leading site for explored underwater cave systems." Beddows, Yucatan Phreas, Mexico 1677 |
unspecified cave | "Unspecified "caves" used by Vedda..people are mentioned anthropological studies." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 13 |
vertical caving |
vertical caving equipment |
visitor cave |
"Clearly they are impractical as part of a zoning control system where visitors self-guide themselves through the caves, especially as there is often a tendency for many more visitor caves these days to be accessible to visitors without the need for a tour guide." |
volcanic cave |
volcanic exhalation cave | "..smaller caves created by exhalation or explosion of ascending volcanic gases in scoria cone." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
volcanic rock cave |
volunteer caver | "To help us organize this event, we have recruited volunteer cavers from all around Israel, who will accompany the photography teams into the caves and other attractions, and assist us with all the tasks this event will require." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 4 |
water cave |
water cave system | "The principal type (quantitatively dominant in most caving regions) is the unconfined (or hypogenic, epigenic) meteroric water cave system." Ford, From Olomouc 1973, p 15 |
waterfall erosion cave |
"..formed by backward erosion of falling water under occasional or
constant waterfall (Striebel 1999, Day 2001)." Bella, Gaal,
Non-solution caves 238 |
watertable cave |
wave-cut cave |
weathering cave |
weekend caver | "This is a view that seem to unify devotees to cave exploration - from committed weekend cavers to the leaders of large-scale international expeditons." Crane, Cave 84 |
'wild' caving | "Like the more strenuous Off the Track tour at Jenolan Caves, this tour responds to a market for a differentiated approach to show cave tourism that provides a sense of daring without the challenge and risk associated with 'wild' caving." Crane, Fletcher, The Speleotourist Experience 5 |
wind cave |
winter caving | "Winter caving offers many advantages over summer caving: the more interesting caves with strong winds often have snow-free entrances and are visible from a long distance." Degrave, The European Caving Scene 12-1981, p 14 |
woman caver | "At one side of the opening, an experienced woman caver sits with feet firmly braced, ready to pay out the safety line, which passes around her so that her whole body and both handas can act as brakes on it if necessary." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 154 |
woolsack cave | "Exfoliation caves are formed along the fissures, by falling-out of block along the fissures, among boulders formed by exfoliation disintetration along the bedding or cubical jointing "in situ" (boulder exfoliation cave), wide and narrow simple exfoliation underground spaces (woolsack cave), weathered exfoliation caves and small deltoid caves of A-tents type." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
world caving | "Peter Thompson's editorial in Caving International#8 on Mexican caving addresses an issue that will have a great impact on the future of world caving." Sprouse, Viewpoint 9-1980, p 7 |
world-caving map | "These features form cave systems equal in size and beauty to those found anywhere else in the world, thus putting Meghalaya firmly on the world-caving map as a significant Cave und Karst Region." Brook, caving in the abode of the clouds 40 |
world of caves | "There is no 'world' of caves, caves are part of the world we live in." Aley, Tom, Interview 17 |
3-D-cave system | "In many caves passages are stacked in tiers or levels, often superimposed and interconnected to form complex 3-D cave systems." Klimchouk, Caves 420 |
adjective + cave
abandoned cave |
accessible cave |
active cave |
actual cave |
adjoining cave | "This is because some measurements attributed to a single cave may have been made in several caves together with uncovered spaces between them." Halliday, Talus Caves |
air-filled cave | "Moreover, unlike an explorer of air-filled caves, a cave diver is rarely worried by the nagging suspicion that a torch-bearing prehistoric Indian might have been there before him: the technology for exploring underwater caves is scarcely three decades old." Crane, Cave 89 |
all caves |
alpine cave |
amazing cave |
"Amazing cave way down below. Amazing cave it's bound to go. Just where and when..." Amazing Cave, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 146 |
ample cave | "Friar Berreda...But he remembered the ample cave and the shelter it could give, and on the night of June 12, 1693, he camped there and enjoyed the brook which he noted "gushes from the living rock." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 53 |
ancient cave |
anonymous cave |
anastomotic caver | "Anastomotic caves largely resemble surface braided streams with their passages separating and then meeting further down drainage." |
another cave |
any cave |
apparently static cave | "I donot think the term "static cave" accurate, and prefer the term "apparently static cave" or "cave without distinct draughts."" Balch,Glacières 122 |
archeological cave |
arid cave | "A cluster of arid caves is at the heart of Jim Crace's Quarantine." Crane, Cave 126 |
artificial cave |
ascending cave | "J.P. Braun..He demonstratied that it is possible to reach the top of the ascending cave without bivouacing in 20 hours." Degrave, The European Caving Scene 12-1981, p 14 |
astounding cave | "One of the most astounding caves in any respect is the hollow imprint of a dicaeratherium in Miocene pillow lavas (Rhino Cave, US Quadrangle Park Lake, Grant Country, Washington)." Kempe, Lava Caves 55 |
atectonic cave | "Three atectonic caves are known, which were formedby the equalization of the arising tensions as the rock mass moved down the slope." Eszterhasy, Szentes, Matra Mountains 32 |
attractive cave | "Its primary purpose was to ensure the protection of certain particularly attractive caves of his area and to extend them with a view of tourism." Shaw, cave science 61 |
available cave | "Besides, the other available caves in the area might later be found to contain their own species." Elliott, Damming up the Caves, p 39 |
basalitic cave | "Basaltic caves can penetrate far into cliffs where most of the surface erodes relatively slowly." Bunnell, Littoral Caves |
beautiful cave |
best cave |
best known cave | "The caverns measureless to man' encountered in Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan' are among the best known caves in English literature." Crane, Cave 127 |
biblical cave | "The Bible and the Koran contain numerous references to caves, although most biblical caves are mere rock shelters or grottoes." Halliday, Caves in History: The Eastern 426 |
big cave |
biggest cave |
blasted cave | "Why won't this bally thing
behave? I'm running out of blasted cave!' But just before he hit the wall.." Alfi, Reflections 76 |
bloody cave | "To rescue is their mission. But they can't get near the bloody cave, Fort the bloody television..." French Rescue, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 179 |
blowing cave |
both caves |
breathtaking cave | " known the world over for having India's longest cave system Krem Kotsai-Umlawan Cave system with a surveyed length of 21.6 km, is a breathtaking cave that has everything ot offer an adventurous tourist, from big walking passages to bellyy crawls, to clombs, to swimming sections, a bit of underwater dive, to an 11 m high waterfall." Gebauer, Lumshnong 53 |
buried cave | "With further earthquakes like the one in 1975 and the latest on 23 September , 1979, it may be that even the deepest buried caves will someday reveal themselves." Wood, Caves on the Hawaiian Volcanoes 5 |
calcreous cave | "Speleothems most commonly form in calcareus caves due to carbonate dissolution reactions." |
cave-man's cave | "The human story began in the cave-man's cave, so in the second part of the book, 'The God in the Cave', Chesterton drew a touching parallel."Ffinch, Chesterton 300 |
cedar-like cave | "From a morphological point of view the mushroom type, plate type, bottle type, "narusawa type" (cedar-like cave after burning of gase) and "hudoiwa" type (with accumulated lava in a frontal part of tree) are distinguished." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
celebrated cave | "One of the first cave musical works and certainly the best known worldwide was the "Fingal's Cave Overture", a masterpiece of early Romantic music composed by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy following his visit in 1829 to this celebrated cave in the Hebrides of Scotland." Brison, Music in and about Caves |
certain cave |
certified cave | "Among the 45 certified caves, 20 have been comprehensively researched and mapped." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 304 |
characteristic cave | "Description of some characteristic caves according to the types of cave development and the surrounding rock." Eszterhasy, Szentes, Matra Mountains 35 |
chilly cave | "The young man and woman had to wait three full days in the chilly cave before a farmer saw the horses und guesses that somebody underground must be just as hungry as the animals obviously were." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 225 |
choked-up cave | "C.G. Jung...In his memoirs, written over twenty years later, he gives mor detail about the dream and describes a 'choked-up cave' with multiple levels, 'Neolithic tools' on the dusty floor of the upper levels and Ellis, Wombeyan remnants of prehistoric fauna below." Crane, Cave 17 |
chosen cave | "Reduction of body water loss is very important and bough shelters, though easy to construct, are not so effective in this respect as a carefully chosen cave." Jennings, Man and other animals 102 |
circular cave | "At the base of the tunnel we found ourselves on the theshold of an immense, almost circular cave, with a diameter of some fifty meters, rising overhead into a regular vault or dome about twenty-seven meters in height." Balch, Glacières 11 |
clan-owned cave | "Some of the caves turned out to be of archeological and cultural interest and the team was able to survey some of the caves studied by Naga archeaologist Dr. Tiatoshy Jamir and the several clan-owned caves, in particular the burial cave of the Whourr-Merr Clan." Hapka, Coffin Caves 25 |
'classic cave' | "But the quality of the caving experience in the 'classic' caves such as the Gouffre Berger, for instance, or in the easy caves close to the towns where many cavers or occasional cavers go for initiation or training, is threatended." Paul Courbon, Caving Internantional Magazine-Interview, p 14 |
classified cave | "Highly classified caves receive vey few visitors to protect their values." Brush, Sustainable use 11 |
clearest cave | "Despite these obstacles, deep cave diving continues to be popular in Florida because the biggest, clearest, and most beautiful caves lie at water depths ranging from 45 metres to over 90 metres." Exley, Deep Cave Diving p 41 |
cleft-like cave | "Mulkirigala...Steps lead-up to a series of cleft-like caves in the huge rock." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 132 |
cold cave |
collapsed cave |
cold current cave | "This cave may or may not be a glacière; but surely it is not a cold current cave." Balch, Glacières 35 |
comfortable cave | "Beli Galge, Bambarabotuwa...In fact no more comfortable cave for inhabitation can well be imagined." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 38 |
communicating caves | "Istripura Cavern...Presumably these caves are those Strinati & Aellen call ISTRI-GLA-LENA caves which they say comprises two communicating caves one with about 150 m of passage and the second with two vast galleries and a deep well with 600m of passages." Wilson, Southern Sri Lanka 22 |
comparable caves | "In the entrance sections of comparable caves in the area, seasonal air movements cause condensation on the walls in summer and desiccationin winter." Mihevc, Bestaovca Cave 158 |
complex cave |
connected caves | "The result was that in an individual cave - or a group of connected caves - some life forms developed which appeared in few if any other places." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 49 |
constructional cave |
controlled cave | "An apparently perennial stream of water with a streambed tapped with pipes or tubes, disappears in an uncomfortable cave entrance (apparently about 1 m large) which gives access to a tectonically controlled cave with a "relatively short" and absolutely unidentified passage length." Gebauer, Lumshnong 12 |
cool cave | "Experiments had shown that this could be done most easily by refrigerating them in a humid atmosphere: The creatures remained dormant as if they were hibernating in a cool, damp cave."Folsom, Exploring American Caves 192 |
corrasional cave | "Corrasional or erosional caves are those that form entirely by erosion by flowing streams carrying rocks and other sediments." |
creepy cave | "And for those wet and creepy caves, I did depart, did depart." There's a pothole on the Fell, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 14 |
cumbersome cave | "Johannes de Laet...In Bermuda, too, some "very large, dark and cumbersome caves" were reported." Shaw, History of Cave Science 57 |
current cave | "The network caves, and the network sections of the current caves represent a fourth period of cave development." Ellis, Wombeyan 70 |
custom-made cave | "Broken Arrow (1996, John Woo) serves as an example, though with the decency to include a convincing, custom-made cave from Foam-Tec, while Sean Connery as James Bond made his underwater escape through Lucayan Caverns, Bahamas, in Never Say Never Again (1983, Irvin Kershner)." Howes, Films in Caves |
damp cave | "Experiments had shown that this could be done most easily by refrigerating them in a humid atmosphere: The creatures remained dormant as if they were hibernating in a cool, damp cave."Folsom, Exploring American Caves 192 |
dangerous cave |
dank cave |
dark cave |
decorated cave |
deep cave |
deepest cave |
demanding cave | "The Cueva de Los Tayos was not, with certain exceptions, an extremely demanding cave." Frankland, Los Tayos 16 |
dendritic cave | "The karst formation process has led to the creation of not only underground rivers but also a variety of cave types including dry caves, terraced caves, suspended caves, dendritic caves and intersecting caves." Website "Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park" 2022 |
desolate cave | "The image of Buckland's witch in the desolate cave reminds of Shelley's rhymes in The Witch of Atlas: "A lady-witch there lived on Altas' mountain / Within a cavern, by a secret fountain.." Sommer, The Romantic Cave? 189 |
detoid cave | "Exfoliation caves are formed along the fissures, by falling-out of block along the fissures, among boulders formed by exfoliation disintetration along the bedding or cubical jointing "in situ" (boulder exfoliation cave), wide and narrow simple exfoliation underground spaces (woolsack cave), weathered exfoliation caves and small deltoid caves of A-tents type." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 239 |
developed cave |
different caves |
difficult cave |
dim cave | "Long as the heat shall rage, let that dim
cave Protect us, there deciphering as we may Diluvian records, or the sighs of Earth..." Wordsworth, To the same |
discovered cave |
dissolutional cave | "Littoral caves...They should not be confused with dissolutional caves that pre-dated the wave action but were then intersected and revealed as the cliff line was eroded back, or with the dissolutional voids formed in the littoral zone on tropical islands." Bunnell, Littoral Caves |
distinct cave |
distinctive cave | "Mossdale and Langcliffe are two distinctive caves that lie east of Malham." Waltham, Yorkshire Dales, England 1676 |
diverse cave | "The breath of photographic opportunity provided by the myriad of diverse caves made available to all of us, rarely found in such close proximity, allowed for many to develop some very breathtaking photographs." Ed Schultz, in: Crochet, Guiraud, Arnaud, 6 th International Meeting of Cave Photographers |
documented cave |
dreamlike cave | "As a well-known tourist spot, Guilin is not just famous for the beautiful mountains and rivers, but also for its various dreamlike caves." Xun Liu, An Artistic Analysis of Guilin Karst Caves 36 |
drip-ledged cave | "The other of the two "drip-ledged caves" on the gently rising rocky hill." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 56 |
drier cave | "On the feet boots are worn – hiking-style boots in drier caves, or rubber boots (such as wellies) often with neolprene socks ("wetsocks") in wetter caves." |
dripping cave | "'Small teams of men entered the dripping cave as the water level was lowered." Eyre, Cave Explorers 192 |
dry cave |
dynamic cave | "Professor Thury of Geneva coined the terms "static cave" and "dynamic cave" which have come largely into use since, and which practically correspond to the German terms eishöhle and windröhre." Balch,Glacières 122 |
each cave |
easy cave |
elongate cave | "Pyroduct..any internal lava conduit in a flow, irrespective of shape and size, regardless of whether it contains molta lava during eruptive activity or is preserved as an elongate cave after eruptive activity ends and molten rock drains away." Kempe et al, Galapagos 146 - fire conduit |
empty cave | "Jackson (1905) gives a story about a dropout nicknamed "Louden's Ben", whose empty "cave" was found in 1897 quite close to a sharp precipice of the western part of the Barn (northeastern tip of St. Helena)." Pavuza, Czech, St. Helena 31 |
endogene cave | "Caves which extend further underground than the opening is wide are called endogene caves." |
endogenous cave | "Primariy/endogenous cave or syngenetic cave is formed in running lava flows, the gradually cool and become solidified." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 316 |
engraved cave | "Dating the human occupation of a painted or engraved cave in floor excavations only provides a possible time framework for the art unless definite links between the two kinds of use of the cave can be established." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 117 |
enough cave | "By this time it was more than obvious that there was enough cave to justify mapping." Coons, Engle, In Morrisons's Footsteps, p 31 |
enterable cave |
entire cave |
entranceless cave | "Isolated subterranean cavities, or 'vugs', with no opening to the surface are not caves, although they may eventually become caves if the movement of water, or the breakdown of rock, links them to the surface and thus they are sometimes termed 'entranceless caves'." Crane, Cave 9 |
epigenic cave | "A cave formed by the action of surface waters descending into the ground and dissolving rock" |
epiphreatic cave | "Pheatic features on the walls and allogenic fluvial deposits, clays and silts show that the passage is a relic of an old epiphreatic cave." Mihevc, Bestaovca Cave 156 |
erosional cave |
every cave |
exhalation-explosive cave |
excaveted cave | "Most of the previously excavated caves are completely disinterred with no possibility of control excavations." Laczi, Cave Archeologiy in Hungary 153 |
excellent cave | "Aside from the excellent caves the greatest part of thsi camp was the spirit of cooperation and sharing." Kevin Downey in: Crochet, Guiraud, Arnaud, 6 th International Meeting of Cave Photographers 26 |
exceptional cave |
exciting cave | "Ainahou Ranch Cave...In fact our own exploration and survey revealed an exciting, wild cave, divided into two parts by a large collapse, but nevertheless totalling almost seven kilometres in length." Wood, Caves on the Hawaiian Volcanoes 10 |
existing cave | "Alle these phenomena are in perfect harmony with those of the other caverns in Germany and England; the uppert parts of the existing cave, and probably others, which have been he lodging places of wild beasts, that lived and died in them in the periods preceding the introduction of the mud and pebbley; the diluvial waters reaching,.." Kempe, Buckland 17 |
explorable cave |
explored cave |
exposed cave | "Some of the remote and exposed caves may be explored with the help of drones with HD cameras (even though some restrictions apply here) as the ascent/descent to the cave entrances on precipitous walls and scarps sometimes with loos gravel might not be worth the trouble as long as there is no proof on continuation behind the visible cave entrance." Pavuza, Czech, St. Helena 36 |
exquisite cave | "Wavulpane...Pathirana told us that once, he had gone down into the hole using ropes and had seen an exquisite cave, through which one could crawl, within which could be seen, pure white stalactites and stalagmites." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 193 |
extended cave | We ran several cases: extended cave with rock-like collapse material ; extended cave with regolith-like collapse material ; shallow cave with rock-like collapse material; and shallow cave with regolith-like collapse material, each model used rock-like properties throughout the bulk and was overlaid by 5 m of regolith." |
extensive cave |
extraordinary cave | "Algar do Carvao...This truly extraordinary and spectacular cave is managed by a local caving group." Middleton, Overview of Volcanic Caves 68 |
extraterrestrial cave | "Classifications of extraterrestrail caves are based on knowledge of Earth caves and the fundamental physical processes responsible for their formation." Boston, Extraterrestrial Caves 736 |
f**kin' cave | "I ain't gonna go down f**kin' caves no more." I Ain'T Gonna..., in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 162 |
fabricated cave | "Research for the actual construction of the cave involved museum personnel visiting fabricated caves as well as real caves." Loftin, The Creation of Underground Worlds 345 |
familiar cave | "Neil Armstrong...With his reputation for fearlessness more than established we took him down our now familar cave." Frankland, Los Tayos 16 |
famous cave |
fascinating cave | "Agam Yavesh Cave is a fascinating cave in north Mt. Sedom." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 15 |
favorite cave |
few caves |
fictional cave | "The Water Curtain Cave is not just a fictional cave." |
filled cave | "Paleokarst features are now exposed in quarries, including marine surfaces with borings, filled caves, and collapses, but they do not appear to have influenced modern karst development to a significant extent." Farrant and Ford, Mendip Hills |
fine cave |
finest cave |
first cave |
flat cave | "If the relatively broad uplifted lava surface crust can support itself, a flat cave remains under it." Gadanyi, Caves under uplifted surface 119 |
flooded cave |
fluent cave | "The steeply dipping limestone has produced a characteristic style of cave development, with most influent cave developed at the stratigraphic base of the limestone." Farrant and Ford, Mendip Hills |
foreign cave | "The planned volume of the catalogue, intended to record foreign caves, never appeared." Shaw, cave science 246 |
former cave |
fossil cave |
fragmeted cave | "Even fragmented tubular caves in Oligocene lava in southern Bulgaria have been recognized as lava tube caves only recently." Halliday, Volcanospeleology: History 1636 |
frescoed cave | "Ancient drip ledges line the rocks above the frescoed caves, while bats rustle in sheltered corners of the rock." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 27 |
frost-wedged cave | "The single frost-wedged cave was formed during a sudden 19th-century event when a large rock slab separated and slid down a cliff (similar caves are present in canyons and along cliffs in other parts of the world, including Hawaii)." Halliday, Talus Caves |
further caves |
gentle | "This is undoubtedly one of the most unique, gentle, and beautiful salt caves in Mt. Sodom." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 14 |
genuine cave | "Where these warm hollows are genuine caves it seems proper to call them "hot caves." Balch,Glacières 114 |
geode-like cave | "Spherical cavities (geode-like and simple bubble caves)." Bella, Volcanic pneumatogenic caves 17 |
gigantic cave | "According to that work gigantic caves collect water underneath the Andes so that the miners have never heard of anything more terrible." Kempe, Kircher 62 |
given cave |
glaciotectonic cave | "Cresvasse caves under glacier in bedrock deformated and fractured by pressure of moving glacier, so-called "glaciotectonic" caves, Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
good cave |
grand cave | "The next three trips to the caves on the west fringes of the Huautla Plateau showed that the suspected potential for grand, deep caves was being realized." Steele, Huautla 3 |
great cave |
green cave | "There was ... something she remembered in the relations of those lines cutting across, slicing down, and in the mass of the hedge with its green cave of blues and browns, which had stayed in her mind; which had tied a knot in her mind so that at odds and ends of time, involuntarily, as she walked along the Brompton Road, as she brushed her hair, she found herself painting that picture, passing her eyes over it, and untying the knot in imagination." Woolfe, Lighthouse 243 |
guano-filled cave | "For instance, one man built a fire in the mouth of a guano-filled cave in Texas. That was the last anybody ever saw of him." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 243 |
habitable cave | "Beli Lena, Kitulgala ist not only "probably the largest habitable cave in the wet-zone of Sri Lanka" but also "perhaps one of the five largest caves in Sri Lanka." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 14 |
hard-core cave | "Before I am stoned for heresy, let me acknowledge that SLRs have been used in very adverse situations but it takes an exceedingly determined (superhuman?) photographer to drag a bulky, heavy camera into the far reaches of a hard-core cave." Williams, Cave photography 35 |
hardest cave |
hidden cave |
high cave | "Wavulpane...You will enter and walk through thsi 100 feet high cave.." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 194 |
high-altitude cave | "Large masses of ice can also be found in high altitude caves, where the temperature remains below 0°C." Crochet, Guiraud, Symphonie 312 |
high-level cave | "In this case the driving force is supposedly derived from water sinking in high-level caves and potholes in the mountains between Argostoli and Sami." Crossley, The Sea-Mills of Argostoli 9 |
high-roofed cave | "In J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the One Ring was forged in and brought out of the chasm known as the Cracks od Doom in the Chambers of Fire, a long, high-roofed cave in the cone of Mount Doom that was the heart of the wizard Sauron's evil realm." Crane, Cave 136 |
highest cave |
high quality cave | "In a broad sense, calcite-rich gneisses are marbles and it will be difficult to deny that marbles contain high quality caves." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 34 |
hillside talus cave | "Sometimes, mapping of what appears to be an ordinary hillside talus cave reveals a persistent rectilinear pattern consistent with a sliding fissure." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
historically important cave | "The caves of the eastern Mediterranean region are perhaps the most historically important caves in the western hemisphere." Halliday, Caves in History: The Eastern 425 |
holy cave | "Holy caves may be burial sites, or they may be shelters where a hermit or fakir, anchorite or monk took up residence." Crane, Cave 148 |
horizontal cave
horicontal cave |
horrid cave | "In sixteenth and seventeenth-century literature caves such as 'Those grim and horrid caves', whose lookes affright the day' in Michael Drayton's 'An Ode Written in the Peake' (1606) are often meeting places for rogues and gypsies." Crane, Cave 136 |
hot cave |
hottest cave | "Protection against abrasion is usually important so even in the hottest caves thin oversuits tend to be worn." Eavis, Cave Exploration |
huge cave |
human cave | "The group of human caves (Humanae Cryptae9 comprises grottos of giants, the Muses or Sy illes, shown in Meditterranean countries, like in Cumae near Naples." Kempe, Kircher 61 |
hypogene cave |
hypogenic cave |
ideal cave | "Porth-yr-Ogof...Although it is used by many youth organisations and adventure centers it is not really an ideal cave for beginners." Stratford, South Wales 51 |
identical cave | "Almost identical cave have been found on the northern coast in Vai-tara-Kai-ua where the caves are also abundant." Ciszewski, Easter Island 31 |
immature cave | "Surface draingag on the limestone occurs....Again in the Kilmoon stream for over 3/4 mile with several short lengths of immature cave, and thirdly along the Murphy's Bridge Stream for over 1/2 mile but where as yet no cave has been formed." Tratman, NW-Clare 83 |
immense cave |
impassable cave | "Surface drainage on the limestone occurs, as can be seen on Fig 1, above Poultaloon in the bed of the Oweneacloggaun stream, with one short length of impassable cave." Tratman, NW-Clare 83 |
important cave |
impressive cave |
inaccessible cave |
inactive cave | "Reedflute Cave (Lu Ti Yen), a few kilometres south of Guilin, resembles Seven Stars Cave in that it is an inactive cave well above plain level in a large residual peak." Jennings, Karst in China 14 |
inappropriate cave | "Some of these activities were conducted in inappropriate caves resulting in detrimental impacts on the cave environment." Webb, Recreational Caving |
inclined cave | "The inclined cave at the 250 m level in the ore mine was a 12 m long, 2-3 wieder and 4-5 m high sloping crystal cave." Eszterhasy, Szentes, Matra Mountains 35 |
individual cave |
inhabitable cave | "Ceylon Traveller applies the expression "cave dwelling" as a descriptive term which clearly explains for what these inhabitable caves and rock shelters had been (or still are) used but the nature of these 'cave dwellings' remains obscure." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 13 |
inhabited cave | "The inhabited caves were situated far from the coast." Ciszewski, Easter Island 30 |
inner cave | "The atmospheric stability of inner caves and the near absence of organic matter mean that to enter a cave is to change it - however lightly one treads." Crane, Cave 20 |
innumerable caves |
insignificant cave |
inspiring cave | "A tight but penetrable cave entrance, which is obstructed by boulders, gives access to an inspiring cave in crystalline limestone." Gebauer,Sri Lanka 21 |
"instant cave" | "One lead carried a good breeze but was blocked by breakdown. It was time for "instant cave". A blast that Stone and Lloyd set was sufficient to open up passage into borehole going north - towards La Grieta and Carrizo!" Steele, Huautla 13 |
intact cave | "While lava tubes may be responsible for many of the observed lunar collapse pits, evidence for intact caves is limited." |
interesting cave |
intersecting cave | "The karst formation process has led to the creation of not only underground rivers but also a variety of cave types including dry caves, terraced caves, suspended caves, dendritic caves and intersecting caves." Website "Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park" 2022 |
intricate cave | "A month of work in this area yielded over ten kilometers of intricate cave in the Ukabo Streamway." Montgomery, Atea Expeditions 9 |
irregular cave | "La Perouse...He also came across three irregular caves." Ciszewski, Easter Island 26 |
isolated cave | "Once isolated caves have been transformed into sites of mass worship and pilgrimage and, more recently, tourism." Crane, Cave 151 |
joint-guided cave | "Minor joint-guided caves are scattered also in other neovolcanic complexes." Kucera, Jaskyne 210 |
karstic cave |
known cave |
korykic cave | "In the other korykic cave, at Delphi, is the abode of Delphyne, the consort of Python (lit. snake) associated with the destructive north-wind." Gebauer, Lumshnong 148 |
labyrinthine cave |
large cave |
larger cave |
largest cave |
lateral spreading cave | "In addition to classical karst caves in the Mesozoic limestones, it has to be pointed out that different types of caves can be observed, which also include those produced by landslides in the slope brecccias deposits ("lateral sliding caves" according to Santangelo and Santo 1997". Del Vecchio, Alburni 42 |
latter cave |
lined cave | "Crystal lined caves and vughs are intersected y younger cave passages in Creek, Sigma and New Glass Cave." Ellis, Wombeyan 64 |
little cave |
little-known cave | "However, in February, 1981, a substantial and detailed stratified record of prehistoric man which extends over thousands of years was discovered in a little-known cave in the lower Franklin River Valley, with the area to be flooded by the Gordon-below-Franklicn dam." Kiernan, Western Tasmania 46 |
living cave |
local cave |
lone cave |
"He can tell Why thought seeks refuge in lone caves, yet rife With airy images, and shapes that dwe.." Byron, Childe Harold / Sommer, The Romantic Cave? |
long cave |
longest cave |
long-forgotten cave | "Howe had no idea that Blowing Rock was the entrance to Otsgaragee - the long-forgotten cave known und used by the Mohawk Indians, then by the peddler, Schmul, and by the pastor." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 160 |
lost cave | "A glance into his New England's Buried Treasure and his Underground Empire is all that is needed to show how much can be found out about "unknown" and "lost" caves and how to go about locating them." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 216 |
low cave |
lower cave |
lowest cave | "This was in fact the beginning of an ice wall, the Eiswand or Eismauer, which turning to the right, flowed through a rock arch to the lowest cave." Balch, Glacières 28 |
low-roofed cave | "Two caves were sketched: a rift cave (Grosse Lisan-Klufthöhle, 34 m long) as well as a short and low-roofed cave formed in a bedding plane (4 m long)." Laumanns & Longford, Jordan 103 |
magical cave | "Wombeyan marle has eroded into numerous magical caves within a special karst landscape." Ellis, Wombeyan 52 |
magnificent cave |
magmatic cave | "The group of non-solution caves originated by endogenous processes consists of magmatic, volcanic and tectogenic caves." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 237 |
man-made cave |
many caves |
marine-eroded cave | "Again recording the islands as riddled with numerous marine-eroded caves, he concludes that these were only possibly visited by the islanders who ran their small fishing craft just inside the biggest shelter when caught afloat by a storm.." Oldham, Scotland 122 |
marvellous cave | "Verne, Will of an Eccentric....One would generously pay with fatigue to traverse marvellous caves - a walk through the enchanted world of the Arabian Night - even without meeting with demons or gnomes." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities |
massive cave |
mass movement cave | "Cooper (1983) classified mass movement caves in terms of their relation to slope: plateau-top, head-of-slope, slope, cliff, scree (talus) slope, and detached block forms." Halliday, Crevice Caves |
maze-like cave |
meandering cave | "Hauma...Within the meandering cave one waterfall shaft and several vadose chimneys were encountered." Langford, Laumanns, Israel 80 |
medium-sized cave |
metaphoric cave | "When Clarice Starling ventures into the stony labyrinth beneath the serial killer's house in Jonathan Demme's The Silence of the Lambs, she descendss into a metaphoric 'cave'." Crane, Cave 14 |
middle cave | "Camas Malag Cave..The middle cave is basically one large passage, divided in places into upper and lower levels." Oldham, Scotland 22 |
mind-blowing cave | "Hijau Lubang...The latter had a remarkable knack of finden mind-blowing caves." Brook, Waltham, Mulu part 1, S. 5 |
minor cave |
modified cave | "Considered are mostly aspects of archaeology, biospeleology, cultural history, earth sciences, karstology, pre-history, and the speleo-history of both natural and modified caves and rock shelters." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 1 |
monastic cave |
monster-laden cave | "Im Grim (1995, Paul Matthews) a team of "spelunkers" investigates monster-laden caves in Virginia - these being shot in Clearwell Caves (natural passages modified by iron miners) in the United Kingdom." Howes, Films in Caves |
more caves | "Vandals have done just that in more caves than it is a pleasure to record." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 245 |
most caves |
much cave | "As much cave was discovered in the six years that followed the first edition of the Atlas as was discovered since the beginning of speleology." Paul Courbon, Caving Internantional Magazine-Interview, p 14 |
multiphase cave | "During this time, base-level continued to fall, permitting multiphase caves to form." Farrant and Ford, Mendip Hills |
named cave | "It lists all the named and documented caves located at Wombeyan and includes extensive supplementary information on caves described earlie." Ellis, Wombeyan 167 |
mystical cave | "According to Arthurian legend, King Arthur was buried on the Isle of Avalon, however, there is also a less well-known legend that claims King Arthur and his knights are resting in a mystical cave where they will remain until the time Britain needs them most." Crane, Cave 104 |
narrow cave |
natural cave |
nearby cave |
neighboring cave |
nest-producing cave | "It seems likely that the earliest nest-producing caves included those around Sandakan in North Borneo and at Bau in Sarawak, as well as others in the Sambas-Banjermassin region of Indonesian Borneo." Shaw, cave science 58 |
new cave |
nitre-bearing cave | "Although caves feature in Sri Lanan ancient literature and folktales, little has been written scientifically about caves since Davey (1821) described temple caves and niter-bearing caves." Armstrong, caves and karst Sri Lanka 27 |
non-karstic cave |
non-segmented cave | "C 6...This non-segmented cave has a large main gallery as well as a short and narrow sid lead closer to the entrance, which opens towards the SE." Laumanns, Krong No Volcanic Park 35 |
non-solutional cave | "Some other processes, such as aeolian deflation, hydration, crystallization and contraction, and underground pyrolysis, can also form non-solutional caves, although they are small and rare." Klimchouk, Caves 419 |
numerous caves |
occupied cave | "In the Hamersley and Opthalmia Ranges all prehistorically occupied caves face east and northeast." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 116 |
odd cave | "Arbroath Caves..The cliffs rarely exceed 100 feet in height and are cut by numerous grassy valleys, so that the explorer can visit most of the 200 odd caves, even at high tide." Oldham, Scotland 4 |
occupied cave | "In the Hamersley and Opthalmia Ranges all prehistorically occupied caves face east and northeast." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 116 |
occurring cave | "Caves originated by deformation of rocks caused by their volumetric changes...these are rarely occurring caves formed by enlarging of volume of evaporite caused by water absorbing." Bella, Gall, Non-solution Caves 239 |
off-park cave | Logsdon, their supervisor, saw his opportunity to investigate the recently re-opened hole, and was quick to show them an off-park cave they could explore." Coons, Engle, In Morrisons's Footsteps, p 30 |
old cave |
older cave |
oldest cave |
one cave |
once-great cave |
of Antiparos...This once-great cave remains a sad monument to the
impact of fame on unprotected caves everywhere." Halliday, Caves in
History: The Eastern 429 |
open cave |
operated cave |
original cave |
originated cave | "The caves were formed under the influence of mass movements as fissure caves, developed along bedding plains, atectonic boulder caves, breakdown caves and plastic lava sheets movement originated caves." Crossley, Pseudokarst caves in New Zealand 22 |
other caves |
our cave | ""Don't publish this, we don't want the speleo-pirates taking over our cave."" Thompson, Speleo-Piracy 3 |
outstanding cave | "Hulu, Dongge and Sanbao caves in China, Soreq Cave in Israel or Corchia cave in Italy are outstanding caves." Verheyden, Speleothem science 56 |
overseas cave | "One cameraman, an experienced outdoor sports photographer who had been in many overseas caves such Mammoth and Lituguia sp?) went into Te Tahi." Carden, The Race |
over-used cave | "Maybe we should ban all sport caving in the name of conservation and expel all cavers from the society who are not engaged in scientific study, and disband grottos who run sport trips and who frequently take sport trips into over-used caves." Carter, Ethical Caving 259 |
owned cave | "Nonetheless we are dealing with a privately owned and operated cave, and one suspects that funds for capital works would be scant." Henderson, Maori Leap Cave |
painted cave |
paleo-hypogenic cave | "In a separate block of limestone only about 1 km east of Villa Luz, Grutas de Cuesta Chica appears to also represent a paleo-hypogenic cave." Louise, D., Hose and James A. Pisarowicz, Cueva de Villa Luz 18 |
paragenetic cave | "Flat ceilings, sitting above sediment remnants are characteristic features of paragenetic caves." Ellis, Wombeyan 67 |
particular cave |
passable cave | "A large, passable cave can only be formed by a large stream, but in this area all the near-surface drainage is in the form of small trickles of water in comparably small micro-caves." Waltham, North-West England 102 |
peculiar cave | "The main cave is 400 m long and there are all kinds of large and small passages to various peculiar caves." |
perched cave | "Depending on the geological and geographical contexts, the esplored caves aree either perched caves or caves close to the valley bottom." Jaillet, French mountain karsts 22 |
perfect cave | "His Fingal's Cave Overture, faithfully and most remarkably transposes the architecture of that most symmetrical sea cave, that geometrically perfect cave, into a magnificent piece of classical music, a sonic analogue of that specific cave." Brison, Fingal's Cave Overture |
persistent cave | "The most extensive, persistent caves are found at shallow depth in marginal , quasi-stagnant glacier ice." Smart, Glacier cave and glacier 804 |
phreatic cave |
pink cave | "Chase's pink cave, which suggests warmth, is a place to be entered, the passage to the fertile womb of mother earth, the mysterious source of all things - and as in Moore's painting, a place of shelter and security." Crane, Cave 118 |
pleasant cave |
pneumatogenic cave | "The products of volcanic activity are also gaseous exhalations that create pneumatogenic caves, which include exhalation-explosive and expansion caves." Bella, Volcanic pneumatogenic caves 15 |
politically independet cave | "It is the hermit or the poet in his politically independet cave who is "a relic of eternity" and, through interrelation withe the world outside, kindles hope for a new society." Sommer, The Romantic Cave? 181 |
polygenetic cave | "In this sense the comprehensive term "pseudokarst sensu lato" should gather - in the Commission and during meetings - speleologists (cavers and scientists) exploring or researching non-karst or polygenetic caves and other non-karst formations sometimes somewhat similar to karst." Pavuza, Pseudokarst 50 |
popular cave |
post-genetic cave | "Secondary cave or post-genetic cave is formed in a volcanic complex where both explosive eruption and fissural eruption intermediately occur." La The Phuc, Krongno Volcano Geopark 316 |
potential cave | "Here, we present the Diviner measurements and models used to constrain the temperatures and illumination conditions inside the pits and their potential caves." |
prehistoric cave |
present cave |
present-day cave |
"Eszterhas....These are bounded on all sides by
talus or fracture surfaces, much as in the case of karstic or lava tube
caves in which breakdown has filled the original space and the present-day
cave is entirely above the original cave." Halliday, Pseudokarst |
preserved cave |
previous cave | "As with the previous cave, this lave tube was mapped during the speleological expedition to Sao Jorge of Os Montanheiros directed by A. Luis in 1972." Borges, Azores 136 |
primary cave |
pristine cave | "After discovering the pristine caves in 1974, Tenen and Tufts kept the location secret for fourteen years." Crane, Cave 178 |
private cave | "Father Englert describes the particular way of hiding one of the private caves." Ciszewski, Easter Island 31 |
privately owned cave | "Vidgelmir - This very large, privately owned cave contains interesting ice formations." Middleton, Overview of Volcanic Caves 63 |
prominent cave | "The former is connected with a rich verbal folklore (legends) and popular names of all more prominent caves, the latter with the extraordinarily long and manifold tradition of the research." Oliva, The Moravian Karst 21 |
prospective cave | "Vandima...I hope we will uns all of it in another prospective cave on Kaninki podi which is being explored." Gabrovsek, Vandima 33 |
protected cave | "It was concluded that several well-managed protected caves per island are absolutely necessary to have a good fraction of the endemic arthropods preserved." Borges, Pereira, Indicators of Conservation Value, p 109 |
pseudokarstic cave |
pull-apart cave | "Mortimer Pass Lava Cave...This is a rift structure or pull-apart cave, in a direction transverse to the lava flow und roughly parallele to the steep lava front just a few metres away." Crossley, Auckland's lava caves 17 |
pyrogenic cave | "pyrogenic caves of self-kindled fires" Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 240 |
quick cave |
real cave |
recorded cave |
registered cave |
relevant cave | "Our staff will rig all the relevant caves, but participants are expected to bring their own SRT gear." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 37 |
relic cave | "The origin and meaning of the Khasi cave name "krem Umkhang" was not identified but may derive from the Khasi word "ka'khang" for a fern or refer to "locked up, closed off water" especitally since both Krem Umkhang and the Procupine Cave, Lumshnong, are the only known dry and entirely relic caves in a neighbourhood of two dozen other caves which all provide access to active streamways." Gebauer, Lumshnong 133 |
relict cave | "Caves can be classified in various ways, including a contrast between active and relict, where active caves have water flowing through them and relict caves do not, though water may be retained in them." |
religious cave | "A handrail barrier at the end of the 8 m long room marks the end of the religious cave." Laumanns, Ninh Binh Province 14 |
remaining cave | "It is equaly urgent to protect the openings of the remaining caves to avoid their deterioration." Nunes, San Miguel 159 |
remarkable cave |
remote cave |
researched cave | "According to the data of September 12, 2012, number of researched caves exceed 1,300 in our country, out of which 820 cavities are vertical and 480 subhorizontal." Asanidze, Speleology of Georgia 29 |
respectable cave |
Cave was fully mapped and proved to be a respectable cave, over two
kilometres long, and full of biological and geological interest."
Wood, Caves on the Hawaiian Volcanoes 10![]() |
restricted cave | "Cavers such as Alan and Dave Brook appeared, and underground exploration in Britain suddenly took off as narrow, restricted caves were forced into sometimes astonishing dimensions by the 'mini' men." Eyre, Cave Explorers 262 |
revolting cave | "Vavul Pena...It is the most revolting cave I have visited for it is used as a roost by several thousand insectivorous bats and they are responsible for the constant rain of excrement which falls from the roof." Wilsen, Southern Sri Lanka 23 |
rheogenetic cave | "The more significant, longer and best studied of these are the lava tubes (pyroducts), the so-called rheogenetic caves." Bella, Volcanic pneumatogenic caves 15 |
rift-controlled cave | "Jabal Al Qarah Cave..The rift-controlled cave has one main entrance and many skylights." Laumanns, Saudi Arabia 178 |
robust cave | In the Kosciuszko KAMP, the zoning system first proposed by Worboys has been simplified to a 5-level-system: reference cave (ie, for approved scientific studies); limited access cave (open to speleological groups meeting specified requirements and holding a permit)..., adventure cave (open to the public on guided tours), general access cave (robust caves that are considered to be safe for inexperienced visitors)...Brush, Sustainable use 3 |
rock-cut cave | "The Elephanta Caves on Gharapuri Island off the coast of Bombay are a collection of rock-cut caves dedicated to Shiva." Crane, Cave 151 |
romantic cave | "The Romantic Cave is thus not only the place inhabited by monsters, fairies, or witches." Sommer, The Romantic Cave? 182 |
roomy cave |
ruddy cave |
"Said Freddy, in a dreadful fright, 'I 've set the ruddy cave alight!' As frightful gouts of flame and smoke.." Alfi, Reflections 31 |
sacred cave |
same cave |
scenic cave | "Wavul Galge...But doubtless it will favourably compare with some of the limestone and other scenic caves the tourist is enticed to visit in many other countries." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 189 |
seal-haunted cave | "St. Kilda... Another seal-haunted cave beneath Diseval was observed from the cliff tops." Oldham, Scotland 122 |
sea-worn cave | "Some of the sea-worn caves are of considerable extent, but generallly difficult to access and affording little of interest except to geologists." Kiernan, Easter Island 88 |
secondary cave |
secret cave |
seldom-visited cave | "The utter calm and beauty of this seldom-visited cave make a sharp contras to the strenous excitement of the descent." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 156 |
selected cave | "Then, these species are ignored and the cave with the highest complement of species (that is, the most species not represented in the previous selected cave), and so on, until all species are represented at least once." Borges, Pereira, Indicators of Conservation Value, p 110 |
semi-artificial cave | "The Yehuda Plains and Lachish Area hosts hundreds of known artificial and semi-artificial caves." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 27 |
separate caves |
several caves |
shallow cave |
short cave |
significant cave |
silent cave | "Omuna..The effect was perfectly fairy like, as the faint silver light of the sun, mellowed by the screen of tree tops, half-lighted up, these silent caves." Gebauer 140 |
siliceous cave |
similar cave |
simple cave |
simplest cave | "The simplest caves consist of single elements but most are assemblages of passages and chambers with various relationsships to each other." Klimchouk, Caves 419 |
single cave |
single-conduit cave | "Several distinctive types of cave patterns are recognized. single-conduit caves, single-void caves, branchwork caves, and maze caves." Klimchouk, Caves 420 |
single-void cave | "Several distinctive types of cave patterns are recognized. single-conduit caves, single-void caves, branchwork caves, and maze caves." Klimchouk, Caves 420 |
sized cave | "To date this effort has barely scratched the surface of the cave potential but a considerable number of small to moderate sized caves are now known." Kiernan, Western Tasmania 45 |
slanted cave | "Volcanic vents form pit-like or slanted caves, potentially very deep." Kempe, Lava Caves 54 |
small cave |
smoky.. | "It was warm and smoky in the cave." Hemingway, For whom the bell tolls 52 |
smudged-up | "A smudged-up cave is not attractive." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 240 |
so-called cave | "Out of the more than 220 "caves" (including true caves and so-called "caves" or rock shelters, etc.) which have been reported from Sri Lanka, I am aware of only seven or eight caves and rock shelters that have been "surveyed" to a degree resulting a ground plan, sections ets." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 14 |
some caves |
spacious cave |
special cave | "These are volcanic terrains formed by lava, salt mountains or even glaciers, in which some very special caves open up." Crochet, Guiraud, Symphonie 283 |
specific cave |
spectacular cave |
splendid cave |
sporting cave |
squalid cave | "The first leprosarium on the island was located in a squalid cave where the patients lived in miserable conditions." Ciszewski, Easter Island 45 |
static cave |
steeply sloping cave | "In 1673, Nointel, the French ambassador to Istanbul, explored this steeply sloping cave and celebrated Mass in its largest chamber." Halliday, Caves in History: The Eastern 428 |
stinking cave | "Hell is described as a hot, stinking cave of eternal punishment." Crochet, Guiraud, Symphonie 5 |
stratabound cave | "The Broumov region features all types of pseudokarst caves: fissure caves, stratabound caves, abri, crevice caves, talus caves (boulder caves), and caves of combined origin." 14th International Symposium on Pseudokarst Guidebook 2003, p 30 |
stream-cut cave | "Erosion caves (or stream-cut caves) form in soft rocks such as shales by mechanical action of water streams." Klimchouk, Caves 419 |
strenous cave | "Mossdale Caverns.....The BSA had discovered the most strenous and potentially dangerous cave in England." Eyre, Cave Explorers 189 |
studied cave |
stunning cave | "Piel Theng Puok..this stunning cave is charcacterised by huge, square-sectioned rive passage up to 20m wide and 30m high and never less than 10m in cross-section." Brooks, Impressive rive cave found 18 |
stupendous cave | "The stupendous cave that Jim White discovered and explored was bound to attract scientific investigators." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 131 |
sub-horizontal cave |
submerged cave |
subterraneous cave | "Kircher continues that subterraneous caves are of divers shape, caused either by chance or by Nature: Some are very high, others extensive or of bottomless depth, or have many entrances." Kempe, Kircher 62 |
such cave |
super-deep cave | "We'll return to San Augustin, put in Camp 4 and live and push awhile where three super-deep caves come close together." Steele, Huautla 13 |
surrounding caves |
surveyed cave |
suspended cave | "The karst formation process has led to the creation of not only underground rivers but also a variety of cave types including dry caves, terraced caves, suspended caves, dendritic caves and intersecting caves." Website "Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park" 2022 |
syngenetic cave |
technogenic pyrogenic cave | "..created by underground burning of coal in order to obtain of gas for electric energy" Bella, Gaal, Non-solution Caves 240 |
tectogenic cave | "The group of non-solution caves originated by endogenous processes consists of magmatic, volcanic and tectogenic caves." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 237 |
tectonic cave |
temperate cave | "Snakes, however, do not live in Mammoth Cave (or in other temperate caves) because it's too cold for them." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 57 |
terraced cave | "The karst formation process has led to the creation of not only underground rivers but also a variety of cave types including dry caves, terraced caves, suspended caves, dendritic caves and intersecting caves." Website "Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park" 2022 |
threatened cave | "It is often crucial to have public support in saving externally threatened caves." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 126 |
tiny cave | "A little further on, we came to a hole or tiny cave among a pile of rocks, where there was a painted sign: Eisgrube." Balch, Glacières 34 |
togher cave | "Experiences in Neff Canyon, in Schoolhouse, in Higgenbotham and in dozens of other caves proved that NSS members were able to tackle ever larger and tougher caves." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 176 |
toughest cave | "Schoolhouse Cave...It is often called, by the handful of those qualified to make such statements, the toughest American cave." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 173 |
traveled cave | "Craighead has been a much traveled cave, but caves have a way of holding back their secrets from prying eyes." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 58 |
tropical cave |
true cave |
truncated cave | "Many of the towers have vertical walls with openings into truncated caves." Waltham, Hamilton-Smith, Ha Long Bay, Vietnam 856 |
tubular cave |
tunnel-like cave | "Large underground rivers developed, similar to those in the tunnel-like caves presently found in tropical climates." Audra, Quinif, Rochette, Tennengebirge 154 |
two caves |
unique cave | "Was ist purely a spelelogical urge to own and control a unique cave, or was it a more basic commercial urge?" "Along with members of the British Speleologicla Association and other fledgling caving groups we discover many miles of passages in thix complex cave, narrowly avoid being drowned in a flood." Eyre, Cave Explorers 30 |
unchartered cave |
unconfined cave | "Values of areal coverage and cave porosity (fractions of the total area and volume of the rock within a cave field, occupied by passages) vary for individual caves from 17.5 to 48.4% (average 29.5%) and from 2 to 12% (average 4,5%) respectively, being roughly an order of magnitude greater than these characteristics for typical unconfined caves." Klimchouk, Ukrainian Gypsum Caves and Karst |
unconnected caves |
undecided cave | "Gangodedeniya Galge...Brooks had not seen the "gangodadeniya" Galge "also called Nilgala Cave" and decided it is an undecided "cave/rock shelter formed between boulder to create a single chamber some 5 m by 8 m in size." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 69 |
underlying cave | "It was certainly possible to follow quite impressive lines of skylights and post-activity collapses over long distances, but most collapses had filled the underlying cave and many tubes had not drained off their late sluggish flow." Wood, Caves on the Hawaiian Volcanoes 5 |
undisturbed cave | "Following the theory put forward by Dudich (1933) that "chemosynthesis" (implying chemolithotrophy) is the basis of subterranean food cycles, many writers have suggested that life in undisturbed caves could be based on energy sources other than solar energy." x, Biospeleology of Dan yr Ogof 331 |
unexplored cave |
unexhumed cave | "Since fossiliferous cave fills have been cut across in quarries which are as old as Devonian (near Davenport, Tasmania), and since the geomorphic histories of cave areas are now being interpreted to imply that unfilled and unexhumed caves are as old as Paleogene at Bungonia Caves, New South Wales, it is likely that mammal bones will be found in much older deposits than they have so far." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 123 |
unfathomable cave | "What did I see in the dark? A shadow-play of pasts, events refusing sequence, the fingertip drawing its lines through time far from the well-lit world, there in the unfathomable cave." MacFarane, Underland 284 |
unfathomed cave | "The creature I had killed, the strange beast of the unfathomed cave was, or had at one time been, a MAN!!!" O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 185 |
unfilled cave | "Since fossiliferous cave fills have been cut across in quarries which are as old as Devonian (near Davenport, Tasmania), and since the geomorphic histories of cave areas are now being interpreted to imply that unfilled and unexhumed caves are as old as Paleogene at Bungonia Caves, New South Wales, it is likely that mammal bones will be found in much older deposits than they have so far." Jennnings, Man and other animals in Australian caves 123 |
unfinished cave | "Although attention is focussed on the deep unfinished caves, other lesser known caves can make big bounds to the depths." Degrave, The European Caving Scene 13-1981, 27 |
unidentfied cave |
uninteresting cave | "Rawana Ella Cave...From there, it's a steep and slippery climb - it can become treacherous after rain - up to the uninteresting cave itself." Rogh Guide, Sri Lanka 285 |
unique cave | "This is undoubtedly one of the most unique, gentle, and beautiful salt caves in Mt. Sodom." TEAM ICPM Israel 2023, 14 |
unknown cave |
unlighted cave | "Subway Cave ...A posted map at the entrance shows the twists and turns of this unlighted and natural cave." Sloane, Visiting American Caves 209 |
unlisted cave | "In twenty-seven days they discovered forty hitherto unlisted caves; they entered and explored each one up to a point, and fretted and fumed because they had leads to more than fifty others, also unlisted, which they had not time to visit." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 159 |
unmanaged cave | "The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area has a number of caves within its boundaries, but they are managed to the full spectrum of levels - from major tourist caves to totally unvisited and unmanaged caves." Lera, Wilderness 1653 |
unmapped cave | "The same article also mentions another yet unmapped cave, called "C61", situated approximately 200-300 SSE from C6 cave." Laumanns, Krong No Volcanic Park 35 |
unnamed cave |
unpleasant cave | "Pollcahermaan..this is a tight unpleasant cave providing a very considerable geomorphical puzze as it runs south under the shale-capped ridge for nearly 1,300 yd." Tratham, NW-Clare 22 |
unprotected cave |
unroofed cave |
unspecificied cave | "..a group of unspecified "caves" of unidentified nature bear inscriptions dated to the 1st century A.D." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 29 |
unspoiled cave | "Skirwith Cave...This almost unspoiled cave, well known to potholers, was opened to the public in 1964." Oldham, Discovering Caves 46 |
unusual cave | "Sjöberg also found one unusual cave in a displaced mountain top. It is a maze cave beneath a summit block." Halliday, Talus caves |
unvisited cave | "The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area has a number of caves within its boundaries, but they are managed to the full spectrum of levels - from major tourist caves to totally unvisited and unmanaged caves." Lera, Wilderness 1653 |
upper cave |
used cave | "A much used cave in Northern Territory, Yulirienji Cave, is a short, former river cave, modified by weathering, yet it is formed in siliceous cemented quartz sandstone." Jennings, Man and other animals 98 |
vadose cave |
valuable cave | "It is a valuable cave to have within the limits of a city of 1.2 million people and is accordingly heavily visited." Jennings, Karst in China 10 |
vaporous cave | "According to a legend, the discovery of the thermal heritage is to be attributed to the mythological Daedalus who, fleeing from Crete after having built the famous labyrinth, stopped near the vaporous caves of Mount Kronio and, recognizing their curative and therepeutic In ...use, arranged the entrance with seats carved in stone." Garberi, Forti, USI IMPROPRI (?) 107 |
varied caves | "I deliberately chose my sample of caves for the maximum variety and worked out a model for the development of these varied caves, a new theory, if you like, to replace the older theories." Caving International Interview with Derek Ford, CIM 3-1979, p 15 |
various caves |
vast cave |
vertical cave |
virgin cave |
virtual cave |
visited cave |
volcanic cave |
volcanic eruptive fissure cave | "..along the fissures originated by movement or quake eventually by pneumatic pressure during volcanic eruptions." Bella, Gaal, Non-solution caves 238 |
voluminous cave | "Pre-Cambrian to Cambrian limestones and pockets of cale-granulites occur in the Highlands and tend to form comparatively voluminous or extenscive caves." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 7 |
warm..cave |
water-absorbing cave | "Lo Shui Dong...The length of the cave has been calculated at over 40 km, and the distance as the crow flies from the water-absorbing cave and the spring is about 30 km." Zorzin, Melotti, China Caves '94 21 |
water-filled cave |
wave-cut cave | "Wave-cut caves in volcanic rock are quite
common and may be of substantial size." Kempe, Volcanic Rock Caves
865 |
weathered cave | "Rounded forms in part of the cave indicated that a smaller, weathered cave existed before sliding occurred." Halliday, Talus Caves |
well-decorated cave |
well known cave |
well-protected cave | "Lechuguilla, a well-protected cave on pubic lands, may not be affected negatively." Ganter, Caves in Magazines 125 |
well-ventilated cave | "A well-ventilated cave might let in fallout, and a cave with too little ventilation might be unsafe for large groups of people for long periods of time." O'Connor Olson, Colleen, Mammoth Cave Curiosities 176 |
western cave | "They recommend the very sneakers that others scorn. Perhaps this is because many western caves are dry." Folsom, Exploring American Caves 230 |
wet cave |
wetter cave | "On the feet boots are worn – hiking-style boots in drier caves, or rubber boots (such as wellies) often with neoprene socks ("wetsocks") in wetter caves. |
wettest cave | "These ovesuits can be very tough and waterproof and are used in all but the wettest caves." Eavis, Exploring Caves |
whole cave |
wide cave | "Lunugala Lena...A great, wide cave infested with incredible colonies of bats, the floor being spongy with their dung." Gebauer, Sri Lanka 116 |
wild cave |
wonderful cave |
worst cave |
"The worst cave in Britain, that's no idle rumour, It's no idle rumour, it's super severe, I didn't believe him, I could not be beaten..." The Ghost of Mossdale Caverns, in: Cornwell-Smith, They words 128 |
wrong cave | "The excellent location added to the pleasure, where we were faced with the confusion of abundance among the caves offered for photography, it was simply impossible to choose the wrong cave." Egri, in: Crochet, Guiraud, Arnaud, 6 th International Meeting of Cave Photographers |
yawning cave |
youngest cave | "There are substantial deposits of clastic sediments in all but the youngest caves, ranging from pebble to cobble sizes down to sand, silt, and clay." Farrant and Ford, Mendip Hills |
adjective + cavern
burning cavern | "He found himself in sulphurous realms and burning Caverns, surrounded by Fiends appointed his Tormentors, and who drove him through a variety of tortures, each of which was more dreadfuil than the former." Lewis, The Monk 427 |
gloomy cavern | "The disorder of his imagination was increased by the wildness of the surrounding scenery; By the gloomy Caverns and steep rocks, rising above each other, and dividing the passing clouds; solitary clusters of Trees scattered here and there, among those thick-twined branches the wind of night.." Lewis, The Monk 439 |
cave +
"The tips of many of them touched the whitened earth, so that the snow that held them down and the snow upon which they rested appeared to be the same, eccentric and bizarre curves to which the trees conformed. Under the arches thus formed Miller walked, until it appeared, as he went into the distance, that he was walking into a cave of dark green and blinding crystal. | Williams, John (1960/2014): Butcher's Crossing, Vintage, p 225 |
Similar expressions for "cave":
"I yelled at Miller, and he come over, and he found us a shelter back in some rocks; they was even some logs, and we was able to keep a fire going. (deutsche Übersetzung: ...hat für uns einen Unterschlupf in den Bergen gefunden.." Bernhard Robben, Übersetzer | John Williams, Butcher's Crossing, Vintage Books, London, 1971 |
A.C.C. (1977): Dan yr Ogof and its associated caves, in: Transactions of the BCRA Volume 4, Combines Number 1& 2, March 1977, S. 247
Aley, Tom (1980): Caving International Interview with .. Director of the Ozark Underground Laboratory, Caving International Magazine 9-1980, p 13
Alfie (1971): Reflections, Barton Productions
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